Emily was brushing Sarah Kate's teeth. She had opened up a diaper and put that on her as a bib. Emily actually did a good job of brushing her sister's teeth. SK seemed to like it! Hey, this is not a bad deal, perhaps a dental hygienist in the making.
This past weekend I did FOUR things VERY out of my character:
1. I took the girls to school with NO make-up, no shower. I ALWAYS get completely dressed and ready before leaving the house!
2. I mowed our entire yard on Saturday morning. I have NEVER mowed before. I loved it! I told Steve that I am the new lawn mower of our family!
3. I watched the Razorback game on T.V. I am not a sports fan at all. Steve went to the game and I sat down and watched it on T.V.
4. I sent a text to Kelly. That's right, I have never texted before. I decided to learn how a few weeks ago.
i never used to like going anywhere without make-up, but i'm taking baby steps, usually foundation and mascara is always a must. :)
and i'm not a big texter either. i'd rather talk to people on the phone.
My list would have: I left the house WITH makeup on for the first time. HAHA! I'm so lazy in that department.
Emily would make a great dentist!
And I'm still in shock over that text!
On mowing... I know many women who would love to trade the mowing and housework with their husbands if they could-why?- you can admire the lawn job for at least a week, but the house can get messed up real quick! Love the pics.
I am laughing at your list of 4 things and am shocked by all of them especially you going to MDO not dressed and you sending a text!
And those girls are just sooooo stinkin' adorable!!! I love how E was helping SK out. Sisterly love/mothering...:) :) :) I soooo remember doing that as the big sister!
Take Care!!
Holly N. Madugula
Arlington, TX
Lucky for me, my hubby takes the kids to school, and he's certainly not worried about makeup!! : )
(I'm at work by 6:30 am, and trust me, they want me here with makeup on!!)
Meri Beth
Talladega, AL
Congrats on all of your new feats! I'm especially impressed with mowing the lawn. I'm not sure this is something I'd ever want to do! I'm also not one to text. I often feel like I'm the only one on the planet who doesn't use this form of communication.
Sweet shot of your girls and Harper :) They are all so precious and I'm certain the girls have lifelong friends in each other - what a blessing!