We are snowed in today and I have loved every minute of it! Steve came home at noon. I am cooking the wonderful "Mississippi Roast." The sad part is that Steve and I cannot keep out of the roast. There will not be much left by the time supper gets here.
Sarah Kate had her tutu and tights on by 8:00 this morning. She said she was ready to go see her friend Neely. I told her that we could not go to Neely's house because we could not drive on the ice and snow. She said, "It's okay mama, I will just walk." She stood by the door half the morning crying about wanting to go to Neely's house.

Emily wore her glasses to church on Sunday and some friends told her they looked weird. She has not had them on since. I caught Sarah Kate in them this morning.

I know that Steve truly loves me! I am the ONLY one in the family that likes Kristen. Last night I was convinced that Kristen had gotten out of the house. I was panic stricken. Steve got out of bed at 10:00 and helped me look all over the house for her.(I didn't ask him to) I shook her food and called her name in EVERY room. My stomach rumbled more with each passing minute. I thought she had gotten out when Steve had gone out a couple of times to get things out of his car earlier in the evening. I looked under every bed and in every closet and cabinet. Steve got dressed and went driving around the neighborhood looking for her.( I didn't ask him to) I was outside in my pink robe rattling the food and calling her name. I probably woke the neighborhood yelling, "Kristen." I knew she would die in the blizzard. I found her under Emily's bed, while Steve was out driving around. She was behind a bunch of junk/toys under Emily's bed and I had not seen her when I looked the first time. I guess she was not hungry because she had eaten wet and dry food along with some treats when we ate dinner. This is the third time in 8 years that I have thought she was GONE!

I got the girls these cookies yesterday for our snow days. I thought they were sooooo cute! The girls LOVED them. They are made by Nestle. I had found a coupon in Sunday's paper for them.

Steve took the girls out to play in the snow. Emily came in and put her warm p.j's on. Of course, SK wanted her tutu on.
So glad you found your sweet cat!
We are making stew too. We need something good, warm and hearty for this coming cold week-weekend.
Stay warm and take care!!
So glad Kristen was not gone! And that last picture of your two cuties is adorable! Cutest fam ever!
Oh and I had to laugh at your cat story because I used to have cats and I refer to losing them as them being in "cat space!" lol Cause you can look everywhere for them and they are virtually invisible in "cat space!" lol
And I love those cookies...we haven't tried them yet they are on my list...I got a coupon too! Have a great night!
I can't believe her friends told her that the glasses looked weird. :( I thought she looked cute.
So glad you are staying warm & I love that the cat has a people name. :)