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Living Proof Live

I had the wonderful opportunity to go to Living Proof Live this weekend in Little Rock with some girls from my Sunday school class.
WOW WOW WOW! That is all I can say. I am so glad I went. There is just something about being away from the "normal" of a busy life and being in a dark arena with 8, 500 women hearing a Word that God wants us to hear. I love the way Beth Moore always has a fresh word from God's word and how she brings scripture to life. Beth spoke on "finding your ministry in the wild of community." The teaching was from 2 Timothy 4.
Travis Cottrell can lead worship like no other. I LOVED the graphics on the screens with the words. Oh my goodness! They were amazing. I tried to get some pictures of some of them, but the pictures do not do them justice.

I got to see sweet and talented Caroline. She is a blog friend who has become a real life friend. She is just a breath of fresh air! I also got to meet her sweet Mom. Seeing them was a highlight of the weekend.
I went with Amy and Jessica. It was fun getting to know them. These are sweet girls! I am so thankful for Jessica driving us around in Little Rock. I hate driving OTHER PEOPLE around in a big city. They are risking their lives with me behind the wheel.
Singing "Our God " by Chris Tomlin.
I think this is one of the best praise songs ever written!

I loved getting to meet several of you at the conference that read my blog. It was nice to meet you! The only reason anyone ever reads my blog is because of Kelly. It is really a small world.


Ryan V. said…
Well I am SO happy to have found your blog through kelly! I check both of yours daily! Your girls are too sweet. I am so glad you got to go see Beth Moore last weekend! I would love to see her some time. I have done a few of her bible studies with my ladies discipleship group and she is just amazing! I loved that our pastors daughter (7 years old with brain cancer) was able to meet and have lunch with beth moore a couple of weeks ago in houston (where the little girl received radiation at MDAnderson). Beth is so encouraging and most of her studies are very convicting and I can always take away something to work on and grow on. Glad you had a great time!!
Kimberley said…
Wasn't it amazing? It is exactly what I needed!! So glad I went! Can't wait to go again!
Christi said…
Glad you had a great time. I may have met you through Kelly's blog, but I still praise God for you. Actually, I can't see anything bird-related without thinking of you (in a nice way).

I get to see Beth in August for the very first time, and I can not wait. Christi
Kelly said…
I wish I could have gone!!

And you are so DUMB!! People may find you through me but they read your blog because you are hilarious! One of the reasons I love you!!!
Jess :) said…
SOOOOOOOO fun!! Sounds like an incredible weekend! I would LOVE to be able to see/hear Beth LIVE some weekend! Praying for that chance someday.

Also thrilled you got to see Caroline and her mom! :)
Mallory said…
Glad you had a great time. I did find you through Kelly, but your blog is HILARIOUS, seriously the funniest one I read. I wish we could meet, come to south-central Missouri and we'll meet up!
Just thought I'd tell you that I FOUND your blog because of Kelly...I READ your blog because of YOU! If you weren't interesting, I wouldn't keep clicking!!!

Glad you had a good weekend!
Faith said…
Brings back memories of Beth Moore last year! Wish I could have been there worshiping with you girls this time. So glad you had such an amazing weekend!
I have been following your blog for a little while now-you are so cute and funny!!!! I could not find a way to contact you except through commenting on here! My friend and I have started making photo pendants and I think that you (and your friends) would LOVE them! We would love to make you one as a gift to wear with your sweet girls on it and hopefully we could get the word out in AR about them! We live in Franklin, TN! You can go to our new see them! Click jewelry in the top navigation bar and it will take you to our shutterfly gallery! All you have to do is email us your favorite pic of the girls and let us know if you want it B&W or left in color or sepia and what color beads you want! It's that simple! I hope that you will check them out! Thanks so much!
Missy McDaniel
Sincerely Soldered Custom Pendants
Jewell said…
Kelly is right! I found your blog through her, but now I get so excited when I see a new post by you because I know for sure that I will at least smile, but will most likely belly laugh. I cannot see a bird without thinking about you and the way you write about your cat is nothing short of hilarious. I truly admire the friendship ~ sisterhood that you and Kelly share. Not to mention, your girls are simply precious! As a graduate student I spend all of my time in the lab or in the library so taking a few moments to read your blogs is my little dose of reality and that is far, far better than any reality tv. So all the way from NC - thanks for the cheer :)
I did find you through Kelly. But I check your blog before I check her's! You are so funny and I love your stories. It is also great to read blogs of Christian women. So glad you had a great time in Little Rock. I am from Jonesboro, AR but now live in Rome, GA. I feel like I am "home" reading your blog.
autumn23 said…
Love reading your blog you always make me laugh!! I love all the cute jewelry you wear, you always the perfect necklace to match your outfit!
Rebecca said…
Kelly is right, people may find you at first through her blog, but they return because they want to read about you and your family! : )
Glad you had a great weekend!
His Doorkeeper said…
Laurie, You are a precious friend to Kelly and you are a terrific mother to your daughters and have a wonderful personality!! Don't sell yourself short....You are a daughter of the King! And He gave you that great sense of humor!!

