Thursday afternoon Steve and I headed to Branson, Mo to take the girls to Silver Dollar City. Emily was more excited about staying in the hotel than any amusement park. We checked into the hotel around 3:30, refreshed a little and then headed to have dinner at The O.G. That is what I call the Olive Garden. We had a GREAT dinner. The girls acted pretty good! Then, we headed to a place called The Track. They have little kid rides that my girls LOVED!!!!!! (The girls were so excited to be in a hotel room. Notice they are as white as the sheets.)

They loved riding the rabbits. Emily rode this one twice.

They enjoyed the little train ride.

We went for ice-cream and then went to bed. Around 12:30 a.m. we were awakened by the sound of Sarah Kate choking in the Pack-n-Play. I just began praying because I was afraid she was choking on a small toy she had insisted on sleeping with. What we became quickly aware of as Steve turned the light on was she was throwing up and choking on it. She was SOOOO sick! She threw up five times. We gave her three baths during the night. We all got about 3 hours of sleep. Saturday morning Sarah Kate woke up her normal, happy self.
We went back and forth about whether just to head home or stay and go to SDC. Emily cried and cried because she wanted to stay another night and go to SDC. (We had planned to stay in the hotel Friday night too).
We decided Sarah Kate was feeling well enough to go. She was drinking really well also. Our main reason for the trip was for Silver Dollar City and we hated to miss the opportunity.

The first thing we did when we got there was watch some VERY talented cloggers. Emily ate this up! They asked for children to come on stage and help do a line dance. Emily and Sarah Kate were so proud of themselves. I was proud of them too!

Emily is getting the hang of it!

This was Emily's favorite ride: The Elephants I was pretty fond of the ride myself!

I rode a frog with Sarah Kate. Emily had to have her own frog.

The girls also LOVED the butterflies!!!!!!!!!!! I liked it too! Ha!

Emily is JUST LIKE HER DADDY! Steve LOVES roller coasters. Emily wanted to ride this one with him. I was sooooo nervous because I did not know how she would do on this ride. She loved it. Steve rode the Wildfire roller coaster. It has three or four loops and drops you straight down. I could NEVER EVER ride this. As Steve was waiting in line for this BIG roller coaster, I was thinking about what could get me on that roller coaster. I came up with nothing. Not even a million dollars a year for life. I was thinking which would be the worst for me: Eating a spoon of Ranch dressing, giving birth with no drugs or riding a roller coaster. I just can't say. They are all in the same category.
I just hate the feeling of losing my stomach. That is THE WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD TO ME! I don't know why anyone would WANT to do that to themselves. I watched group of people get off Wildfire and they looked as normal and happy as could be. If I had been on the ride I honestly think I would have died.

When we were at Silver Dollar City, I did not know if I was really having fun or not. It was blazing HOT! I don't think I have ever been that hot, except in the dressing room at Francesca's when I got stuck in the dress. I just could not quench my thirst at SDC. SK wanted out of her stroller a lot, Emily wanted to be held. The rides were like sitting in a hot skillet. I wore a really really dumb(hot) outfit and bad shoes!!!!! But......now that my tummy is full, my thirst is quenched , my room is cool with a fan going, I can say I loved the trip! It really was a fun day. Emily REALLY REALLY liked it! In fact, next year we are going to get season passes.

On a totally different note: One of my favorite people is back in town. This is Rebekah and her cute baby Cilla. Kelly and I took our girls over to see Rebekah this past week. Kelly and I know Rebekah from our old church in Fayetteville. She has been living in Waco, Texas and they are back here. I am so excited!
If anything in the post sounds crazy, let me explain why. Wednesday, we had our carpet cleaned, the people did indeed get our carpet very clean. It looks great, but the smell of chemicals is STILL here and it is STRONG! I think our brains may be affected. It smells like mineral spirits was poured in the carpet.
A spoon of ranch dressing, giving birth without drugs or riding a roller coaster - ha! I'm going to agree with all but the ranch dressing. I'm going to go with Kacy that giving birth without drugs is something I could never do. (or hope not)
We plan to take the kids to SDC right before school starts. I'm worried about how hot it is going to be. Your description of when you decided it was fun sounds like my Mom's...she always says that a lot of times she has to wait a little while after the event to decide if it was fun or not! I know what she means. I'm so glad the girls had fun and everyone felt like going. I'm notorious for wearing bad shoes to things like that--I've made a mental note after reading this to be sure not to do that this time.
Have a good week!
I think you may be the only person I know who hates Ranch dressing! :)
My family was in Branson all weekend and we saw you at SIlver Dollar City! First I saw you as we pulled into the parking lot and then You guys were in line right in front of us to enter the park on Friday and were right in front of us when we left too. I told my husband that I read her blog and he would not let me tell you hi. HAHA! He said that is just weird. Oh well... you guys are all beautiful! I never check my blog and have not updated it since the birth of my daughter 11 months ago and I could not find an email for you so I am just leaving a comment. Sorry SK was so sick but I am glad you had fun anyway!