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Bedroom Changes

Our new stripped duvet.
For Christmas my parents gave Steve and me a new duvet cover. This was my favorite Christmas present. I had picked it out last Summer and I could not wait till Christmas to get it on our bed. I used some Christmas money to buy matching curtains.
I just wanted to post these pictures today since I have been talking so much about the changes in Sarah Kate's room. I started thinking that Steve and I have had changes too!
This is the before picture.

My mother was wondering about how the new color furniture looks in Sarah Kate's room with her other decor and furniture. Every time I take a picture of the new blue furniture it looks lighter in pictures than it does in real life. I am thinking I may want to re-paint it a bit darker (the next color on the paint chip). I am also wanting to get some glass knobs to replace the silver ones.
Some of you asked what I did to antique it. I am learning as I go. I have a lot more to learn. I bought some white primer that was oil-based to spray on the black piece. As I began spraying it, the primer and the black paint starting bubbling up and doing VERY weird. I made a trip to the paint store and found out that you can't paint oil-based paint over latex paint. The lady I bought the furniture from had used black latex spray paint. I bought a putty knife and scraped off the goopey mess I had made.
I usually paint the original wood furniture with a primer (spray kind) or I take the time to sand the piece. It really depends on the wood's surface. I always get a can of paint. I don't spray paint anything. I have not mastered spray paint yet.
After I get the color I want (blue) and it is fully dry, I use sand paper or a sanding block and sand off the paint and wood around the edges to make it look old and worn. I also have a friend who takes the paint off while it is still wet with an old sock on her hand. I have never tried this.
I hope this is helpful.


Lauren said…
You room looks great and SK’s room is precious!!!! :)
Tara G. said…
It's so fun to update the master bedroom! I finally got all our new bedding; I suppose a good blogger would have been right on top of that...
Surrounded-By-Boys said…
ooohhh it looks SO GOOD!!!! and you did a GREAT job on the blue dresser too!!!
Claire said…
Oh how lovely - you have such a great eye!

Holly said…
Love the paper lanterns in Sarah Kate's room! They are a really cool idea. :)
Amy Edwards said…
I love the furniture piece! I've done a few pieces for our home as well, but every time it seeme like a much bigger job than I anticipate! I was actually wondering about the "bow board" in your daughter's room - could you explain how you did that/how the bows attach?
Stacey said…
Your new duvet is very pretty! And thank you for your antiquing tips!!
Plan Our Health said…
Great duvet! I want to scream at the one that I bought. I got linen (I do NOT recommend buying linen) and it wrinkles so badly. Also it buttons across the top where you put the down comforter inside and when you pull it up you pop buttons off. I'm now missing buttons. Ugh. I will be seeking out a new something very soon.
Nancy said…
Change is good! I'm about to tackle our littlest's room with paint I think!
You did great on the dresser!
Sarah Sharp said…
Love the new duvet and SK's room is so cute! Have you thought about adding a couple of euro or regular shams in a coordinating color at the head with maybe a red throw at the end of the bed? I love those colors!
Alyssa said…
Both rooms look great! I bought a buffet at a garage sale last summer for $10 and painted it the same blue and got glass knobs for it. I LOVE it! Go to for the knobs. I think I paid less than $2 for each and at the hardware store, they were $5+.
Lizzy said…
Where did you get the rocking chair with giraffe print? So in love!

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