Yesterday was a very fun day for me and Sarah Kate! We went with a few friends from church to ride a train. I loved it because I felt like I was living in Little House on the Prairie days!!! Right up my alley. Here is Alex going to catch the train.

Sarah Kate and Neely

Erin, Kamryn and Kinley.

Kade, Alex and Kinley.

I was in pure bliss.......holding Kamryn, riding a train and being with friends I love!

It was impossible to get 6 children to look at a camera while a training was passing.

Sarah Kate's boy, Wells.

Leaving the train. I wish it had been an all day ride, but I was about to partake of chips and salsa, so I could not complain.

Neely, Amanda and Lela


Amber and Ginger
I want to ride the train again very soon. I know it would be sooo beautiful in the Fall as all the leaves are changing.
Sarah Kate ruined her dress at the train station. She sat on a railroad tie (not on the track) and got tar or oil or something horrid on it. I have tried Goo Gone, Mineral Spirits, Shout and Oxyclean. It is still there.
Put a HUGE pot of water (even a metal bucket would probabley work) on the stove and begin heating the water. Add 3/4 to 1 cup of Biz laundry additive to the water. Stir the heating mixture to disolve the Biz. Bring this "brew" to a boil and add your stained clothes. Simmer for 45 minutes to an hour. Next, turn off the heat. Let the pot of clothes sit until cool and then wash as usual. CAUTION!! You are dealing with hot boiling water. USE CARE especially if you have children in the house. Do not remove HOT clothes from the pot. Just be patient and let the pot cool down. A SEVERE BURN is not worth some clean
Let us know if and how you get the stain out!
Good Luck
I have been reading your blog for a while now, and I have a blast reading!
I am so sorry to hear about SK's dress. I am a stain freak, try this... dampen the dress with a little water, then spray it to death with hair spray and rub it vigorously with a wet wash cloth. If that doesn't work, spray on some Totally Toddler ( sold at Babies R Us) with the hair spray and even lay it in the sun with mounds of hair spray and Totally Toddler on it. I've laid some clothes outside all day and re applied the hair spray and Totally Toddler every couple of hours or so, and it may take a while, but it's worth a try.
I know what you're thinking...hairspray?? It's a secret my mama told me and it's actually worked!
Good luck!!