Thursday night we had our Sunday school girls night at Rachel's house. We laughed and had so much fun. I am sooooooo thankful for my church friends. Rachel has the cutest/neatest house. Her house is FULL of personality. Our Sunday school class is filled with personality too! I think everyone feels like they can be themselves in our group. We are so blessed to have each other!!!!!! I always ask group questions and we have lots of fun and laughs with the questions.
This first picture is Amy, Kacy and Kelly.
On a different note: SK is sorta/kinda potty trained. I do believe she is the oldest child on record to still use a changing table that I use everyday. She will be 3 in June. I have gotten sooooo much use out of the changing table and it is so good for this old mama's back. Well, it was a sad day on Thursday when I had SK on the changing table and the top of it came crashing down on one side. Sarah Kate said, "Ohhhh what happened?" I think that is a sign that we need to get rid of it. I am sad not to have a baby anymore.
I'm just SO wishing I would've been able to come for Mugs and Muffins today. :( I adore Ang to pieces and I just know that so many people were BLESSED by her speaking this morning. :) And isn't Kate just a hoot?!?! That girl cracks me up!!!
Glad you are able to relax tonight...with your chips and salsa, sister!!! ;) :)
p.s. i used our changing table on our oldest until he was 3 and a couple of months after! HA!
can her table be turned into a toy holding table
Take Care!
The pizza place was by the promenade, across the street from the gas station. it was called something like Bariolas?????
Love your new jeans in the pic! Stylin'
(i am from Kelly's blog...kelly's sister in law teaches with one of my best friends)
Wish we lived close & ours could play together!
I love a girl's get together, too!! Glad you all had a fun time!
Are you and your family ok?