It is good to be home tonight. We left town for nine days to visit our families. We really enjoyed our time together. We spent the first part of our trip in South Arkansas with my folks and the second half with Steve's folks in Memphis. We left crazy Kristen the cat alone for all those days. I am happy to report that she did survive but there is cat fur EVERYWHERE. When she is stressed, she pulls her fur out. She is bald on the left side tonight.
The majority of my packing for our trip was a medicine bag. Yes, I took everything we had for sick children. Of course, the one drug I did not bring was Emily's cough syrup that she was prescribed a couple of weeks ago. We left town with a sick little Sarah Kate. She has gotten well, but last Saturday Emily began coughing and then started running fever in Memphis. Poor E had to miss the Thanksgiving celebration at Granny's house in Mississippi. Emily cried and cried. She had looked so forward to seeing Granny and playing with her little cousins. But, she had a good time with her Kay-K. She is feeling much better today!
The people that live across the street from my parents have two horses. Emily thinks they are Meme and Granddaddy's horses. She loves to see the horses and feed them apples.
My in-laws kept the kids on Thanksgiving night so that Justin and Cissy and Steve and I could have a date. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We had a such a good time and we saw Blindside. I have never liked a movie more than that one. IT IS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I began crying early on and was just a mess when we left. I want to see it again. I usually never say that.
More posts from our trip later. I need to get in my own bed and sleep.
Here's hoping for healthy girls soon!
I am hoping to get a "date" and go see that movie! Looks like( finally) a decent movie to go see!