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Thank You for Praying

I began to get a VERY sore right index finger last Tuesday. I didn't think too much of it. On Wed it was worse and my parents, who were visiting, encouraged me to see my Dr. I had been on an antibiotic for several days because of my tooth and the root canal. I thought it was strange to have this finger infection while on an antibiotic. I saw my Dr on Thursday and he wrapped it and gave me another antibiotic. My finger has just gotten worse everyday. My Dr was pretty certain it was staph. Sunday my finger was REALLY bad and I went to a walk in (wait forever) clinic. This Dr put me on another antibiotic thinking it was strep. Monday I saw my Dr and he said he wanted me to see a surgeon. I saw a surgeon yesterday afternoon who looked and acted and talked just like Dr Oz!!!!!!! He examined my finger, put his hands in the air and said," I am not touching you!" He was concerned that there may be an infection in my bone or joint. He said he wanted me to see a hand surgeon immediately. I asked, "Should I be worried about this?" and he said, "you should be VERY worried about this. It could be very serious." When he said that, my blood ran cold from head to toe. He told me to go directly to the hand surgeon that they were waiting on me. He asked them to do x-rays. I was sooooo scared. I had gone to the Dr that day by myself, I thought, "it's just my finger, I am a big girl." As I drove to the hand surgeon office I called Steve and told him that I thought he needed to come. Of course he left work immediatly. PRAISE TO JESUS it was NOT in my bone or joint. The hand surgeon was very comforting and told me that he was going to try one more antibiotic before he did surgery. He said there was a chance it could be mersa, since it is not responding to antibiotics. If I am no better by Thursday he will do surgery to get out the infection. The part that scares me is that NO antibiotic is helping me. Please pray this one will work! I have fever because of the infection. Thank you so much for all the prays and words of encouragement. I do feel a lot better about everything today. I was trying to sing praise songs(in my mind) in the hand surgeon waiting room. All I could think of was old old songs. haha nothing wrong with that I don't guess. I was so frazzled that I could not think of any modern songs.
Guess what the title of Oct. 26th devotional was? FEAR NOT
God's timing is always perfect. There was this qoute at the end of the devotional, "Set your thoughts, not on the storm, but on the LOVE that rules the storm."
We have had some little storms at out house lately. In the past four weeks, between me and the girls, we have seen a Dr 15 times and Emily is going again today(16) for an ear infection that is hanging around.
Do you remember the episode on Little House where Ma stayed at home while the family went away for a few days and she cut her leg ? She had a terrible infection set in and high high fever and she almost had to cut her own leg off. I have thought a lot about Ma ingalls in the past few days.

I am very thankful that I had my parents here last week to help and then Steve's parents came Sunday. It has been such a blessing because we didn't know my finger was going to turn into such a big deal. They have been so good to care of the girls and things as I go to doctors and go to pharmacies and all that. I am so thankful!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep on praying for my finger. I appreciate it so much!


Jamie said…
I am praying you get better and that no one else in your household gets sick.
Lauren said…
Praying for you, sweet Laurie!!!!! I'm believing that infection will be gone in jesus name so you will not have to endure surgery. And if he were to have you go the other route, then I pray for a speedy recovery!!!! Love ya!
Robin said…
Praying for you Laurie!!!!!
You know I'm praying without ceasing.

And I'm glad you are not alone and don't have to cut your own hand off like Ma Ingalls. :-)
Nancy said…
Praying for you! I heard about your infection from Kelly's blog & I just wanted you to know you are in my prayers!!
Kubin's said…
You are in my thoughts and prayers! After reading Kelly's blog about you, I could not stop thinking of you. I have faith everything is going to turn out OK.
Kandi West said…
I'm praying Laurie! So sorry you've had such an ordeal the past couple of weeks.
KK said…
Praying for you. Isn't it crazy how one day something we never worried about before can turn our lives upside down??
Christa said…
Just wanted to let you know that your are in my thoughts and prayers!
The Irish Lass said…
Hi Laurie! I've had a lot of experience with cellulitis because I have an immune deficiency. It hurts!! Just wanted to tell you my personal experience that my problem with recurrent skin infections improved a LOT when I went on 500 mg of vitamin C and 1000 IU's of vitamin D daily. For more information, just Google "wound healing vitamin C" and "wound healing vitamin D." Dr. Oz recommends that everyone go on 1000 IU's of vitamin D too! Vitamin D helps protect us against breast cancer and colon cancer too. Hope this helps! Praying for you!!
Anonymous said…

I have been praying for you and will continue to do so!

