Sarah Kate is obsessed with wearing dresses. She would wear a dress 365 days of the year if I would let her. I do not let her wear a dress everyday. She always says, " I want no legs, no holes." That is her way of saying no pants or shorts. When she is wearing pants, she says, " I am not beautiful, I am not gorgeous." She goes on and on and on about it.
Last Fall and Winter, she only wanted to wear her monkey shirt. There was lots of tears and snot slinging when I did not let her wear the monkey shirt.
I came home from dinner with a friend last night and Steve had her sleeping in the infamous monkey shirt. OH NO! I have not attempted to take it off this morning. I hope the love for the shirt is over!

I always go in the girls rooms before I get in bed. I sometimes snap a picture of their sweet sleep.

Now I have an obsession with Mr Clean GAIN! Have you smelled this?????? It smells so good. I am wondering if this could be used as a bubble bath for me. It smells so clean and fresh! I just look for things to clean.
Another brother wore a cat costume every day for a year - he believed he was a cat, even ate his dinner on the floor and he grew up to be a very successful business attorney living in a fabulous apartment overlooking Central Park.
There is hope...
If only you were closer, I could let you use a LOT of that Mr. Clean over here!!!
So glad to hear your Dad is doing well. God is good!!
My oldest always wants to wear "a pretty dress" every day. She says pants and shorts hurt her legs. :-)