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Showing posts from April, 2010

We Have a Cat

. We have a cat.....I don't know if the cat can stay. I may have ten hemangiomas on my lips before this is all said and done. When I get nervous I bite my lips. The cat is sweet but hid under SK's crib for hours and then has meowed ALL NIGHT LONG. Kristen has reached a new height in craziness. Her name is now Pink A Boo What the shelter lady had to put up.......................................................................................................................................................................................... A YORKIE!

Random News of the Week

In January, I noticed what looked like a mole on my bottom lip. I thought, "who gets a mole on their lip?" Of course, my mind always goes to the worst, I thought "this could be melanoma." But, I knew my lips have NEVER seen the sun. I NEVER go without lipstick. (or hairspray) I have been really worried about it and promised myself I would not read about moles on lips on the internet. My mind has gone to awful images about my lip. I have imagined that it is melanoma and it has pierced through my lip to my gums and muscle and jaw bone and in the end they would have to remove my whole lower face and jaw. I broke down and went to the dermatologist on Monday. I told the nurse I was there for a mole on my lip. She raised her eyebrow and I broke out in a nervous sweat. I sat in that cold room for what seemed like forever. The M.D. came in and pressed on my lip so hard and for so long that it almost pushed me off the table. He determined that I have a hemangio...

Weekend in Atlanta

We set off to Atlanta on Friday afternoon. We flew out of the Branson airport. Here is Jennifer, Hillary, and Kelly. We had so much fun together. I needed a weekend of laughter! Here is Kelly and Amanda ready for take off. Amanda is sooo funny. Truth is, all the girls I went with are FUNNY! Here we are at FBC Woodstock Ga. for the So Long Insecurity conference with Beth Moore. I had the wonderful honor to meet Mandi. I have read her blog for a while now. She was so sweet. You can probably tell, but these girls are VERY serious. HA! Jenna and Caroline! It was so great to meet them too. They are just as sweet as I thought they would be. Here is Betsy. She is a wonderful role model to me as a Mom. Jill and Hillary. Jill is full of laughter! She is a joy to be around. Faith and Mandy. Faith and Mandi. Faith was our driver in Atlanta. She was so kind and a great driver. I loved meeting many people at the conference! It makes me even more interested in blogs and blogging....

A Sweet Reunion

As much FUN as I had in Atlanta, I was ready to get home and see Steve and my girls! They were well taken care of. They made a tent. I love these girls so much! Playing with barbies.

Pop Time

One year ago today Emily cut off all her hair. Actually, as she said, "I cut a pony tail." Look at it today...HOORAY! It has grown. I have only gotten it trimmed once since that dreadful day. I have cautiously let her use scissors again, but I watch her like a hawk. Sarah Kate is having terrible allergy eyes. They water ALL day! I have started giving her a little allergy medicine in the mornings. We may have to make a visit to the M.D about this. Steve parents are in town for a few days. We love their visits.

Old Books, My New Favorites

When my parents were here a couple of weeks ago, they brought some of my Dad's books from when he was a child. They also brought a few that were mine when I was little. I used to LOVE this memory book of Bible verses. My mom got this for me when I was little. I remember each picture that went along with the verses. I can even remember memorizing the verse for letter "A." I am so thankful that my parents taught me scripture. I am using this book with Emily right now at bedtime. All of these books were my Dad's. There are many more. I loved reading them when I was little and I still love them today. I have not seen them in probably twenty five years. I was thinking about them a few weeks ago and I asked my parents if they could bring them to me when they came to visit. Emily is crazy about them! Every mark or tear in the books she says, "Granddaddy tore this when he was a little boy!" I think the pictures in these old books are so sweet. I know...

Welcome Spring!

I decided last week that GREEN is my favorite color. I LOVE seeing all of the beautiful green leaves on the trees. It adds so much beauty. I was more than ready for this past winter to end. I could probably get several amens on that! I enjoyed a day outside with the girls on Saturday. We got some flowers and planted them in our planters. I thought getting a car for Emily this past birthday would be fun and easy for her drive. ha! We took it out through the neighborhood a couple of months ago and she was crying and I was yelling. She does not know how to steer. We were both beyond frustration. I ended up pushing the car home that day. She is doing a little better now and I know that will continue. Emily went in and put on these boots to plant the flowers. Good idea Emily! This is Sarah Kate's trademark.........a baby under one arm. She was fussing here because I took her cissy out for the picture. Emily is hearing so much better. The running bath water is VERY loud to...

Tubes Report

Emily did GREAT with getting her tubes. The MD said she was really sweet the whole time. She never cried. We were so proud of her. The MD told us that the fluid was really thick and he said he did not see how she got by with that little hearing. She really does seem really happy and pleasant already. I should have just had the doctors put tubes in my girls ears before they left the hospital at birth. Most EVERY visit to the MD for both girls has been ear infections and ear troubles. We have spent tons of money on MD visits. Oh well.....I am just happy they both have them now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Emily hates to eat. After I cooked lunch today she said, "well, the Dr said I should not eat any food." Ha ha! We are born with a sin nature.

More Tubes

Guess who is getting tubes tomorrow? That would be Emily! Emily did not pass her hearing test at her 4 year old check-up. The Dr made us an appt. with an audiologist yesterday. The audioligist did not even do a hearing test on Emily because her tympanagram was flat. (Not even sure what that means) The ENT worked us in yesterday and said Emily's ears were completely filled with fluid. He referred to it as "glue ears." We have known that she did not hear very well. She is always saying,"what you say?" She does not always start words with the right letter. For example, she says biaper for diaper, beetle for needle, tingers for fingers and so on. She complains that her ears hurt all the time and is always wanting drops. I am so thankful for modern medicine, and the Dr thinks Emily will have perfect hearing in about two weeks.

The New Tables

Here is the new furniture Steve got me for my Birthday. How long do you think the pears in the bowl will stay there?....till Sarah wakes up from her nap. One thing calls for another. I want some old big books or something like that to go on the end table shelves.

A Very Happy Easter

Sarah Kate and Emily walking home after Easter egg hunt in our neighborhood. We have had a very good Easter weekend. I am so happy that we serve a risen Savior! Our church had Evangelist Junior Hill this morning. He has very simple and effective delivery of the Gospel message. I love to hear him preach. Steve took part in the cardboard testimonies. I love seeing how the Lord has worked in peoples lives. Kelly. Scott and Harper had us over for a wonderful Easter dinner. My parents with Emily. Sarah Kate was acting too wild to be in the picture. Zach. Erin and Kinley-our friends from church Pretty baby Harper All the little ones at lunch! It was hard to get them all in a picture. I am going to post furniture pictures soon but, our house is really messy right now. As soon as I clean up, I will post pictures.


The girls had Spring/Easter pictures made this week. I am soooo pleased with how they turned out. Emily was so scared of the baby chicks that she was almost miserable. Notice she is pulling her feet up in this picture. We had a wonderful playgroup at my friend Tracey's house. She is a great hostess and always so organized. We had an egg hunt. My Dad took this picture before we left this morning. My parents are here with us this week and are staying here for Easter. We love when they come to see us! Kelly got this cake for my Birthday. Isn't it sooooo very cute? It tasted really good too. Kelly was sooo thoughtful to do this! I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sarah Kate would pick up every egg Harper was trying to get. Sarah Kate refused to let go of her baby for the egg hunt. My Mom did Emily's hair the other night and I had to take some pictures of it. Emily was so proud. Steve gave me THE BIGGEST surprise of my life today. He had a new coffee table and end tables del...