I have to share some exciting news!!!!!!!!! Little House on the Prairie began airing at 5:00 p.m. on TV Land last Monday. I can't tell you how thrilled I am!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is my all-time FAVORITE T.V. show. In my opinion, it is the best show ever. In most all the episodes, they pray, mention Jesus, go to church, teach a life lesson. The children say, "yes,mam" and "yes,sir" Emily likes the show too. But, her favorite character is Nellie. She calls her the "mean girl." I will work on this.
I wish there were more shows like Little House.
My Mom used to say, "When Pa cries, everyone cries." so true...I'm balling all of the time from that show...sooooo good
My mother could sit and watch Little House all day and night.=)
Growing up, I wasn't allowed to watch much TV, but I could watch this. I became a bit...obsessed. I knew all the episodes by heart - including titles. When I moved to college, my roommates used to send me out of the room when the episode started, look at the title of the show, call me in, and time me to see how long it would take me to guess it. My average time was under five seconds. I'm not that good anymore, but those were the DAYS!!
love watching them!
I am a Home Health Aide and me and the lady i care for used to watch them everyday starting at 1pm - 4pm on the hallmark channel, until they stopped showing them last Monday, and just showed 1 episode on TV Land at 5pm. At least we still get to watch them right?! No complaints here! I told my boyfriend that i wanted the dvd series for Christmas! HA! :)