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Showing posts from October, 2011

Pretty Girls!

My friend Hillary was in town over the weekend and we were able to get together for a little while on Friday! Amanda came over with Lela and Hillary had Sadie with her. These girls are some of my favorite in the world! I had to get a picture of the babies together! I love how Sadie has her hand on Lela's leg. I think I scared Sadie, I was acting like a goon trying to get the babies to look at me! Here is my baby on her way to the school's carnival. She and Sarah Kate had a great time.

Little Razorbacks

I am so thankful for my little Razorback Cheerleaders!!!!!!!!

HE Never Changes

I have had several recent conversations with friends, and one in particular, who is very disappointed in people and in God. I have several thoughts on this subject: 1. People are sinful. People disappoint. 2. God can use anyone to bring Himself glory. (to show who He is) 3. I don't understand God. I am glad I don't. As our youth minister said Sunday, " I am glad I serve a God that I don't understand." 4. Jesus LOVES you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jesus LOVES me! His love for me is not based on what I do or how I act. God IS Love! I don't have to earn His love! 5. "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever." Hebrews 13:8 James 1:17 says, "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who DOES NOT CHANGE like shifting shadows."

My Funny Child

I probably should not even share this story, but it is too funny to keep to myself. Emily always asks with everything she eats," is this healthy?" We talk a lot in our house about eating healthy food and not just junk. (which they love) We are still having an awful time getting Sarah Kate to poop on the potty. We give her a small amount of Miralax every morning. She complains that it hurts and she would just rather go in her panties. It drives me CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Last Thursday night she pooped in the potty and we made a HUGE deal over it. We were all cheering and clapping and all that kind of stuff. I said, "Ohhhh Sarah Kate, this is sooooooo good and your poop looks so healthy!" A look of alarm came over her. She pushed me back as she sat on the potty, looked at me with the most serious face and said, "you can't eat it, Mom."

Weekends Don't Always go as Planned

Friday night Steve and I went out to eat with Kelly, Scott and Hollis. We had the big girls in a PNO program. I had just about eaten my last bite when I got a call that Emily had thrown up. Poor thing. She was so chawed. I felt so bad for her. I guess it was just a virus that hit her suddenly and only lasted about 12 hours. We had a great time, only if was was just an hour. The picture of Hollis is so dark, but she still looks CUTE! I took the girls to see Judy Moody this Summer. The thing that stands out the most to Sarah Kate in that movie is when Judy's friend throws up all over her on a roller coaster. Sarah Kate would not get near Emily Friday night or Saturday. She was telling me to get away from Emily and not hug her because she might throw up on me. SK always watches t.v. from the corner of the couch. But, on Saturday morning she sat in the red chair across the room to watch. Saturday night, our neighborhood had a big party. The girls were so excited to dress up...

Hope for You!

I talked this Summer about my friend that had her first baby at 44. Lisa and Abby Kate came to see us one day this week. We love Abby Kate. She LOVES my girls. She is such a smiley baby, but everytime the camera would flash, she would stop smiling. I hope Lisa can be an encouragement to those of you who want a family so bad, but have not met Mr. Right yet. Lisa got married when she was 42. You do have hope and a LOT to look forward to!!!!!

Anniversary Weekend

This weekend Steve and I celebrated 7 years of marriage. We left here on Friday and drove to Steve's parents house, just outside of Memphis. On Saturday, we went to Tupelo, Ms to meet up with one of Steve's best friends, Paul. He and his wife live in Starkville and both work for MSU. Paul and his wife, Bobbie have one son, Clay. They are some of THE NICEST people you will ever meet. Paul was in our wedding. We ate at Red Lobster and the kids got to meet a lobster while we waited on our table. Clay was so well-behaved and my girls loved being around him. I rode a little train in the mall with the girls. Here we are on our anniversary at Granny's house for lunch. Best food in the world!!! This is Carrington and her mom, Jennifer. The girls got to ride on a mule and go feed the catfish. Memories in the making! Loving on Granny. Precious Sam Henry. Steve and I left Granny's and went to downtown Memphis to stay at the Peabody. The place is beautiful!!!!! I spotted ...

Our Trip to the Vet

I am pleased to report we had a very successful trip to the vet this morning. While the girls were taking a bath this morning, I told them that we were going to pray that Jesus would help Kristen cooperate and get in her carrier and that He would help her to relax. There are probably not too many people that say a prayer like this with their children, but if you knew Kristen, you would understand. The Lord answered our prayer when I was able to shove Kristen in the carrier and did not have to resort to the pillow case. I have to take her to the laundry room (smallest room in our house) shut the door and then catch her and get her in the carrier. This has taken me up to an hour in the past. My friend Kim has helped me several times. My Dad has taken her the past two years. My Mom can get Kristen in the carrier a lot better than I can. I don't want to hurt her, my Mama doesn't care if she does. Kristen has NEVER liked my mother. I have been late to soooooo many of her ...

Our Goings On

When I was a little girl, I LOVED little tiny baby dolls more then anything!!!!! I adored baby dolls and the smaller, the better! I still have most of them. Today I went to a local school supply store and saw this tiny baby as I was checking out. I BOUGHT IT! I tried to pretend it was for Sarah Kate, and I did give it to her, but it was really for me. Emily is so proud of these plates she designed for her family. I thought they were mighty cute! All Christians Praying: I have to take Kristen to the vet soon. This will be an all day event. I am praying now that I can get her in her cat carrier. I usually have to capture her in a pillow case and lower her inside the carrier. The cat clinic has to call in all personnel to help. They will have to bring out the armored blanket to examine her.