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This Weekend

I grew up with a girl named Beth. We have been friends since we were four. Beth is married and has a little boy named Baylor. Beth and her husband, Joey, have lived in several different places over the past 12 years or so. They have lived in Little Rock, Shreveport, La, Franklin, Tn, Tulsa, Ok, Tyler,Tx. I have either driven or flown to visit Beth in all of these places, except Texas. I would always have such a wonderful time when I went to visit. We would always have a song and a scent. Beth would always play her favorite song for me and then she would always introduce me to her latest candle love. We would have great conversations and lots of laughter.
Last May, Beth, Joey and Baylor moved to my area: Northwest Arkansas!!!!! We had hoped for this for many years and our dream came true. Beth decided a couple of months ago that I just needed to come one weekend and stay with them, just like old times. They only live about ten minutes from me.
Sooooo......this Friday night I went to stay the night with Beth. We drove around (one of our favorite activities), talked, laughed and watched a chick-flick. Beth is a superb hostess. She always gives me a gift when I visit. My sheets are sprayed with linen spray and everything is in perfect order. Friday night she gave me Junior Mints. That is my favorite candy! She also gave me a heavenly scented candle. That was our scent for the weekend.

Beth's houses are always warm and inviting. Beth is a great decorator!
Our movie was cute. It is one of Beth's favorites. Have you seen it?
I came home Saturday and Steve and I got the house all ready for a Sunday School party. Twice a year, our class does a thing called "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner?" We usually have three host homes and each couple who signs up is assigned what house they will go to. The host home has no idea who will come to their house and the people coming don't know who else will be there with them. It is fun to guess who you will be having dinner with. Steve and I thought we had it all figured out Saturday night. We got it all wrong, so we were very surprised. We had a FUN time!


Christa said…
Sounds like you had a great weekend with your friend! I love girl nights! "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner" sounds like such a fun idea!
Hillary said…
Tell Beth Im going to be staying with her next weekend!
Melissa Miller said…
How fun are these photos Laurie! Your friends home is beautifully decorated.

Blessings, ~Melissa :)
The Garners said…
How FUN! Reading this made me think of my friend, Heather Boyer. She has lived in several places in Texas and also in Seattle,WA, and I've always gone to see her at every location. It's always fun to visit her and she always has a little gift waiting on my when I arrive. :)

Junior Mints are SO YUMMY!!
Tara G. said…
What a fun thing to do with your friend! I love it that she wanted to continue even though you're close now! Seriously, it warms my heart because we are always so far from friends and family (and now I have 2 years to wait again...).
Lauren said…
What a sweet time….. So fun catching up with old friends!!!!! :)
Anonymous said…
That sounds like a fun way to have a dinner party!! And what a sweet, thoughful friend. I should aspire to be like that :)

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