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Good Behavior, Bad Report

Emily had a dentist appointment this morning. I don't know if she was anxious about her appointment or what, but she woke up EVERY TWO hours last night. As you can imagine, we were all feeling good this morning. Ha! I felt like we had a newborn again. Every two hours, I would sense these presence beside my face. Fun times!
The last few dentists appointments Emily has had, she has stood up the whole time. What in the world????? The child would not sit or lay on the exam table. They did what they could with her standing up.
Today, she was WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She was well-behaved, friendly, cooperative, She was near perfect! (Don't you know the people there thought I was nuts for taking pictures?)

We found out she has her first cavity. I was sad to hear this. I was the same way as a child. I think I had a filling in every tooth. But, I never had to wear braces!
But the really bad news: Emily fell in our entry way while Steve and I were in the Bahamas. Her very front tooth was very loose. I have not thought too much about it since. The dentist looked at her x-rays and said, "she has injury to her two front teeth." He called me over to look at the x-ray. He said the injury had caused her roots to dissolve on her two front teeth. He said that she would more then likely lose those two teeth and that he would need to make her a bridge in order in keep her remaining teeth from crowding. I am praying those two little teeth will hold on!

Little Sarah Kate watching her favorite show, DORA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Emily took this picture of her sister. Sarah Kate looks mean as a snake.

Someone asked me a good question about the pumpkin pie dessert I posted last week. They asked if you needed to make the pudding with milk first. NO, just add that dry packet to the pumpkin pie mix.

Thank you for making me feel better about my house! You really encouraged me. Yes, I have to remember that was just a book. It was not real life! My girls do love playing together with their toys.
What about the writing on the wall?????? How do you get crayon off of flat painted walls??????


Pam said…
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser! It is a miracle to get anything out/off.
Karen said…
Yep, Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. Or vinegar (diluted with water) works a lot of wonder too!
Erin said…
Mr. Clean Magic Eraser - it will get anything off!!!
K. Tilley said…
Hello....My name is Kerri and I started off reading Kelly's blog and now read yours and Kelly's mom's also. Although we've never met I feel like I've known you forever....I am from Alabama and can relate to all the Southern things you all talk about. I'm also a Hygienist and want to encourage you to give Emily's front teeth some TLC and hopefully she can hang on to them until her permanent teeth are ready to come it....good luck and Merry Christmas!
K. Tilley said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Muffy said…
How funny about her standing up at the dentist! I used to work for a dentist & I don't think we ever had a child do that! Love their huge bows & Sarah Kate's thick hair!
Kim said…
I too have a mouth full of fillings! ha ha! So proud little E did well this morning! As for crayon off the wall...have you tried a Magic Eraser? YOu know the Mr. Clean thing. I have one but have never used it but everyone swears by them.
Melissa Miller said…
Ha! I was just about to say the magic eraser too. I have never tried them before but I hear over and over again that they are wonderful.
Meredith said…
Laurie, I am sorry ya'll got a bad "report" at E's dentist appointment. And I am with everyone else about the crayon on the wall-Mr. Clean Magic Eraser works! :) We hope ya'll have a Merry Christmas! Love ya'll!
We buy magic erasers in bulk :).
Nancy said…
I took pic's at the dentist,too & posted it as well. :) HA! I thought the same thing, but she said it was normal for parents to take pic's ~ so I did!
I love the magic eraser, too. I even had a shopping cart run into my white car & it made a yucky black line & magic eraser took that bad boy right off!! :)
Cochran Family said…
Yes, the Magic Eraser will work to take the marks off, BUT it will almost certainly leave behind smudge marks on your flat paint. We had flat paint and my kids decided to show their artistic talent on the wall with crayon. I used the Magic Eraser and it took off the crayon but left ugly smudges. We finally just repainted with an eggshell kind of finish. Good luck!
Mandy Greene said…
THe magic eraser really is magic!!!
R said…
my five year-old fell in a parking lot a couple of weeks ago, and her two front teeth are a bit loose, too. the dentist says they'll be ok, but i'm nervous! they're still loose after what feels like a long time. something tells me this is small potatoes compared to the many things we'll be worried about as mothers as our children grow! ack! :0)
Holly said…
Poor Emily! She looks sooooo worried in that first photo! :O

I also hope she manages to keep her teeth! :)
Unknown said…
So sorry about the dental visit. My 4 year old fell when he was 1 1/2 and made his top front tooth crooked. A few months later when I was taking off his onesie I accidentally got his shirt caught on his tooth and ripped it out the rest of the way. We quickly placed it back in the gum socket and it stayed. Well it stayed for 3 years and then he fell on the hardwood floors and knocked it out the rest of the way. We had to have his bottom front tooth pulled when he was 2 1/2 because it suffered damage from the fall and was broken below the gum line. We have had our share of tooth drama so I can feel your pain. Will keep you in my prayers!
Shelley said…
I LOVE your blog :) Anyway, my middle daughter lost her front two teeth at age four because of a similiar incident. Anyway, her permenant teeth can in later just fine with no problems so we will pray for the best for Miss Emily!

Also, I made your pumpkin pie recipe for my family this past weekend and it was a HIT! I love it! Thanks for posting it. It is a great change from the normal pumpkin pie which I also LOVE!

AND last, I LOVE magic erasers, too!! I use them on EVERYTHING!
Kathy said…
Have you ever tried "goo gone" for crayon marks? I used it on a fabric ottoman that my daughter got crayon on when she was coloring, not just outside the lines, but outside the coloring book! The goo gone worked for me. I'm not sure about on a wall, but if the magic eraser doesn't do the trick, you might give gone a shot.
The B's said…
we've used magic eraser for the do you get fingernail polish off the carpet? That is my new trial!!!
Candis Berge said…
Just had to drop by to say I enjoyed smelling the pot roast all day today - I have made it a few times since you shared the recipe - and I think of you each time! I sure had a happy hubby when he came home to that delicious smell! (Keep blogging; seems like lots of us come over here from Kelly's blog.) And I don't remember ever having tidy bedrooms with 3 children... ever...
Magic Eraser all the way like everyone else has said. Lauren LOVES to make artwork all over this house. It's crazy :)
Sue said…
My son knocked out his front permanent teeth when he was 6. We found the teeth and the dentist put them back in hoping they wouldn't start dissolving. To help hold the teeth in place our orthodontist put braces on the the top teeth to help support the ones that had been knocked out. They held in place until he was in 8th grade, had all his orthodontic work done and he has fake teeth on a retainer until he is old enough to get implants or a bridge. Just an idea ....would be much easier then a bridge now!
Cupcake Mama said…
I agree with the comment that there is hope even if those teeth do come out. A friend at church fell at age 3 and knocked out 3 front teeth...the adult teeth came back in just fine. I am missing 2 adult teeth due to a genetic issue so after braces I had to have bridge work on both sides of my mouth. It's a real pain to keep clean, plus you have to get crowns on the teeth on either side of the bridge so it has something to attach onto. For such a big dental job, I would say be sure and get a 2nd or even 3rd opinion if it comes to it - as I am sure you will anyway. Good luck!

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