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The Bird in Blockbuster

I enjoyed a great lunch today with my best friend and my favorite baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hollis was perfect!

When I picked the girls up from school I took them by Blockbuster to rent some movies for the weekend.
Yes, I am one of the last people on earth who still goes in a movie rental store and rents a movie. I will get modern in a year or two. I just like being able to see all kinds of movies of all years all at once and being able to watch it on any t.v. in the house.
We walked into Blockbuster and there was a fair size bird ZOOMING all over the store and landing on top of the racks. I freaked out. I tried to go get the movies, but I just could not. We left out and I was so mad at myself. I told the girls that I could not go in because of that bird. Emily was saying,"why you scared of birds? Their just sweet and sing sweet songs????"
We went back to the car and I came up with a plan.
I wrote the girl inside a note and asked her if she could get me the four movies. I explained my bird fear. I gave Emily my card and a $20 bill and sent her in the store. I could not believe I did that. SK and I stood down by the window so I could watch her. I was too scared to stand by the door, in case the bird flew out. Emily talked the girl's ear off. I am sure the girl thought I was a nut case!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't know if I can ever go in that place again.
Emily felt like such a big girl and is wanting to know if she can go in another store by herself. .....................Only if there is a bird in the store.


Barbara said…
Ok Im not laughing at you....Im laughing with you! AND I CAN'T STOP. You are too cute! I think you need an intervention.

Don't get your girls scared!
Kelly said…
You are insane!!! I can't believe you sent Emily in with a note. I don't even know what to say about that.

Happy Birthday! I love you dearly! Next year we are having a HUGE party!!!!!
Emily said…
Oh this story just made my day! The mental picture just cracks me up. There's no telling what Emily was telling her!!!
Johanne said…
Happy Birthday Laurie, hope you have a wonderful day :)
dj said…
Happy birthday to you....since you didn't mention it :-) Still chuckling about the bird incident!!!
Anonymous said…
I am laughing out loud with that story! That is hilarious!!
Happy Birthday!
Charity said…
I am laughing so hard I have Tears, TEARS!!!!! Laurie I think If we lived close to eachother we just might be dear friends because I struggle as well.

I have a terrifying fear of bunnies. Seriously. Not even joking. Easter time is not the most fun time of the year for me. A man in a bunny suit came to my old job once and I nearly passed out.
Kimberley said…
thank you for the much needed laugh and visual!! i cannot stop laughing, and i can't wait to share your story. HA! :)

happy birthday! where did you go for lunch? didn't recognize it.
Shelly said…
That is the funniest story ever! You crack me up! Happy Birthday!
Melissa said…
first of all...HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

and since today is YOUR day, it is okay you didn't go into Blockbuster! and even more made me laugh...not at you, but with you!

and what a good thing you did for Emily...gave her confidence and responsibility...yeah, that's it!

great story!
The Mommy said…
This is THE funniest story, but I'd totally do the same thing if it involved a lizard.
Emily is SO brave!!
Sallie said…
So funny....! I love that you don't mind admitting it either!!
Happy Birthday....glad you and Kelly had a good day!
kathy said…
Happy Birthday, Laurie! I have been following you for a while. You are the funniest person! I had to comment! I hate birds,too. Only someone afraid of birds would find one flying around Blockbuster!I hpoe you have a wonderful and bird free weekend!
Heather said…
Seriously... it's a southern thing... a bird indoors means a death in the family! You are wise to stay away... but since Emily went in... *shakes head*...
Caroline said…
That is pretty funny!
I hope you had a great birthday! Mine was yesterday, so close together!
Have a great weekend!
Muffy said…
oh my word I can't stop laughing! I wish I could've heard what Emily said to the girl in the store! I hope my little girl will say funny things like Emily when she starts talking. Happy Birthday!
Vonda said…
Happy b-day!!! And I am not laughing at your fear of birds as you know, I am deathly afraid of them also. I would not have had my wits enough to have thought to send in Emily, I just would have had to get as far from that store as possible.
Jenn said…
This is hilarious to me! I hope you enjoyed your birthday either way. Happy birthday!
Tracy said…
That is a riot!! I bet that girl at the movie store talked about the crazy bird woman the rest of the day! Lol!

Happy Birthday!
Sarah said…
OMG!! That is the funniest thing I have heard in awhile! I too have a fear of birds. I will not walk into a pet shop if they are by the door... ick!

Glad to hear you had such a great birthday!!
Lauren said…
I haven't commented before but I have to say - I have an unnatural fear of birds too but I am dying laughing at this! Hilarious! But I totally understand!
I about died laughing reading this. Hilarious.
Stacey said…
You are too cute!! That will be a great story to look back on and laugh about when your girls are older. I didn't get to send a comment the other day about your bracelet. That is very pretty! And I read on Kelly's blog that is your birthday...Happy Birthday!
Brian and Sarah said…
This is hilarious! Our Walmart has random birds in the dairy section sometimes and I can't go down the aisle when there's one there. My two year old daughter repeats the phrase "birds yucky!" under her breath over and over when we see mother says I have scarred her because of my own fear. The funny thing is, the theme in her room is birds - go figure!
Lindsay said…
You are hilarious! I love reading your bird stories!
Becky said…
That is too funny! Sometimes we get birds that come down huge pipes in our store. I feel sorry for them and put water by the pipes. My mom also has a bird fear. We had a neighbor growing up that had a parrot. One day it got loose and my mom thought she would go tie a string around it's leg. I have no idea what she planned to do then, but the bird jumped on her finger and she just froze. I bet you Emily felt mighty proud going in and getting those movies though!
Hillary said…
I'm laughing so hard right now! I have the worst bird fear too! I was chased across my college campus for many years by the very mean and very aggressive Mockingbirds that used to sit in wait for me...
I would always be so embaressed but I would cover my head with my backpack and just run!
The world would be better with far less bird in it.
oh and by the way, regardless of what other commenters have said, its totally ok to share your fear about birds with your kids. Then they can help you watch out for them too! HAHAHA!
sharontidwell said…
This just made me laugh so hard. I would totally do the same thing if there were bees--totally afraid of them.
Lauren said…
Laurie Laurie Laurie...... I just love you and you make me laugh. The day you stop blogging is the day I will cry, and it won't be a pretty cry, haha!!! :)
Ruth Ann said…
Happy Birthday! That is a cute and funny story! I'm sorry that you have that fear, you really should work with it to try to get over your fear. My son has a huge fear of bugs, he hates them and screams and cries when he sees any type of bug. He developed this fear since the summer when the stink bugs were getting soo bad.

