The last few dentists appointments Emily has had, she has stood up the whole time. What in the world????? The child would not sit or lay on the exam table. They did what they could with her standing up.
Today, she was WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She was well-behaved, friendly, cooperative, She was near perfect! (Don't you know the people there thought I was nuts for taking pictures?)
We found out she has her first cavity. I was sad to hear this. I was the same way as a child. I think I had a filling in every tooth. But, I never had to wear braces!
But the really bad news: Emily fell in our entry way while Steve and I were in the Bahamas. Her very front tooth was very loose. I have not thought too much about it since. The dentist looked at her x-rays and said, "she has injury to her two front teeth." He called me over to look at the x-ray. He said the injury had caused her roots to dissolve on her two front teeth. He said that she would more then likely lose those two teeth and that he would need to make her a bridge in order in keep her remaining teeth from crowding. I am praying those two little teeth will hold on!
Someone asked me a good question about the pumpkin pie dessert I posted last week. They asked if you needed to make the pudding with milk first. NO, just add that dry packet to the pumpkin pie mix.
Thank you for making me feel better about my house! You really encouraged me. Yes, I have to remember that was just a book. It was not real life! My girls do love playing together with their toys.
What about the writing on the wall?????? How do you get crayon off of flat painted walls??????
I love the magic eraser, too. I even had a shopping cart run into my white car & it made a yucky black line & magic eraser took that bad boy right off!! :)
I also hope she manages to keep her teeth! :)
Also, I made your pumpkin pie recipe for my family this past weekend and it was a HIT! I love it! Thanks for posting it. It is a great change from the normal pumpkin pie which I also LOVE!
AND last, I LOVE magic erasers, too!! I use them on EVERYTHING!