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The BIG Snowstorm

I don't remember EVER seeing this much snow. It is sooo beautiful!!!!!!!!!! Reminds me of when Mr. Ingalls opened up the window and climbed out onto the snow in his snow shoes.
I am happy to be snowed in with the ones I love so much! Steve is home today and that NEVER happens!!!!!
I am looking forward to watching American Idol tonight and not having to worry about going anywhere.
Emily has been working hard on her Valentine cards and Sarah Kate has been pretending she is Clara from the Nutcracker.
I have worked my way through a pile of clean laundry that was deeper than the snow. BIG ACCOMPLISHMENT FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love to wash clothes, I just hate putting them away.


Sara Lynn said…
My goodness if it snows anymore you may not see your trash can for some time!
Angie said…
im with you on putting clothes away. i never mind washing them, it's always putting them up that gets me!!:)
Anonymous said…
First off, I love your fireplace. It is gorgeous. That is a lot of snow you have. We are getting snow tonight *or so they say*. I must admit I'm really ready for Spring though. I too have done tons of laundry the past two days. It is piled sky high unfortunately and still needs put away. Oh well, maybe later. Hope you enjoy your snow day. Stay warm!!
Karen said…
Wow...that is a lot of snow. I love a good snow day with tons of snow and no where to go!! Glad you are having such nice family time....and, I totally agree with you on the laundry. I keep up with washing and drying, but the piles of clean clothes keep growing!
Putting away clothes is awful. I dread it and am terrible about letting laundry pile so high that it's embarrassing. The snow is beautiful. Enjoy the sweet time with your fam.
Kaysie said…
I can't believe how much snow you all are getting! Living in CA we NEVER get this; maybe a little frost if we're lucky.
Tara G. said…
We're still holding with no snow! I can't believe you got that much! Laundry...never ends, does it!?
Rebekah said…
Cillajust looked at your blog and shouted "Kate!!!" That is what she has been calling her since you guys were at our house! Glad you have had a good day at home with your family. It IS so beautiful!
pamk said…
I just hate putting folded towels and underwear away! I leave them in the basket until I need it to carry laundry again, then I consolidate them in another basket, so they can still sit there until we need them! Why is that? :-)
Kim said…
Hey! This morning when I got up and looked outside my first thought was this is like that Little House on the Prairie episode...actually, I call that show Little Sob Story on the Prairie. Anyway, then I thought of you and wished we were eating chips and salsa somewhere sunny and warm! If the snow will clear for longer than one day, we'll go to dinner!
Alyssa said…
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who loves washing clothes, but hates putting them away. Wait... putting them away isn't so bad. It's the folding part that gets me.
AndreaChad said…
My family and I made your amazing roast recipe this week!!! Oh My!!!! It is absolutely wonderful...thanks for getting this great recipe and passing it on to us the blog readers! Happy Shoveling! :)
labride said…
I have been needing new jeans and haven't been able to find any, after seeing your post the other day about the Gap long and lean jeans I saw a pair on EBay for $10 bucks and bought them. They are awesome! Fit perfect too:) Thanks for posting about them, solved my jean dilemma.
Tish said…
Laurie, I love your blog. Have been following it for over a year now. Your girls are just adorable. I have made your Mississippi roast twice now and it is delicious.Took the recipe to work and several people there made it and loved it as well. Your recipe is circulating here in Virginia !I'm a retired grandmother of two and love to cook. (work part-time now)

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