I had the great opportunity to meet two of my best college friends while I was in Memphis. This is me and Sara. She is from Memphis, but now is a missionary in Turkey. We were roommates for a year in college. Sara is sooo MUCH FUN! She is just so funny and a blast to spend time with. I have laughed and laughed at the things she said and did this weekend. She is a WONDERFUL mother. She has taught me so much about handling children (and life). I think I need to send my girls to live with her for a week and let her train them.

Me ,Sara and Kim. We had to make a trip to Dairy Queen. Kim is also a whole lot of fun and laughs herself. I always tell her that she needs to be a comedian. You can't help but laugh when you are with Kim. She is also very kind.
I am sooooooo thankful that the Lord brought these girls in my life. They love the Lord and are so real through and through.
I smiled all day Saturday after being with them. We stayed in a hotel together on Friday night. We had good food and shopping!

Cousins in the swing. Jackson, Jonathan and Jerry

Uncle Charlie and Jackie

My wonderful husband!

Another cute baby of the weekend. This is me and SK with Zack.

We really did have a great weekend. Steve has the nicest family in the world! I am sooooo blessed.
-Kelly F.