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Fresh Apple Cake

I have been craving apple cake lately.

Apple cake probably does not sound good to anyone except me and maybe a ninety year old woman. I decided that Emily and I would make one this week. It is baking as I type. It might not be worth a flip, but we had fun making it.

Some Emily funnies:

Last night we were watering our flowers on the patio. There were some pink flowers in particular that were VERY wilted. Emily said,"Mom, these flowers are so sad!" Then she went to the planter with her watering can and said,"Oh girl, I'll help you get up."
Later on that night Emily asked if she could go out and see if those flowers had gotten up.

Emily calls Little House on the Prairie "Little House and the Fairy." I don't know who she thinks the fairy is. She is pretty fond of Laura.


Christy said…
Apple cakes sounds GREAT to me. I am not a huge fan of sweets so I much prefer apple cake, carrot cake, spice cake (and all without icing!).
Lauren said…
Seriously, that Emily is just precious!!!!! :)
Beth said…
I would LOVE some apple cake. Send me the recipe STAT! :)
Kelly said…
Maybe Harriet Olson is the fairy.
Unknown said…
Me -- I love apple cake, too! And, I do need to graduate from this banana bread recipe I have made FOUR times this week.
Amy said…
You are so funny! I love apple cake too. Makes my mouth water thinking about it. My mamaw used to make some mean ones. Also some molasses stack cakes too. Those were good but I prefer the apple ones. Hope it was good!
Shelley said…
I LOVE apple cake. I makes me think of my grandmother who would eat apple cake and drink her coffee! I love reading your blog. Your girls are just precious! I have three daughters :) I have an "Emiley" too. I love her cute little "words!" PRECIOUS!!!
Christa said…
Emily is just too cute and so funny!
Jill said…
I think fresh apple cake sounds delicious!

And I also think Emily is going to be a funny girl, like her Mama! :)
The B's said…
I think you need to share your apple cake recipe!!! :)
Tara G. said…
I love apple cake!
Love apple cake. We won't talk about how good it is piping hot with vanilla ice cream. No. Talking about it adds calories, ha!
Emily-isms are so cute!
Everday Edwards said…
Emily is the most precious little thing! The flower story is way too much. She is so loving. Kelly's comment is making me laugh. bahahahaha.

Anonymous said…
I just busted out laughing at that one! hahaha!! I do love apple cake too, no worries :-) Im gonna have to try that recipe. The girls looked so cute in all their 4th of July outfits!!

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