WOW WOW WOW! That is all I can say. I am so glad I went. There is just something about being away from the "normal" of a busy life and being in a dark arena with 8, 500 women hearing a Word that God wants us to hear. I love the way Beth Moore always has a fresh word from God's word and how she brings scripture to life. Beth spoke on "finding your ministry in the wild of community." The teaching was from 2 Timothy 4.
Travis Cottrell can lead worship like no other. I LOVED the graphics on the screens with the words. Oh my goodness! They were amazing. I tried to get some pictures of some of them, but the pictures do not do them justice.
I think this is one of the best praise songs ever written!
I loved getting to meet several of you at the conference that read my blog. It was nice to meet you! The only reason anyone ever reads my blog is because of Kelly. It is really a small world.
I get to see Beth in August for the very first time, and I can not wait. Christi
And you are so DUMB!! People may find you through me but they read your blog because you are hilarious! One of the reasons I love you!!!
Also thrilled you got to see Caroline and her mom! :)
Glad you had a good weekend!
I have been following your blog for a little while now-you are so cute and funny!!!! I could not find a way to contact you except through commenting on here! My friend and I have started making photo pendants and I think that you (and your friends) would LOVE them! We would love to make you one as a gift to wear with your sweet girls on it and hopefully we could get the word out in AR about them! We live in Franklin, TN! You can go to our new see them! Click jewelry in the top navigation bar and it will take you to our shutterfly gallery! All you have to do is email us your favorite pic of the girls and let us know if you want it B&W or left in color or sepia and what color beads you want! It's that simple! I hope that you will check them out! Thanks so much!
Missy McDaniel
Sincerely Soldered Custom Pendants
Glad you had a great weekend!
I am so jealous that you got to see Caroline and Robin in LR! I would have loved to have visited with them!
ok, so I did find you through KK, but I KEEP reading your blog because you are a breath of fresh air...and HILARIOUS! hello?!?! -- bird phobias, kitten shenanigans, and getting stuck in a dress!!! LOVE IT ALL!!!
It sounds like a fun weekend. I wish I could have gone! How fun that you got to see blogging friends there, too! An added bonus!
I was in LR at the LPL event this weekend too....amazing! I'm so glad I was able to be a part of that!