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How We Met

I said several months ago that I would tell the story about how Steve and I met. I have saved it until this weekend, because I am thinking about all the single girls out there and what Valentine's Day can feel like. I hope this story will bring you hope and encouragement.
I graduated from college when I was 22 years old and moved to Fayetteville, Ar to teach art in a nearby town. I had lots of blind dates, a few dates and a couple of serious relationships. BUT......I knew I had never found "the one" and this had me longing to find him or should I say for him to find me!
I prayed for my husband most everyday. I prayed for what he was doing, his work, his commitment to Christ, etc. Around 26 or 27, I had this feeling that my husband was going to be someone who moved here from out of town. I don't know that this was some deeply spiritual revelation or just the fact that I was not meeting Mr Right and had no desire to move anywhere else. I KNEW God was big enough to bring him to this area. I had always been a part of singles Sunday school groups and I figured I would meet my husband in a singles group. Although, I never liked singles classes. I tried several in area churches and was always disappointed. I felt like those classes were forgotten by the church. I never felt like I fit in.
I began teaching a college group on Tuesday nights and I let that take my place of Sunday school. I don't think this was a very wise decision. I think EVERYONE should attend and be a part of a Sunday School class.
I felt convicted that I should go to SS so I made a commitment to go every Sunday in July of 2002. On the first Sunday, Steve was there. I thought he was very cute, southern and he answered question and joined in the discussion. This impressed me more than anything. After church the class was going to Chili's for lunch. Steve was there and I talked to him a little, but he was not very friendly. He was not rude, just quiet with me. We had a little conversation in the lobby at Chili's. I found out he was from Mississippi and that he had come to Arkansas to work on his Phd. I don't even remember where he sat at the table that day. There were about 10 of us that day.
I kept my committment to go to SS that month and Steve was there every week. We never talked again, that I can remember. He did wave at me in the parking lot one Sunday and told me to have a good week or something like that. It thrilled me!!!!!!!!
In Aug. I began attending another church and was away from my home church for a year or so. I told two or three people about Steve. I told Kelly and my friend Beth who lived in Franklin TN.
I just told them that I thought he was cute and that I would go out with him in a heartbeat. In Sept., I went to a concert with Kelly at my home church. It was Shaun Groves and Ronnie Freeman. At the intermission the stage was being changed up and guess who was pushing out the sound equipment and stuff???? Yes, Steve! I nearly came un-glued trying to get Kelly to see him in the dimly lit sanctuary. Kelly approved of his looks. ha!
In October, I went to a Razorback game with a friend from college. We were walking up the hill to go in the gate and I spotted Steve with one of his friends, Rob, in front of us. I had known Rob for several years from church. I didn't know him well, but well enough to talk" news, weather, sports." Rob and Steve spoke to me and Rob and I had a little conversation. I was just excited to see Steve. forward to the July 2002. One year after my Summer SS committment. I was driving home from a trip to Little Rock. My phone rang and Kelly said bursting with joy," Laurie, Steve O. called Melinda (our friend from church) and asked if you had a boyfriend and wanted your number!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I had chills, I screamed with excitement. I looked at my spedometer and I was going 95!!!!!!!!!!!!! I called Melinda immediatly and she said," I think he might call you TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!! " I prayed he would! I was wondering why, after all this time, was he wanting my number? Steve did call me that night and we talked about 10 minutes. I just had a good feeling about him.
We had our first date on July 12th 2003. He asked me lots of questions and was just easy to be with. I didn't come home turning cartwheels, but I just thought we was great(what I knew about him). There was sooo much about him that I liked. I was afraid that he might be real serious because he didn't say anything funny on our date. This concerned me a bit. But, on our second date he was REAL funny. He says he was just so nervous on our first date that he couldn't be funny.
On our third date, I found out something VERY interesting. When I saw Steve and Rob at the game, Steve had asked Rob what my name was and what he knew about me. Rob said, "her name is Kelly and she has a boyfriend who lives out of town." Rob had gotten me confused with Kelly. Kelly and I lived together for 7 years and I guess some people could not keep us straight. Kelly's boyfriend, Scott, did live in South Arkansas. Steve had thought from Oct 2002 until July 2003 that I was Kelly and I had a boyfriend. He realized Rob had Kelly and I confused when he was having dinner with some people that were talking about Kelly and me. Steve asked a few questions and knew he had us confused. He called Melinda and got my number.
We were engaged in April 2004 and married in October. I was 32.

Let me just encourage you to wait on God's best for you. I loved that I didn't have to chase Steve, he sought after me. He says he thought I was cute that July in SS but he was just shy. I joke that we could have dated a lot sooner if Rob had not gotten me confused. But, God's timing is always perfect.
Jesus loves you so much and knows your needs!


This post makes me happy. I can't believe I didn't know this story. I had made up a completely different story in my head of how you met!
Shannon said…
I love this story!!! It gives me so much hope every time I hear it! Thanks for sharing! :)
Jenna said…
Laurie, thanks so much for sharing that!! I LOVE these kind of stories, and ya'lls is just precious. I am so glad the Lord brought Steve into your life at just the perfect time. And the story of Rob mixing you girls up is so funny!