God bless you~
Jenna said…
Praying for you!
I did not like that episode - it was scary! I will be praying for healing!!
kim_brough said…
Let's hope this antibiotic works. And if it doesn't, no matter how much you love Ma Ingalls, Pul-lease do not cut off your own finger! :-)
Anonymous said…
Hi there! Kelly mentioned that you may be in need of some prayers so I have been praying for ya! I pray that the infection will be gone and healing has already begun. Hang in there. This storm too shall pass~ ps...please dont cut your finger off like Ma almost has too....hehe!
Minnesota Girl said…
Found you via Kelly's blog. Praying for you that that finger heals quickly =)
Just popping over from Kelly's blog to let you know that you have been and will continue to be in my prayers. Hopefully this antibiotic will work and you will heal quickly.
Tara G. said…
Praying, Laurie!
Betsy said…
I have been thinking about you and praying for you, Laurie! That is so scary!! I will keep praying that the infection will go away. It's crazy that antibiotics aren't working, but God has you in his hands!!! Lots of love and hugs!
Yoli said…
Bless your hearts!! So much Dr. visits and sickness! Praying for you Laurie!!
Andolicious said…
Heard about you on Kelly's blog. Praying that your finger heals and that the infection will clear out, (preferably without surgery)!
Meredith said…
Laurie, Please know we are all praying for you!!! We love you so much! I called Kelly and called Mama to ask for their prayers yesterday too. We are thinking of you so much and love you!
Jenny Rose said…
I have been a lurker for some time but felt compelled to comment and let you know you are in our prayers. My daughter (who is 2) and I have both dealt with staph infections for almost 2 years. It was not until her amazing pediatrician fianlly lanced the last go round this spring and found it to be MRSA which is of course the scariest and hardest to treat. She and I both happened to have a flare-up at the same time again began strong antibiotic treatments (same ones they use for TB and meningitis patients) and also had a topical ointment (bactriban) we put directly on the infection as well as rubbing in all of our noses twice daily for a month- even my husband who had never had any infections just to make sure it was all erradicated. It colonizes in the nose apparently and some people are more prone to infections than others. Since then, any time we have any signs of flare-ups, the topical treatment comes out- just to be safe! We have been told that once you have had it, you are more prone to getting it again. Also, my daughter bathes with Hibiclens in her bathwater on a fairly regular basis- it is a surgical soap that you can get a Walmart, etc. These may be some things you want to discuss with your doctors.

I sympathize with all the pain you are enduring! I know it hurts- A LOT! There is a staph specialist in Little Rock and a dr at Millard-Henry Clinic in Russellville who was on a staph task force as well if you need further medical advice. We will keep you in our prayers and pray for a quick and easy recovery!
Everday Edwards said…
You poor thing! We will continue to pray for you and your family.

Melissa Jo said…
Oh Laurie, I know exactly what you are going through, I had a small spot above my eye last summer that was a bacterial infection, I got an antibiotic for it and t slowly left, then about two weeks later I got spots everywhere on my body, I in fact developed MRSA, while it was a long road to recovery they did find the antibiotic to help, I did remain on the meds for about 4 months, I will pray for you each and every day, it is very scary to have something like this in your body, God will take care of you! God Bless You!
His Doorkeeper said…
Laurie, Steve and I have prayed constantly for you since we heard the news from Kelly. I told Steve that if we live over there I would try to come help you out with anything you needed!

