Let me give you a little background about the new haircut by Emily. Emily LOVES hair! (and shoes) She has been wanting a pony tail for several months now. We finally arrived at pony tail length about a month ago. Emily had been so proud to sport a pony tail. Emily has thought that you could just cut your hair into a pony tail. She would ask me to cut her a pony tail. When I get my haircut, she would ask, "Bekah gonna cut you a pony tail?" She told Steve and I that yesterday she was cutting a pony tail. Also, I let Emily play a little game on Barbie.com called Beauty Shop. She can wash, cut, style and color Barbie's hair and her friends on this cute little game. She had just finished playing this game before the real cutting began. I keep the little Crayola Kiddie scissors high in the cabinet, but had let her use them Wed night and again yesterday morning when she first got up. The scissors were left on the table. I forgot to put them up when she was done cutting her paper.

Here is Meme helping Emily make toast last Saturday.

Her little pony tail earlier this week.
Thank you for all the encouragement and "been there" stories! Also, thank you so much for the advice about the pen on the walls and cabinets. Alcohol did the trick for the cabinets. It was a blue ballpoint pen.
if it's any consolation, her new 'do is precious!
Her hair cut looks cute!
I think Emily did a great job of cutting her hair. When I was 4 my bangs were bothering me and I had asked my Mom for a few days to cut them for me before I decided to take matters into my own hands. I ended up cutting them so short it looked like I had "buzzed" my bangs off...ha ha ha. We have a couple of pictures from that somewhere. I think it's a sort of right of passage with having girls. I have 2 little girls, 20 months, and 3 weeks, and I expect there will be a few moments like this in the future.
I came across your blog after looking at Kelly's blog. I can soooo sympathize with you. Just about two months ago, the same happened to our four year old. My reaction was the same as yours. My heart fell to my feet, I cried, I yelled and after about an hour, I was able to laugh.... The only difference is she allowed her two year old cousin to do the cutting. When I found my daughter, my heart fell to my feet. Her cousin was hiding, knowing she'd done something very wrong. But, the cut is already looking better and I really don't pay much attention to it anymore. Your little girl's cut is cute. By the way, I love your little one's name! We have an 11 mo. old named Sarah Gray.
And, thankfully, they didn't cut any crazy bangs or anything because they are flower girls in my sister's wedding this weekend. This was a first time for me... so far we hadn't had any hair cutting incidents! :) I guess hair will grow, right?
Also, I noticed you used the word "Meme"... We call my canadian grandparents "meme and pepe"... I've never seen anyone else use that term... :) How fun!