I have just worn my girls out with all the activities we are involved in. I am going to have to drop something. SK has to be in the nursery for everything I do and she just cannot handle it right now. We need to slow down. Last week was so nice because we did not do any of our activities. Emily never questioned a thing about missing her stuff and she got to snuggle in bed with me every morning and sleep late. It was nice!
I just want to make it through one week without a MD visit.
Good news: I think we have hit our deductable!
On a totally random side note, if you have time and you don't mind - could you email me and let me know how your kiddos like the kitchen in the picture? We were looking at that as a possibility for our little girl for Christmas (she'll be two in April). We have been looking at tons of options online but it's so hard to tell if they are any good! I would love to hear about one from a real Mom. (mooreka6@msu.edu) I tried to find your email on your blog do write you instead of leaving this long comment, but I couldn't find it.
Hope everyone is healthy soon!