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Happy Easter!!!!!!!!!!!

We decided to go ahead and get Emily a bunny.

NO! I am just kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!

After reading the advice from many of you, we are NOT getting a bunny! No, thank you!
The good thing is......... I think the bunny phase has ended.

But Emily did get to enjoy two cute bunnies at our Easter playgroup.

Two girls that LOVE each other......Sarah Grace and Emily. Tracy, Sarah Grace's mom, had playgroup at her house yesterday. It was fantastic!

Best of friends......Neely and Sarah Kate.

Emily would live at Sarah Grace's house and Sarah Kate would live at Neely's house if we would let them.

Another dear friend, Summer. They have been in MDO and preschool together since they were babies.
The Easter bunny made a surprise visit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Emily is crazy about Alex too. They have been friends since they were born.
Tracy goes all out! She is the hostess with the mostess. I think I stress her out with all my food dislikes. She always makes sure there is something I can eat!
My friends: Kacy, Erin, Kelly and Bethany

Sarah Kate always love to play with Wells at church and playgroup. Sarah Kate is a week older than Wells.
Sarah Kate had to stop and eat some chocolate. That is something I would do.

Vonda shared the story of Easter through her resurrection eggs. I want to get some of these for the girls.

I got the biggest kick out of reading what you will not eat.
I am soooo glad that I did a post on that! I feel like I have so much support. I think maybe we should start some sort of association. I would talk out loud at the computer every time someone said they hated mayo too. I would say.."oh good. or Yes!' Thank you for all your responses! I loved it!

....."Christ LOVED us and gave himself up for us"....Ephesians 5:2

....."He will save His people from their sins. " Matthew 1:21

Happy Easter!!!!!!!!!!! I was proof reading and noticed that I had written "Happy Eater!" Well...that fits too!


Beth Whitehill said…
I made a set of eggs this year...has been such a blessing to share them with my kids.

Here is where I got the idea:

Happy Easter!!
Tara G. said…
Miss Pattycake has a video out using the eggs that my kids (especially the girls) love. Benjamin's Box is also a cute story that uses the eggs.
pamk said…
You got me with your first sentence, Laurie! I couldn't believe that you were crazy enough to get Emily a bunny after all of the negative advice you got! Haha, it cracked me up to find out that you were kidding!

Have a blessed Easter! Alleluia! He is risen!
Ryan V. said…
aww looks like a fun playdate! And that is a HUGE bunny!
Jennifer Emert said…
Laurie, you absolutely crack me up! I often laugh out loud at the computer while reading your posts. I came across your blog through kellys. I started reading hers the day Harper was born. I am a fellow believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and stay at home (homeschooling) mother of four. I never comment, but just couldn't stand it anymore and had to thank you for making me smile!!!! :) God Bless, Jen in Connecticut
Sara said…
Looks like so much fun!!! Love all of the details. :)

Thanks for your comment. I was so excited to know that you also don't like cheese and sandwich bread!! I am not alone! ha!

Hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter!

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