I hosted playgroup today! We had a great little group! We are trying playgroup this Fall with no lunch, just a snack and be done by noon. I sure miss the lunch, but it was nice to just do a small snack and not worry about a full blown meal. I LOVE to have people over and to cook for people, but I always fear someone will choke on a cat hair that might get into the food. I did not have to be nervous today! ha!

Harper and Sarah Kate love each other! Here they are with their famous hug!

Kelly and Hollis.

Mary Avery and Noah

John Michael

Amanda and Lela

Mary Avery, Noah, Matthew and SK

Harper always gets in Sarah Kate's bed!

Three very cute boys. Noah, Jackson and Caleb

Bethany-my counselor.

SK and Neely

I am so thankful for my friends. I love being with the ladies!
I love that SK and Harper love each other so much!
Just like you and Kelly!
Love good friends & fellowship!! :)