I am so jealous that you got to see Caroline and Robin in LR! I would have loved to have visited with them!
Rebecca said…
I'm a blog stalker but had to come out of the woodwork to tell you that even though I found your blog through Kelly's, I continue to read it because you crack me up! You have a great sense of humor, and seem so humble and down-to-earth. I wish I had the patience and perseverence to blog, but I just use my few minutes of free time at the end of the night to unwind by reading other people's blogs. And yours is a favorite :)
Kathleen said…
I read your blog because I like all your friends. I like seeing you all on each others blogs. I am so happy for Hillary. Can't wait till she is visiting you with little Sadie. You have a nice life there in NW AR.
Ellen said…
I am one of those crazy girls who went up to Laurie at the Beth Moore conference to introduce myself. Laurie, thanks for being so friendly and warm. I have to tell you that your blog doesn't do you justice. You are even more beautiful in person....and I already knew you were beautiful on the inside, because I read your blog!! :) Posted a picture of you and me on my blog! Meeting you made my day and I consider it a little bonus blessing that God gave me, just because He loves me. :) Thanks for sharing your life with us.
leslie_argirl said…
ok, so I did find you through KK, but I KEEP reading your blog because you are a breath of fresh air...and HILARIOUS! hello?!?! -- bird phobias, kitten shenanigans, and getting stuck in a dress!!! LOVE IT ALL!!!
Candy said…
I agree with all the other comments!!! You are hilarious and I love reading your blog! :) I also was SUPER glad to meet you at Beth Moore while you were visiting with Caroline. I'm the goofball, that said--"your so tiny!!!". Crazy thing that I saw where you were sitting (section over from me and up a few rows) and then I spotted my cousin and her daughter on the end of your aisle! I knew they were there, but hadn't been able to find them! It was def a memorable weekend and I LOVED every minute of it! :)
pamk said…
Same for me--I found you through Kelly, but then again, I found Kelly through someone else, too! And I only bookmark the blogs I enjoy, one of which is yours! You bring such a breath of fresh air to my days, I'm always glad to see a new post from you! Don't sell yourself short, Laurie, you are a blessing to me as a Christian sister, and I would be thrilled if I ran into you at a conference, too!
Rebekah said…
I don't read your blog because of Kelly!!! I read your blog because of you! I think you have some of the funniest stories!
It sounds like a fun weekend. I wish I could have gone! How fun that you got to see blogging friends there, too! An added bonus!
Mary said…
I agree with Kelly. We may have found you through her blog, but you are hysterical! I love you're stories and the robe and the birds and you keep it real. I love that about you. So you're girls rooms are a mess - you show them. My daughter is 16 and you cannot see her's not going to get better. I made your roast recipe...delish! Keep your updates coming you are so funny! Oh, and can I ask what CHAWED means again? You and Kelly use it alot and I can't find where you told us what that meant.
Lauren said…
Sooooooooooo fun!!!!! And seriously, I read your blog because you are one of the funniest people EVER. Love you Laurie!!!!! :)
Ashley N said…
I just had to say that I read your blog b/c I laugh nearly every time you post something. And it's usually the things that you don't intend to be funny that are hysterical. The story last week about you thinking the man was offering you a ride on the miniature horse had me in tears, seriously! And your girls are so cute, and remind me of my own two girls who are close in age to yours.

I was in LR at the LPL event this weekend too....amazing! I'm so glad I was able to be a part of that!
Amy said…
This was the BEST weekend!! I am still thinking about it and am so thakful for such a fun getaway! We should have gotten some bread to go!!
Jill said…
I hate that I didn't get to see you, Laurie!! Maybe next time! :) It was an amazing glad I was able to go too.

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