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Great Discoveries in Little Rock

I made a little road trip to Little Rock this weekend to visit one of my very best friends, Kelly and her family. Kelly and I became best friends when we were two or three and have remained close all these years. She took my to Anthropology and I LOVED the place!!!!!!!!!!!!! So many of you told me a few weeks ago to try the Volcano candle from there. I LOVE it! It is so fresh and fruity. Thank you for the GREAT recommendation!
I also bought a cute little bird dish towel while I was there. I am terrified of birds, but I seem to LOVE bird decor.

When Sarah Kate saw me taking the picture of the candle, she wanted her picture made too! She is showing all of her bottom teeth. Ha!
Kelly made a WONDERFUL dinner on Saturday night. I am crazy about their cute, cottage kitchen! Their house was built in the 1920's and they have fixed it up soooo very cute!
Kelly and her sweet little Lauren.

I could not be in Little Rock without seeing Hillary. She is one of my favorite people. She is so fun and easy to be around. She is having baby Sadie in less than six weeks. I can't wait to see that baby girl!!!!
I discovered something wonderful at Kelly's house. NUTELLA!!!!!!!!! Oh MY GOODNESS! I have seen it for years and never bought any. I thought it would be yucky and bitter. I think the ad says a hint of chocolate. Well, it is more than a hint. It is like fudge in a jar! HELLO!
Last night the guy that checked me out at the store said, "how do you eat your Nutella?" I answered "straight off a spoon."
I am sorta sad that I have discovered this because it is too good. I can't stop at one bite.


A New Chapter said…
I discovered the wonderful world of Nutella in Germany. I had never even heard of it before but when I went over there they had it with their pastries...oh my goodness, not only is is good on a spoon, it is heavenly on a nice warm croissant. When I got back, I almost screamed with joy when I saw it at food lion!!!
Anonymous said…
I LOVE Kelly's drawer pulls! The next time you see/talk to her could you ask her where she got them and post? Her SS refrigerator is so shiny and NO fingerprints! My sister bought me a jar of Nutella. So far I have not been brave enough to try it. I worked with an Australian nurse years ago and she raved about it.
Tara G. said…
We love nutella over here! It's good on banana and pumpkin bread or even swirled into the batter, too! :)
audra kate said…
I'm also terrified of birds and I can't understand how you can love bird decor!!!
Nutella is simply wonderful!! I'm glad I'm not the only one who eats it "straight off the spoon!" ha!!
texas girl said…
I love nutella it is soo good!!!
The Garners said…
Nutella is so very good! I won't let myself buy it here because I think it was a big part of my 20 lb. weight gain when I went to Austria for a semester in college (that's when I discovered it)! :)

I've been wanting to buy one of those candles. Their store smells wonderful when you walk in! I was there last week and they had another scent burning that smelled great, but I can't remember the name of it. You've made me want to go back and buy a candle!
Charity said…
I'm not sure if I should be embarassed or not but I totally have and WEAR the flower headband SK has. And I just turned 29...
Anonymous said…
Girl!! Volcano candle is my FAVORITE!!!! Mine is about to burn down to the last little bit so I need to get a new one! Dont they smell delicious?! Glad you had a good visit with your friend :-)
Charity said…
I have an off white one too :) just wore it a little over a week ago! ha!
Jan said…
I am hosting a Nutella mommy party tomorrow morning. The ocmpany contacted me via my blog and I so excited. Too bad you don't live in GA, I would invite you.
Johanne said…
My kids eat Nutella everyday. I too love it but try to stay away from it. But it is so good,spread nutella on a tortilla bread and then add a banana,then roll it up, the kids will love this :)
A fun snack :)or lunch or whatever time of day :)
Unknown said…
Laurie, I am so glad you had fun at Kelly's house! I loooove visiting her also, of course! :) It seems like every time I go to her house, there is always something new I discover!
MrsSchoon said…
Nutella is very good on waffles and toast too!
Kasey said…
My boys like to eat nutella and peanut butter sandwichs. Or netella and marshmellow cream sandwichs. They call it chocolate and fluff sandwich.
Anonymous said…
Ha ha! I love Nutella too! I actually can't keep it in the house because I would eat it all with a spoon. Sounds like a fun weekend with good friends!
Livvy's Mommy said…
I love nutella too! I love to eat it on toasted sourdough english muffins...try it! Or...don't I can't stop myself when I eat it haha!
Amy said…
I was introduced to Nutella by my husbands aunt. She spreads them on croissants, rolls them up and bakes them. They are unbelievably good. I probably shouldn't share this because it is crazy addictive!
Holly said…
Hahah good luck in breaking your new Nutella addiction! :P
Nancy said…
I love her kitchen!!

I spread Nutella on graham crackers & vanilla wafers & eat a few, then I have to have something salty, then back to the Nutella. It's a vicious cycle.
Stacey said…
I have always wondered about Nutella. I think I am going to have to break down and give it a try!
Kelly said…
After all the talk about the Volcano candle I had to go to Anthropologie and check it out! Last night was my first time to actually go in the store and I can definitely say it won't be my last! The volcano candle will be coming home with me this weekend after I get paid! Love It!!
Ashley McWhorter said…
Yay!!! So glad you got the candle and love it!!! Oh, I have never tried Nutella, either. It has always scared me too! :)
julie said…
There's an Anthropologie in Little Rock??? Please tell me where!!!!!
Mark said…
I like this blog thanks for sharing it I found this blog during search of 4D ultrasounds
Candis Berge said…
Funny, I just posted my empty jar of nutella on my March 7th post!

Also, I made a good supper this week of shredded beef from a Mississippi roast; served it on homemade buns and it was a hit.

YUM. That roast is now being cooked by so many of my facebook and blog contacts too! Funny!
Laura Burciaga said…
Glad to see you're trying the Volcano candle! And didn't you love Anthropologie? My fave store!!

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