This is Emily's drawing of her Uncle Justin, Aunt Cissy and cousin Reid. Justin is wearing a hat. Emily loves to draw her family!

Aunt Cissy sent Sarah Kate this darling pillow case dress for her Birthday!

This morning, I took the girls to the local public library for story time. I am trying to recover from our visit there. I am worn out! The place was out of control. I am sure there were around 40 or more children there for story time and there was not enough room for all the children to fit. They sit in a really cool enclosed dome for the children's time. I shoved Emily in the room while Sarah Kate refused to sit with her. SK was overwhelmed and so was I. I spent the next thirty minutes trying to keep Sarah Kate from destroying the library. After the stories, they did a craft. SK joined Emily for this. SK threw THREE major fits while we were there. The entire library was looking at us!!! When she doesn't get her way, she goes down to the floor, spreads out and SCREAMS and cries at the top of her lungs. The more I try to get her up, the worse she gets. Soon after I got home, the phone rang. Caller i.d. said Family and Child Services. I was convinced I had been turned into the local authorities. To my relief, they were calling about a donation.
Will we go again next week? I need another week to decide.
It sounds like SK and D have similar temperaments. Is that a two year old thing or is it just them??? :)
I figure I don't have a case worker yet, so we're still good!! ROFLOL
Pop and Kay-K Ormon
You're story was all too familiar.