Emily had her last playgroup yesterday! Soooo sad! These three started playgroup together when they were just infants. Emily, Alex and Jackson. We are also so sad that Jackson will be moving this weekend.

More time with the goats!!!! The highlight of Silver Dollar City last weekend.

Sarah Kate always walks on her toes. She had her three year check-up this week. I discussed the toe walking with her Dr. He suggested we give it 6 months and then see a pediatric orthopedist. He told me to remind her to walk on her heels. He said that her muscles were tight, but not super tight. He said it was good that she WAS ABLE TO put her feet flat. He told me that the only real fix was to do surgery.
Have you had experience with a child walking on their toes?
First, I must say I love your blog. Your family is precious.
As for Sarah Kate walking on her toes. I would think you could try braces and physical therapy before surgery. A pediatric orthopedist will be able to give you some direction on this. I hope there are some readers who can share here that have personal experience either with their children or from working with children.
I have a slight case of cerebral palsy, and I don't heal strike very well with my right foot. I did have an AFO brace at different times. I didn't mind the brace at all as long as it was fitted well because I saw improvement. SK is young, she will overcome it easily.
My daughter who is 4 also walks on her toes. She already was seeing an orthopedic surgeon because she was born with mild hip dysplasia. I mentioned it to him at her appointment and he checked her out. She is not tight at all but he said she is in the habit and we should break it sooner than later otherwise her heel cord would tighten up and she wouldn't be able to go flat. Then surgery would be the only option. He put her in AFO braces. She got them in December and for the first few months she was to wear them as much as possible. She now only has to wear them for a couple of hours morning and night. I have seen improvement but she does still walk on her toes. The doctor also suggested when I see her walking on her toes to have her walk on her heels for a little bit. We kind of make it into a game. I think reminders are helpful too. I wouldn't worry too much but I would maybe see a pediatric orthopedic doctor just to get their opinion. I hope I helped a little.
good luck!
Just stopping by to say hi!
My sister walked on her "tippy toes" when she was SK's age. The doctor also told us to encourage her to walk on her heels and she eventually did walk flat0it was just a phase for her. Good luck! :)
love your name! :)
i am a pediatric occupational therapist - i would DEFINITELY recommend an orthopedist and both physical and occupational therapy evaluations. the toe walking could be due to tightness, but also due to "sensory" things, like some defensiveness to the way she perceives feelings through her feet - sometimes this is the case just as much as the tightness. it's also sometimes just a bad habit that needs to be resolved. it's not a concern anatomically and won't hurt her...but can affect things like dance and sports activities in the future - better to resolve it now. if she's still doing it at her age, it most likely won't resolve in six months - i would call your pediatrician back and say that you just feel more comfortable if she were evaluated sooner rather than later...better safe than sorry :)
and no...i'm not an OT trying to drum-up business...just offering my opinion :)
she completely outgrew it and now does tumble and has full strength and is doing back handsprings with a spot!
We did a Google search not too long ago about heel-to-toe walking, just out of curiosity, and there were TONS of results for toe walking, so it must be fairly common. I agree that if it still concerns you in a few months, visit a different pediatrician before you jump to the extreme!
It could be something, it could be nothing, but better to get it checked.
Cute pics!
Love your blog~
Our PT recommended some stretches to help out, and I really think they have. Hopefully, It's just a habit :)
Sometimes we serial cast the children and this completely breaks the habit. We put cast on the feet and lower leg for a week, then take them off, get a little better stretch, and recast them. Amazingly, it is usually not a big deal for the kids at all.
Sometimes walking in these orthotics will help the kids break the habit, http://www.dafo.com/products/jumpstart-kangaroo/.
There are several exercises and stretches you can try also. Most kids never need the surgery.
And no I am not trying to dig up business for myself or anyone else. I just love helping children and their families.
Sometimes walking in flip flops will force the child to walk on flat feet. Also, working on hopping on one foot will help to strengthen the calf muscles in a functional range of motion.
The problem is that in those years of walking on my toes my tendons grew WAY too tight and I sprained and strained my ankles pretty much constantly. I was a dancer and had almost a constant ankle injury.
Keep encouraging her to walk flat footed and help her stretch those tendons with "ballet" exercises. :)
I personally wouldn't make a big deal out of it.
I outgrew it and i sometimes see my toddler doing it now.
She will likely outgrow it.
I hace a mild case of cerebral palsy and had to wear braces growing up.
I am a Pre-K special education teacher and one of the little boys in my class is a toe walker. He wears braces 24/7 and receives physical therapy. I beleive he has a really tight heel cord that is causing this. I would definitely push for PT and braces before surgery but hopefully this will just get better with time. Your girls are beautiful!! :)