We love you and hope this round of antibiotic does the trick!
Michelle T said…
I hope you get to feeling better soon. I will be saying a little prayer for you.
The Garners said…
Thinking of you! Hope you are all well very soon!!!
Sara Campbell said…
I am so so sorry Laurie. Thanks for the update.
Sara Campbell said…
Oh, I so remember that episode. It scared my kids to death!!!!
Jennifer said…
You have been in my thoughts and prayers. I am so glad you are beginning to get some answers. Take good care of yourself! I LOVE how you found a way to relate this to LHOTP. It was my favorite when I was little and now I think of you every time I see it. So funny the way my mind works.
Charla Liedahl said…
Hi Laurie--You don't know me, but because I've read Kelly's blog I've popped over to yours from time to time. You are most certainly in my prayers...for healing and for the peace that passes understanding. You are specially loved by so many and I am grateful you have so many people to support and pray for you. I'm CA born and bred but have a soft spot in my heart for the South. If I lived in AR I'd want you and Kelly for friends!
Bekah said…
Hugs to you, Laurie! I love the way God orchestrated the Fear Not devo for you! He's so good like that. Just stay away from the verses Ma read in that episode! (I love it that in the middle of this, you thought of Little House. We are definitely Little House kindred spirits.)
Melissa Stover said…
that is so scary. i have been praying for you and will continue.
Ashley said…
Glad you are doing better! I said a prayer for you last night and will continue to pray healing.

Kelly said…
Praying for you!!!
Laurie - I am praying for you! My Granny had MSRA in her finger in the Spring. She did have to have the surgery to clean out the infection. She has recovered and is back to her spunky self! I am praying that the antibotics kick in and take care of the infection.
Momofgirls said…
Oh, I will be praying for you too! It is so scary when we don't have control,and it seems as if the Doctors don't either...but we know WHO really has control...and HE LOVES US!

Hang in there!
Kendra said…
Heather said…
Praying that everything works out for either your finger getting better or for the surgery. I'm sure it must be scary, but God is faithful.
I know we don't know each other personally, just in blog world, but I am praying for you. For God to give you complete healing for your finger and to take the infection away completely. It is tough when all we can do is surrender and give up control, because God has our health in his hands. Praying for you from Colorado!!!!!
Melissa Miller said…
My prayers are with you Laurie.
You are going to be just fine. I feel it in my heart.

YES! I do remember that episode very well.

I'll be checking for your updates. ~Melissa
Robin said…
I found your blog through Kelly's. Just want you to know I've been praying for since I read her post yesterday about your finger. MRSA (Methicillin resistent staph aureus) is very serious and because it wasn't resistant to many meds, it can make it hard to treat. This past Aug I had MRSA in my chest due to a tube that was there to have my plasma pharesis treatments done. It was the most painful thing and it made me irritable. Between the fever and worry, I was so hard to deal with. After 4 different antibiotic changes, they finally found the correct one. There's a lot of other medical stuff that goes along with mine but I just want to encourage you that they will find an antibiotic that will work. They still may want to go in and irrigate your finger....just to make sure all the infection is gone. If they do, I would let them or it could be the same all over again. OR they might find there is no need if the meds clear it up enough. My site had to be 'milked" to get all the puss out.

Eat all the yogurt you can eat and then some more. These antibiotics are much more likely to give you a yeast infection over just the normal ones.

Praying for you.
Autumn said…
Praying for you ever since I read Kelly's blog. Hope the new meds work and you don't have to have surgery. :)
Summer said…
I am praying for you and hope you get well soon!
heididh33 said…
Praying for you and all of your family! Hope it gets better QUICK!
Anonymous said…
Laurie- We are praying for you in Charlottesville, VA!
Kelley said…
Praise be to God that it was not in your bones and that you are relying completely on Him. We little peons can not handle the burden but He can!! What great news. And how timely that you had that devotion and thought for the day just when you needed it. Imagine that. Our God- Isn't he so good!!
Maria said…
Hang in there!!! I just jumped on your blog after visiting Kelly's and read about your infection. I will be praying.
Praying for your complete healing sweet Laurie. So thankful you've had your parents and your in-laws there to help with your family during this time.
Take GOOD care, 'fear not' and know there are so many people lifting you up in prayer.
Also praying for wisdom for your Dr.'s to take GOOD care of you.
Blessings today and always,
Matthew 21:22
Psalm 46:10
Isaiah 41:10
Lori said…
Read about your infection on Kelly's blog. Please know that we are praying for you!

I know it is scary for you. My mom went through this a few years ago. She had surgery to clean out the infection but she is just fine.