I never liked spiders, but I always tried to remain calm so I don't pass my fear on to my boys. My other son on the other hand will touch and remove any bug from our house. There was a huge wood spider on my front door and I wanted to test him so I told him to get it off the door. He touched it with his finger and said: "Eww it's alive!" lol But he still has never freaked out, I had chills! lol

My youngest (the bug lover) has marbles that I bought him at Christmas that has real bugs suspended inside. He always picks on his older brother who hates bugs. A few weeks ago my oldest, Ben, was lying on the couch watching tv. Alex, my youngest, said: "Ben I have something for you." And he rolled all those marbles on the couch to purposely freak Ben out! It was funny, but I felt badly for Ben! lol

Hope you are able to get over your fear!

Have a great weekend!
-Ruth Ann
Jessica said…
OMG, that story is hilarious! I cannot stop laughing. You are too funny!

Happy Birthday! I hope you had a wonderful day!!!
Holly said…
This is something I would totally do!! Although, I am not sure I would send my kiddo in..I am sure I would run and NEVER EVER go back! I am terrified of birds!!
pamk said…
You crack me up, Laurie! Glad you have not passed your fear of birds to Emily--what a big, brave girl she was! A funny experience to remember on your birthday--hope you had a good one, girl! Blessings!
Happy belated birthday! Hope it was a great day. I'm sure you, Kelly and precious Harper enjoyed your lunch together.
For some reason, my comments aren't working on Kelly's blog...but wanted to thank both of you for sharing the pictures.
Soooo sorry about 'the bird':( Poor thing. I'm sure your daughter loved doing your shopping for you though:)
Blessings today and every day,
Matthew 21:22
Meg said…
Laurie that is just hysterical! I always get such a kick out of you!!
Kim said…
This is such a funny story! I love your blog and the way you write. This post made my night, so funny!
Alisha Harris said…
OK, so I follow your blog and have you on my sidebar of my blog, so when I saw the title was, "the bird in blockbuster" I thought I was going to pee my pants before even reading it because I know your fear... I could NOT STOP LAUGHING!!! I can't believe you sent Emily in to get the movies! YOU are hilarious! this made my day! TOO FUNNY!!
Beth said…
I'm laughing so hard. I had to read your blog to my husband and we got a kick out of all it, the note, Emily asking to go into other stores, renting movies at blockbuster. We have to be friends :)
Happy Birthday
Jennifer said…
This is hysterical!!!! Do you know that you made the day for those Blockbuster people!!! I'm sure that they were also laughing so hard!! Oh, I just can't stop laughing!!! Thanks so much for sharing!!! hahahahahahahaha

I bet Emily starts praying for birdies to be in stores now.

I'm with you on still renting movies. I'm the same way!!

BTW, I'm guessing that maybe today's your birthday. Happy Day!!

Tabitha said…
I totally feel your pain! I am terrified of birds. I get a lot of grief about it. No one seems to understand, and that's ok with me! Just keep them away from me.
Erin said…
I feel your pain. I am TERIFFIED of birds also and have made a complete fool of myself several times. We need to start a club.
Oh, Laurie! I love that Emily walked right in there while her momma waited outside...too funny!!! :)
Nicole said…
That has to be the funniest thing ever.. It's something that I would do..
Odie Boggs said…
That story is ROTFL funnny! Thanks for sharing.

Kelly told us on her blog it was your birthday. So Happy Birthday!!

Claire said…
Oh bless you! I have a critter I don't like and I would have been just as bad!

Anonymous said…
hahaha!!! You are soooo funny!! great story!
Nancy said…
I love it!
You crack me up!
kim_brough said…
Kim said…
This might be the funniest post you've written! I don't even know where to begin. I can't believe you sent E in with a note and money!! ha ha!
I now know you are beyond afraid of birds!
Maybe it's time to switch to Redbox! :)
Charity said…
you inspired me to blog about my fear of bunnies. well that and the fact its prime bunny season! yikes!
I'm 'bout to die laughing that you sent E in with a note to rent the movies, ha-ha-ha-ha. That one is priceless!! p.s. I would have freaked out if that bird had you know whatted on my shoulder though, ha-ha
Katie said…
That is hilarious! I am terrified of birds and would have done the same thing!
Rachel said…
Love your blog, and this is SO funny! I'm also scared of birds. We had some building a nest in our ceiling-- they were getting in through a vent outside and I wouldn't shower in our bathroom because I thought they were going to fly down and attack me! :)
Shosh said…
omg. this is the funniest thing ive ever read. im crying im laughing so hard!!!!!!!!
A Little Water said…
That is the one FUNNY story! Thanks for sharing your pain and you crazy experience. I laughed out loud. And btw, birds too close to me, freak me out as well.

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