Thanks for being such an amazing encouragement!!!
Tara G. said…
I love these kind of posts! You have a great story- I always prayed I'd have a good one to tell! :)
Sugar said…
Dear Laurie-
Thanks so much for sharing this sweet, very romantic story! I love how excited you were when you found out he might call you!! Oh my word, those are the best feelings and it's great that God never lets us forget the feeling of BUTTERFLIES! What a blessing.
And you're so right...God's timing is always perfect.
So happy for both of you! Happy Valentine's Day!
waikikimum said…
That is such a lovely story Laurie. My husband and I met when we were 16 but didn't start dating until I was 19. If someone had told me at 16 that he would become my husband of 20 years I would have never believed them!!! God has a plan for us all and at the right time for us.
Jill said…
Awesome -- thanks for taking time to share, Laurie. So sweet! And, two precious girls later... :)
Crystal said…
Thanks for sharing!!! Your story is so cute and that is funny Rob mixed you and Kelly up!
Emily said…
What a wonderful story.....thanks for sharing! God is so good!
His Doorkeeper said…
Laurie, I never did know the whole story of how you and Steve got together. i do remember hearing that he got you and Kelly mixed up!

God is so good and had Steve all picked out for you!
I love shy men....I married one who was so shy it took nearly a year for him to even speak to me! And so far it's worked out pretty well for 39 years!! ha

Happy Valentine's Day to you and your sweet family!
Caroline said…
i love your story! i do, i do.....and i hate singles sunday school but never miss hahahhahaha when i was with kelly, this summer, i asked her about your is soooo encouraging!
Faith said…
What a precious testimony of the way God works! I loved reading about how He brought the two of you together!!

Really looking forward to meeting you in April!!
Unknown said…
I'm a long time "lurker" from Kelly's page, but I love reading your posts, especially the ones about being single. I'm 28, (29 in 3 months!) and am the last one of all my friends who is single. I know that God's timing is absolutley perfect. Thank you so much for your encouragement to those of us still in the waiting.

monelle said…
What a great story, Laurie! What a testimony to single girls! Thank you for sharing.
Fabiola said…
Laurie, I got to your blog through Kelly's. And the title really got my attention.

I love your story and it show that God's time it is not our time. Perfect!!!

Happy Valentine's day.
Angie said…
girl i love a good love story! that is just precious. my hubby and i have a happy story too, and we are still that happy after 10 yrs of marriage and dated for 4 before marrying. i'm not sure if you got my previous comment but i sent you my email address at, to tell you all about how i know beth. i don't know your email address to reply to you. have a great day.
Unknown said…
Such a great story. Congratulations to both of you. We are forming an Arkansas Bloggers group and would love for you to link to that. The page itself is under construction. You can find the link to the information on my blog. Come check it out.
Bekah said…
I'm so glad you shared this!! :) What a great story and the ending is my favorite. God has long impressed upon my heart that I am not to chase. I am to wait for him to find me. It's hard when people tell me that I should just go looking...and they don't understand that while I don't have a problem with that, I know that is not what God wants ME to do. I'll be 32 in a few months and am so glad to hear your me great hope!
Maryellen said…
Wow that is a great story.
Amazing how it all worked out.
Michelle said…
This is such a good story. The kind of story where you just know that everything worked out just according to plan. :)
What a wonderful story, Laurie. I really enjoyed reading it...very funny...and suspenseful!
Lindsey said…
As a girl trying to patiently was so encouraging to read this.
Lauren said…
Such a sweet story and so encouraging (more than you’ll EVER know), can’t wait to meet you at Beth Moore!! :)
Courtney said…
That you for this sweet and encouraging post. I am 30 and waiting for "the one" to come along, so this was wonderful to read.
Erin said…
Thanks for sharing you sweet story! I know it will encourage so many!
Megan said…
I love reading your blog it is soo encouraging. I am 26 and one of the last one of all my friends who is single.
Laurie, I just hopped over from Kelly's page. This is just the sweetest story ever!
Jennifer said…
Oh, I love your story Laurie!!! Thanks for sharing it! I live in Brentwood - real close to Franklin. I love going to Franklin - maybe I will see you there one day. HA!
caknitter said…
That is a beautiful romantic that he was thinking of you all that time. God works in mysterious ways, indeed.
Thank you for sharing it with us.
Love this post! Gotta love a story with a happy ending!
Bethany said…
Thanks for sharing your story! I'm almost 25 and have no guys in sight so it's nice to read everyone else's stories!
Jennifer said…
Where is PD's? I need some cute stuff for my house.
Michelle said…
Your blog is like a breath of fresh air ... just what I needed tonight. :) Thanks for sharing, Laurie!
Claire said…
Laurie, what a beautiful story! Thank you so much for sharing.

Kristen said…
That is such a cute "how we met" story! What a great post!
Emmy said…
I found your blog through a friend of a friend, I live in Dallas, and don't know you at all, but I love what you write! I always appreciate your acknowledgement of the State of Singleness! Thank you for this one. So honest and encouraging.
Amy said…
Laurie- What a sweet story. I found your blog from Kelly's and have been a "lurker" for a while now. I just have never posted. I feel as though we are friends though. You have a beautiful family!
Schluter said…
Laurie, thanks for sharing your story. It is very encouraging to the young single ladies.

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