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Cup and Clothes Woes

I made a stop at a QT (Quick Trip).  But, my trip was not quick.  I have never ever seen so many lids.  This is all I could fit in my camera lens.  There were many more.  I have to say it stressed me out a bit.  Which lid did I need?  Everyone I was with was back in the car and buckled up and I was still trying to find the appropriate lid.  I went with the purple, super high quality lid for my tea.  Decisions, decisions.

Sarah Kate's new clothing crisis.

Well, we have finally gotten to a place that she will wear more than dresses.  She LOVES leggings.  Will wear shorts now and will once in a blue moon wear pants with not too much crying.  BUT, we have a new problem:  Clothes with words.  She is NOT having it.  This started about two weeks ago.  Steve picked her up from school one day this week and she came out with her backpack on her back and her hands covering up the front of this shirt.  She said she kept her hands over her shirt all day and it had been a horrible day-she could not even play.

I LOVE Gymboree and Crazy 8 clothes with words.  I think they are adorable and very "little girl" looking.  SHE HATES IT.    She says beautiful clothes don't have words on them.  I have struggled with her 3 different mornings with these kind of shirts.  I have made her wear them anyway.

Oh Sarah and your clothes.


Annsterw said…
That is hilarious! I love when they get something stuck in their minds and then will not WAVER! Ha
Natasha said…
That is a crazy amount of cup lids. I would have likely been overwhelmed and left without a lid!
Tara G. said…
I have had the same lid problem! AHH! It's just a LID and I only want it to work!

Have you tried Hanna Andersson? Their clothes are so cute, the quality is amazing, and there are leggings to go with dresses or tunic tops that are super cute. I love that my girls can wear the outfits for 2-3 years- and what my older wore has been handed down and still looks almost new! And, they have pictures but wording is rare. :) (I don't buy much with words on them for my girls.)
Fancy Dots said…
My son would never wear clothes with pictures or words. He is probably the only toddler who would only wear tighty whities. He is 17 now and still won't wear shirts with pictures and words!
Kandi said…
Lowrey will wear nothing with words on it. She abhors Justice bc of that and honestly that's great with me. She also dislikes most patterns. And most jeans. School uniforms are my best friend right now.
Would you wear a shirt that said, "Pinch me. I'm cute"? I don't blame her.
Unknown said…
Best advice I've ever received...if my child is somewhat matching, but most importantly is happy, then go with it. I don't see the point in starting the day off with an unhappy kid.
ck_tulsa said…
I wondered if the kids at school pinched her. Hope not.
Unknown said…
I am laughing so hard about Sarah Kate because my almost three year old is a nightmare to get dressed. She only wants to wear dresses and hates even wearing pajamas. She will get up in the morning and request that she put on a dress. Then she will twirl around and say "I'm so beautiful, now I'm a girl again". Uh, ok. We will live Oregon aka Rain Central for 8 months of the year so she just has to get used to wearing long sleeves and leggings/boots. So today I made her wear an adorable chambray tunic (actually the same one Harper has on in Kelly's Carters giveaway post) and she FREAKED out and kept saying it was hurting her. She finally wore it until she conveniently spilled something on her and had to change...hmmm :)
Leanne Helums said…
You are too funny. We have girl drama every morning getting ready. Something is too tight or I pull her hair or the light is too bright. Maybe it is just a girl thing. The word thing could be worse like her wanting to wear those ugly word shirts that no good parent would ever let their kid wear. :)
Barbara said…
I had a girl like that once on school days I would give her a choice of two outfits I would pick out and she had to pick one to wear. One day it was so bad picture about 20 degrees and she wanted to wear a sundress. I had enough so I picked her up wrapped her in a blanket (she was just wearing her undies and a t-shirt)grabbed one of the pre picked outfits put her in the car and when we got to the school parking lot I asked her if she was going to get dressed or go to school in her undies. She got dressed and I never had that problem again but to this day and shes 19 now I still wake up at night sometimes thinking about what the heck would I have done if she decided to go to school in her undies.
Whitney said…
I had the same dilemma at QT recently! I have a very picky dresser who is now 7 and I stopped fighting that battle a long time ago. It had made at least 1 aspect of our lives so much easier! You said it best - YOU love the clothes, she hates them. Is it worth the struggle? I hope this doesn't sound like I am judging because I am not! If it is a fight you want to fight - have at it! Only you know what is best for your sweet girls and they will look adorable in whatever they wear. Words or no words!
Angie said…
Everything in life is so complicated anymore...even choosing a lid for your drink! What happened to simplicity?

Can you imagine when she gets to be a Teen. Momma you are in trouble!!!
Rebecca said…
When the clothes became a battle in our home, I adopted the theory that we would pick and lay out what the kids would wear the night before. That way any discussion or concern was with a clear head, not a sleepy whiny one and everyone was much happier!
Getting out the door for school is hard enough, so taking that part out of the routine made it much easier.
Cassie said…
Isn't it funny at such an early age they have such strong opinions. I work in a preschool - I see it daily, the great clothing struggle. Do yourself a favor - don't force it, we have had kids cry for hours because they didn't have the right socks on, the right shirt etc...Just think how miserable we as adults are when we have a bad hair day, our outfit doesn't fit us right or we don't like it an hour into our day....This to shall pass...

Giggles said…
At QT I always get a black cherry and pina colada slush. YUM!! Now if we could just get a QT in our town instead of 3 hours away!!!
Unknown said…
I agree with Sarah Kate, "beautiful clothes don't have words on them". In this day and time it is so nice to hear about a young girl who prefers clothes without words and also likes dresses. Elegant.
His Doorkeeper said…
You know I have to agree with SK. When I look for clothes (tops) for H &H & C I don't really ever like the ones with words on them (or rhinestones) I guess I like the classic plain-Jane look. I think they ruin a lot of kid's clothes with putting words and characters on them! Just my opinion! Your girls always look CUTE!
kasey said…
We are a big gymboree family here, my 6 and 4 year old little girls wardrobe mostly consists of it. funny with the words bothering her. We also love naartjie kids. they have a ton of pretty dresses with leggings. she may like that. so far my girls haven't cared about what i dress them in, i so hope it stays that way. lol
Carrie said…
My oldest has issues with clothes, they can not be fitted at all around her belly, no jeans, no jeggings, loves yoga pants, loves nightgowns vs pjs, no turtlenecks, etc. I have learned that since I am not wearing them I need to buy what she wants. I am clearance queen and consignment sale queen, rarely paying more them $8 a piece and usually less then $3 so hey if something does not get worn, no biggy!!
Lora said…
Clothes are the one thing I don't fight with my toddler about. I pick what clothes come into our home, and she can mix and match. Clean is our only rule.
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