Emily had her very first dance recital last night. My parents, Steve's parents and Aunt Kelly were all there to see Emily perform. The recital made everything worth it. Let me explain. I have wondered all along if Emily really should be in dance. I always had to wake SK up from her nap to take Emily to class. I had to wrestle with SK during the hour lesson. (SK wanted to be on the dance floor too.) I dreaded taking Emily to class when we were walking through ice, rain or 1 degree for the high of the day. It was also a chunk of money for this "tight as the bark on a tree" Mama. But.....last night, seeing Emily all dressed up, wearing make-up and then doing a REALLY GOOD JOB made everything worth it. I think she really is interested in dance.

Today we had Sarah Kate's 2nd Birthday! Her real day is tomorrow. I invited her nursery buddies. I think they all had a good time.

Kacy and Wells, Amanda and Neely


Ella Kate enjoying some pizza

Erin and Kelly. This is Well's new baby brother, Davis.

The Dora cake and the Birthday girl!

Harper had fun with the balloons!

The Sweet family. These are twins, Molly and Ruby. Ella Kate is 2. Amy is such a good mom to all these girls!
I would write more, but I AM TIRED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I came to your blog a while ago through Kelly's blog and really enjoy reading about your sweet girls but I have a question. Does your friend Amy with the twins and a toddler have a blog? I also have a 27 month old and 5 month old twins and would love to read about how other moms with 3- 2 and under do it. Thanks
I was at the recital too watching my little niece, and I saw you and I thought "I read her blog". Small world. :)
All the little girls were just precious!