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Beach Bum

"Who have you made mad?"  That is the question the urgent care Dr. asked me after about 30 seconds of examining me.  While we were at the beach, I developed a sore throat on Tuesday evening.  I blew it off as a Summer cold and was determined to enjoy my vacation despite the discomfort.

Thursday, I felt so bad that I could not get out of bed until almost noon. My ears had stopped up and my left ear hurt from so much pressure.  It was oozing too.  I was also SO HOT!  I never get hot, but I could not seem to cool down.  I knew there must be something bad wrong with me!

Determined to enjoy the beach, I walked down to the shore for about a thirty minute rest on the chair.  My sore throat seemed to go away while I was down by the water.  It was some strange phenomenon.  Friday we had our twelve hour drive home.  I sat there in the passenger seat in misery.

Saturday morning I saw a Dr.  He diagnosed me with strep throat and a double ear infection.  Before the day ended I developed pink eye. I watched some good Lifetime movies and enjoyed rest in my bed.

I feel fine today except for the fact that my left ear is sooooooo stopped up and it is about to make me crazy.  I don't even want to talk because I sound so weird and distorted. I welcome any suggestion on how to get this fluid from behind my ear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Misery.

Sooooo, I enjoyed the first three days of our beach trip!  I'm thankful for that.  I loved being with my family and the Stamps.  We had beautiful weather.  I decided I'm a lake girl.  I used to love to go the beach and lay out and tan.  But now I am very afraid of skin cancer and have had enough scares with my skin that I need to stay out of the sun.  Walking in sand wears me out.  I was huffing and puffing by the time I got down to the beach chairs.  The beach is beautiful and I love seafood, but I am just as happy fishing on a calm lake as the sun begins to set!


Charity said…
PEROXIDE!! Lay on your side and pour a little bit, about a cap full, of peroxide in your ear. It will bubble and fizz and feel weird, but in a really good way. You will feel relief! Leave in your ear for up to 30 mins, or whenever the bubbling slow down. You can do it 2-3 times a day!

I have a lot of sinus and ear issues. And before I got Adult Ear Tubes (yes, it's a thing!) I had a lot of ear infections and peroxide was my bff!
Diane said…
Pinch your nose, keep your mouth closed and blow as hard as you can until your ear pops. This will put air into you eustachian tubes. You may get a little dizzy at first but it's worth a try and hopefully will open it up some. Get well soon!
Anonymous said…
I wear hearing aids and am prone to clogged ears. Normally I'd say to get a ear wax remover kit and use that every day for a few days.

However since you have an ear infection, I strongly advise you not to attempt to unclog your ears on your own. Call your doctor on Monday or go to an Urgent Care place tomorrow if you can't take it until then. They can rule out that nothing else is going on then they have special tools that essentially vacuums anything that is clogging your ears.

Hope you feel better soon!

Divya said…
Try steaming a couple of times a day. Don't talk much or even whisper until you feel better.

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