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I Have Good News!

I breathed a breath of relief a little while ago! The Dr said that my finger is HEALING!!!!!!! He said that he was just going to let it do it's thing. Then he said,"whatever you are doing is working." I thought..."what I am doing is PRAYING, having lots of people PRAY for me, and taking my medicine." Thank you again for praying for me and my family!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Continue to pray that my finger will be normal and infection free very soon.
I am just soooo thankful to have my finger and hand and arm. I just feel like a new woman now!!!!!!!!!!!


Everday Edwards said…
I'm so happy to hear the good news!! Praise the Lord!

Lauren said…
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's awesome news, Laurie!!!!!! :) :) So very happy to hear! There is amazing power in prayer :)
Robin said…
Yay, I'm so glad that it's healing!!
Bear Girl said…
God is so good!!! I will continue to pray! Keep us posted!

Mary said…
that's awesome!
Grecia said…
Great! So glad there was no surgery involved! Hope everyone in your house gets well now!!
Guy and Julie said…
I am SO happy!!!
petrii said…
YAY Laurie,
I'm so happy you are doing better. Hang in there!!

Anonymous said…
YAY!! Still praying for you! I'm so happy to hear you're healing :)
Jennifer said…
SOOO Happy to hear that!
Great news!!
Minnesota Girl said…
Yay! That's such fabulous news!
His Doorkeeper said…
We'll keep praying till there is no sign of any infection!
Praise the Lord for answered prayer for today!
Ellen said…
HI Laurie,
I am new to your blog but I have just gotten over having a Staph
infection on both my legs. My DR.
told me to wash my legs in water with bleach in it .It was amazing how quick they healed.I could tell a difference after the first day
I did it. Hope your finger is better. Blessings
The Irish Lass said…
WOO HOO! Praise God! So happy you're feeling better! I'll continue to pray for you and your family...
Lori said…
I'm glad to hear the good news on your finger, I'll keep your family in prayer also so they get well. I came here looking for an update, since Kelly didn't update us. Hope all is well with the Stamps as well.
Kelly said…
I'm so glad you didn't have to saw your own hand off.
Nancy said…
God amazes me daily!
I will continue to pray!
Yay for the great news...God is sooo good.
So very thankful for answered prayers and will continue to pray for healing.
Blessings today and always,
Matthew 21:22
Ashley said…
I am so glad to hear your good news! You have been on my mind all day and I was praying for a good turn around for your finger!
Glitter & Bliss said…
I am so glad to hear that you are on the mend. That was scary! Praying for your continued healing.... Leslie
Aimee said…
Hi! I am so happy to hear that your finger is getting better. That must have been very scary for you.

I have a 3 1/2 year old son who has had several MRSA infections. The first episode, we and his doctors thought it was a tick bite. It appeared as a nasty white pimple with a large red ring. It worsened and finally we tested it for MRSA (acronym for Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus - In other words resistant to the first antiobiotic Methicillin )and it came back positive. He was treated with antibiotics and Bactroban. It went away. A few months later it appeared again and again we treated it. We then decided it would be best to see an Infectious Disease doctor who went about treating the infection a little differently and who calmed our nerves and answered our many, many questions and concerns. It has again appeared this past month and we only hope and pray that it goes away forever this time or becomes less virulent. MRSA is very difficult and a real pain in the neck. It has primarily appeared on his tush or thigh. It has made me completely crazed and scared. But, as his ID doctor has said "it is just a pain in the neck". We are so careful with our son and we cannot even imagine where he picked this up. Our ID doctor said that children prone to dry skin/ eczema are more prone to MRSA infections.

Sorry for such a long note, but I kind of feel alone in dealing with this. I have never met anyone else with this type of infection.

I hope and pray that you continue to heal. Thank god you were on top of the infection.
So happy you are feeling much better!
Oh I am so glad to hear your finger is doing better.
Her Preppiness said…
Such good news.
4shepherds said…
I just went through the same thing. I had my Thyroid taken out about 1 year ago,well come to find out I got Staph from that surgury.Anyway, I got an infection in my breast scared me to death. Well, they put me on antibotics I went back to the doctor 4 days later and he said whatever you are doing is working. My response..PRAYING. Isn't God great!! I am so glad you are okay I know how scary that is.
Susan said…
Found your blog though Kelly's - really enjoy both of them. What sweet little girls you have. :) Glad you got a good report from the doctor and I'll keep you in my prayers for continued healing. :)
pinkmommy said…
I am a firm believer that prayer changes things! I won't stop!
Kelley said…
Thrilled you got a good report!
Juls said…
Great news-a few extra prayers couldnt possibly hurt :)
Juls said…
Great news-a few extra prayers couldnt possibly hurt :)
Lori Harper said…
Many Praises!!! Thank you Jesus for answering our prayers. Will continue to lift you up!
Rebekah said…
I have been out of commission the last few days, so I had no idea you had been so sick. I am glad things are looking up. I will keep on praying and asking for complete healing for you and your fam. Sick babies are such hard work and are so pitiful. Bless your heart.
Claire said…
Great news! Praying!

Lynn said…
AMEN, AMEN, AMEN!!!! Thank you, Jesus, for prayers being answered! Wonderful news, Laurie!! Will continue praying for healing!
Leigh Ann said…
PTL! So happy you are feeling better. I know that had to be so scary!

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