Marla Taviano said…
I've been praying for you, Laurie! That Little House episode scares me!!
Anonymous said…
Praying for you!
Beth Colbert said…
Just know that the we are praying hard!
Please keep us posted on how you are doing!
Love you,
Mama Elle said…
Oh my goodness! What an ordeal! I'm definitely praying for you and your family!
pinkmommy said…
I am praying for you!
Fiffer said…
Laurie, I'm praying for you. Feel like I've gotten to "know" you a little through Kelly. I wish we had a church like yours around here...what incredible "family bonds" your church has!

Just wanted you to know my daughter went through this and the antibiotic they gave her (Bactrim) was WORSE than the staph infection. She had a lot of awful side effects from it and when I googled it I was mortified at the possible side effects. So just make sure that they switch you to a different antibiotic if you are having severe side effects. I'm praying this clears up quickly!
who would think one little infection would turn into so much. Praying for a speedy recovery.
petrii said…
I'm so sorry about your finger. I will be praying for you and your sweet family.

Feel better soon,
Dawn in MO
Lynn said…
You are in my prayers, Laurie!! So glad you had family in during this time to help out! Praise the Lord it's not in your bones or joint!

God bless you.
jamieliz said…
Thinking of you!!
I've been following Kellys blog for some time and that brought me to you! I'll be praying that it is all healed soon and no surgery is needed!
Angie said…
I pray that your finger gets better soon and this antib works!! My niece went through this recently and is doing great now. Also, in looking at your blog I couldn't help but notice the Pinkalicious book...that is my Brooklynn's favorite book EVER!! and you know there is a Purplicious too!
Grace said…
I understand what you are going through. On July 1, I hit my finger on our granite countertop. My finger swelled up. I went to the walk-in clinic and was given Clindomycin for the "infection". I saw the Dr. 4 times for this. Then, at the end of August I became extremely ill with a bacterial infection in my blood (e-coli). I was hospitalized for 8 days and felt like I was very close to death. After I was released from the hospital (unable to eat due to severe nausea and diarreah), I went to my Dr. 5 days later. I collapsed in his office and was once again admitted to the hospital. There they diagnosed me with MRSA in my finger (which is absurd because my finger never had any open sores , just swollen). I then had 50 or so IV therapy's with Vancomycin, a strong antibiotic. A CT scan revealed that it was just a bone injury (smashing it on the granite countertop) and all treatment stopped. I have been told that I will have to live with the swollen finger and that the MRSA was probably just on my skin, since I had been very ill in the hospital, where I likely got it. The sad thing is that my daughter wouldn't let me see my grandkids for a week or so until she understood what MRSA is all about and how it is everywhere.
Ashley said…
I am definitely praying for the antibiotics to work their magic on your finger! Also praying that you get lots of rest to help your body fight the infection.
I saw the post on Kelly's Korner. I had MRSA and had to have surgery but mine was internal in both of my breasts after having a newborn. It was very strange and when I was admitted to the hospital I was clueless and so scared! I will be praying for you because I know exactly how you feel especially when nothing is working. Take care!
Big Mama said…
I adore that you referenced the Little House on the Prairie episode where Ma almost had to cut off her leg. I always found that so disturbing.

And I'm praying for you!
Praying for healing!

I just wanted to let you know that I too, have been through this...multiple times! Jenny Rose's comment is very similar to our situations, and also a lot of the same treatments we went through. It is very scary, painful, and I truly feel so sad that you are going through this.

I'm sure you have wonderful doctors, but if you ever have questions like maybe how someone handled it, please feel free to email me!

Also, since the 1st time I had it, yes, it has come back multiple times, it can happen frequently in places that you shave because of hair follicles, just thought I would let you know...I had my 2nd under my arm and surgery on this was no fun at all!
Katie said…
I prayed for you as soon as Hil told me!
Heard about you through Kelly's Korner. My family and I are praying for you and will continue to do so!
Jennifer said…
Prayed for you yesterday and will contiue to until your finger is better. Bless your heart! I know you were so scared.
Kelley said…
I am praying that you will get better soon!
Leigh Ann said…
Oh my, I had no idea, Laurie. Praying you feel better quick! I totally remember that episode of LHOTP. It scared me when I was little, but now I think how strong she was. Keep us posted!
Her Preppiness said…
Glad you are getting better.

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