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Brag Alert

I can't stand it when moms brag on their kids!  I really try not to brag on mine.  BUT today Emily did one of the sweetest acts of kindness and I am going to brag!

Emily and Sarah Kate have been earning some money around the house for helping me.  I give a little money when they clean their rooms or help with the laundry.  The girls also got some money from family for Christmas.
Their school is having a book fair this week and the girls have been so excited about getting a book at the fair.  This morning I gave each girl an envelope with $10 of their own money in it.  Emily explained that what she wanted cost $12 and she would not have enough money.  I told her that she could go to her room and get a $5 bill to add to her envelope if she wanted it that bad.  She went to school with $15.
When I picked the girls up they looked so happy.  I asked if they had gone to the book fair.  Emily said, "I didn't get the book I was 3D animals and it was soooo cute."  Then she added, " I got something for you and Sarah Kate."  She was more excited about that than she was the disappointment of not getting the book she wanted.  She handed me this Hershey cook book as I was driving and she was soooo excited.  She said, " I knew you would love it!!!!"  She had seen it yesterday.  Then she gave Sarah Kate a notebook.  My girls love to write and draw in notebooks.  Sarah Kate was thrilled.  Emily said she knew Sarah Kate would love it.
So then I said, "Emily, did you not get anything for yourself?  She replied, "no,  I didn't have enough money, I wanted to get you and Sarah Kate something."
I just wanted to cry because of the sweetness.
I really do LOVE the cookbook!!!!!!!!!!!  She knows I am always cooking up something with chocolate.  It was the perfect gift.  (I look like a buzzard in this picture.)
Tomorrow I am sending money with her so she can get that 3D animal book.  Bless her sweet heart!


Karen said…
Oh, I love this story! What a sweetheart! And I'm sure she learned that from the models in her life...kudos to Mom and Dad!
Gail said…
That was sweet,she gave out of her heart and she didn't expect to get anything from you but a great dessert, I wouldn't send money with her tomorrow, let her bask in the joy of her unselfish gift.
The Howell's said…
Melissa said…
oh, that is so sweet. a good girl you are raising up!

if you haven't already told her she can get the book...maybe you can get it and surprise her in her Easter basket. just a thought.
Unknown said…
I love the sweet things that kids do for others. The fact that she was so excited is so sweet. Enjoy your cookbook.
Emily really is the sweetest little girl in the world. I love her.
Kimberley said…
not gonna lie, I got a little teary eyed. that is the sweetest thing ever!!! such a big hearted little girl!
Tracy said…
That is so precious!
His Doorkeeper said…
You have raised Emily right Laurie! She is a precious girl. I am hoping she and Sarah Kate will be best friends with H and H forever!!
Leslie said…
Emily is a sweetheart! You are raising a precious girl - two of them!
A.K.W. said…
How sweet and precious!

jen said…
So sweet I could cry! Love your blog and your stories!!!
Mary Lytle said…
I have read your blog for a very long time, always laughing and sometimes crying along with you, but I have never taken time to comment. This is a precious story, and I love every word of it, but what made me have to comment: "I look like a buzzard…." HILARIOUS!! Totally untrue, of course, but so down-to-earth and unassuming. Thank you for keeping it real and entertaining this grandma in South Carolina.
Bamawhitney said…
This deserves a post!!! Very sweet!
Kay-K said…
Oh Laurie, what a great post! Our precious Emily is so sweet and thoughtful. My heart just melted when read this and so thankful for my wonderful grandchildren. Love you all, Pop and Kay-K
Andie said…
that is so sweet! what a kind, generous little girl!
Becky said…
I love a child that knows it is so much more fun to give! When my husband was diagnosed with cancer, my then 9 year old grand-daughter decided she would earn 200. to help with expenses. My daughter and I thought maybe she set her goal too high but did not want to discourage her. Over the past year-year 1/2, she has made scarves and dishtowels that hang on the fridge and as of Feburary 14th, has given 250.00 each to two families that have had cancer expenses this past year. I have always thought that Emily and Jocelyn looked a like, but now I think that they each have giving hearts!
Anonymous said…
That is so sweet!! Emily seems like she has such a sweet spirit. I would have sent money the next day too. :) I love stories of kids putting others before themselves.
Tara G. said…
How did I miss this post?! That is the stuff you totally brag on!!! It's so encouraging to see fruit in the lives of our kids!! Totally enjoyed chatting with you today- your team did a fantastic job planning!!
Jill said…
This is so sweet! I would have cried!

It was good to see you today. Wish I could have hung out a little longer to visit. Hope you girls had a great time!! And I hope you found something for lunch. :)

What a great girl you're raising. I try to always tell my kids, if you're going to give, do it with a giving heart, not out of obligation or seeking recognition. Sounds like Emily already knows that! :)
trish said…
That is sooo sweet. Make sure you write the story inside the cookbook :)
Barbara said…
what a sweet and unselfish thing to do in a day and time when so many children are their center of their own worlds....I'm sure your heart just burst and so sweet of YOU to bless her with the money to get the animal book. she will be so thrilled when she sees you use the cookbook.:) thanks for sharing.....
ETCAI Products said…
This story makes me remember a sweet Emily story. I was watching Emily playing with her toys when she was just a toddler. After a time she looked up at me and said " Pop, I love you." and continued playing. The sweetness of that moment will stay with me the rest of my life. Pop
Angie said…
So So sweet!

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