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Not the Thanksgiving we Hoped For

Life does not always go as we plan.

Last weekend, Emily got a stomach virus.  Monday she was fine and we had a good day.  Tuesday, despite a terrible sore throat, I packed our bags to go to my parents for Thanksgiving.  We were so excited to see them, be with family and Steve had plans to hunt.  The girls were so excited to play with friends and their cousin.

Wednesday morning we loaded up and headed for South Arkansas.  We had been on the road for two hours when Sarah Kate told us she did not feel well.  Within one minute she threw up all over the truck.  It was just awful.  We were in the middle of nowhere.  We made it to the next town and stopped at a Walmart for Steve to get us towels, wipes, bowls and trash bags.

I called my parents and asked them what we should do.  Should we keep driving or turn around and go back home?  We still had about three and a half hours to go. We just did not know what to do.  My parents said that they would be agreeable either way.  They wanted us to do what we wanted to do.  We decided to drive on to my parents and then after about 15 minutes, we decided it was just crazy to take our sickness to them.  Sarah Kate would not be able to go to the big family gathering and we did not want to expose my parents to this illness.  We made a very hard and sad decision to drive back home.  I did not know for sure if we were making the right decision.  Sarah Kate wanted to go home because she felt so bad and Emily cried and cried about not getting to go to Meme and Grandaddy's house.  We were all just pitiful.  Steve and I had NO conversation on the drive home because my throat hurt so bad. We were all just sad and disappointed.  I knew my parents were feeling the same way and I was so sad for them too.

We got back home and Steve went to Honey Baked Ham to get us a Thanksgiving dinner for Thursday.  He spent a small fortune.

I woke up at 2:00 a.m. Thanksgiving morning sweating and sooooooo sooooooo sick.  The stomach virus had hit me!!!!!     I don't remember ever being that sick.  Not only did I have a horrible sore throat and stopped up ear, but I had a virus on top of it.  MISERY.  But, it confirmed my decision to drive back home.  So, I spent Thanksgiving in the bed sipping on Gatorade and telling Steve I never wanted to eat again. Ha!  I watched a Leave it to Beaver marathon which gave me a little happiness.  The girls played really well all day and Steve put together a Thanksgiving dinner for them.  Emily was so excited about the dinner.  Steve was very good to me and the girls would look in the doorway and tell me they loved me and were praying for me.  It was a sad day to be away from all my family and be so sick.

Friday morning, I was better.  I had made it.  My virus was gone, but I now had an ear ache. 

Today, I made it out of the house to take the girls to Chuck E. Cheese.  Steve had promised them that we would go there, since we did not go to Meme and Grandaddy's house.  I did manage to play a little Skee ball.

So, it was not the Thanksgiving we had planned.  But, I am thankful to Steve for giving the girls a good day.  I am glad that he got this picture of Emily and the Thanksgiving dinner that I hope we never have to eat again.  I like home cooked Thanksgiving meals.  But you never know what life is going to throw your way.


Nancy said…
Oh Laurie! I'm so sorry you all were sick! I know you are like me & totally love being with your parents!! What a great hubby you have & I love that precious picture. Christmas will be better!
Julie said…
So sorry you all were sick but happy to hear you are feeling better.
A.K.W. said…
That was kind of like our Christmas last year except we didn't have our food prepared by someone else though. My nephew was sick and my niece's had some kind of sickness and then my Mom and I got sick though.

Kim said…
Terrbile! Since your email on Tues I've been thinking about you! I'm glad all of you are feeling better! Sorry you had a sick holiday. :(
Tara G. said…
Bless your hearts!! I totally would have dropped a dinner off at your house if I were a few hours closer!! Puke is gross. People always said it's different with your own kids and I have decided they're liars. Puke is puke and the only difference is that I am OBLIGATED to clean it up because they're mine. We were driving in Greece once and our daughter got sick and I caught it in my hands. I know. I will never forget visiting Sparta, though- they have laundromats! :)
Sasha said…
Oh my goodness! So sorry the sickness hit you all! That sounds terrible but I am glad you all are feeling better and it sounds like Steve was great handling everything while you were ill.
Renee said…
That sound horrible but you have a great attitude. I'm glad you are feeling better. Kudos to Your hubby.
Renee said…
That sound horrible but you have a great attitude. I'm glad you are feeling better. Kudos to Your hubby.
Sara said…
Oh, Laurie I am so sorry you and the girls were sick. So glad you are all on the mend! Maybe you can try to have the big home cooked meal another weekend.
Katie said…
Ah Laurie, this sounds terrible! Bless your heart! I'm so glad you are on the mend.
Sara Campbell said…
That's horrible, I am so sorry. Hope you have a good week, Sara
Heather said…
Laurie I am so sorry about your Thanksgiving! We had a similar Thanksgiving but not nearly as severe as yours. My husband started feeling unwell around noontime on Thanksgiving day, and soon after was running a high fever. He finally started feeling better yesterday, but then has been running a fever again today. Needless to say, the Thanksgiving dinner I'd been preparing for two days went virtually uneaten! He never gets sick and I hate seeing hm feel so poorly...hopefully this flu will pass soon, and the rest of us won't catch it. Hope you get to see your parents soon and make up for the missed Thanksgiving.
Maria said…
So sorry to hear that! What a story that will be for your girls to tell their kids. :) It will just make next Thanksgiving that much more special!
Lauren said…
Such a bummer!!!!!! :( But I'm so glad you're feeling better!
Cathy's World said…
So sorry to hear that you all were so sick. It seems like a lot of people had the same thing. Sore throats and the tummy virus.
I was just wondering if you got the flu shot. I have never got one, but my husband and I will be getting one tomorrow. I am so scared that I will get sick from it. Sometimes I think you do better without it. IDK.

Glad to hear you are all doing better.

Brown Family said…
totally off subject but found a recipe of yours for crockpot on Pinterest...I'm wondering what crock pot you have?? I saw a note that you delayed the timer to start cooking at 4am. How did you do that? I'd love a crock pot with a delayed timer. Thanks.
Becky said…
We have never been sick on Thanksgiving, but have been on Christmas. I do know the feeling. You will always look back and remember it - although not too fondly! Like the leper that returned to thank the Lord for healing Him - one out of 10 - it reminds me of how often we take 'the little things' for granted. How often do I think Him daily for good health? Hope all of you feel better quickly.
Betsy said…
Ok...well that sounds like pure misery Laurie! I am sooo sorry!! Glad you are all feeling better now. That stomach bug is going around here, too. A little boy in my class threw up right by my desk today & barely missed me! Good times. :)

I know you will always remember Thanksgiving 2012! Bless all your hearts.

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