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Can't Get Any ZZZZZ's

Our house never sleeps. If Sarah Kate is not up, it is Emily. Some nights it is both girls at the same time. Steve and I have nearly had it!!!!!!
Every Monday night, SK wakes up around 1:00 am and cries until 4:15 0r later. I feel terrible every Tuesday. Steve feels terrible every Tuesday.
I don't know the answer. But, I think maybe she is just over-tired. She goes to bed at 7:00 every night. She has a short nap on Mondays because I have to pick Emily up at school. I put her down for a nap an hour earlier on Mondays, but she falls asleep at her normal time. When SK wakes up ,it is for at least 2 hours. She cries and babbles and talks the whole time.
Emily has night terrors every once in a while and she NEVER sleeps through the night if she misses her nap.
They are asleep right now. I probably need to be sleeping myself.


The Ormons said…
I hate that yall aren't sleeping. I know that is miserable, but I do have to say how cute is that picture. Steve and Emily both sleeping with their arms up so cute. Maybe SK will grow out of that sooner than later..
Hillary said…
I LOVE that picture!!!!!!!! So sorry you are having such a bad time with sleeping!! That's terrible!
Everday Edwards said…
Such a sweet picture....poor things are just exhausted. No sleep is no good..I hope you all get some good rest soon.

Lee Ann said…
Hey Laurie! I always come over to your page from Kelly's blog but have never commented before. I wanted to tell you about a book a friend of mine swears by. It's called Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child. She was having trouble with her girls and sleep and now lives by this book. I'm sure it's not for everyone but might be worth looking into if you're interested. Hope yall get some relief soon!
Mary said…
Hey Laurie..i came over from kellys blog...i really think your girls are over tired...are you on the go all the time? sometimes kids really just need to be at home..i am a SAHM and we are a lot of the time during the works better for my son and I..he sleeps 12 hours a night..i don't really know what to tell you but maybe your could speak with their doctor. I don't know why SK would be crying that much. I know i am not much help but just wanted to comment...hope things get better~
Mary said…
sorry i ment to say we are home most of the week.
Mary said…
Oh bless your heart. My kids are like that-a missed or short nap and they're toast. I used the book mentioned already called Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child and it helps even now--it's helpful for any age and breaks issues down to try to help. I wouldn't suggest it if it hadn't worked with all three of mine-for different reasons. Hopefully they will turn a big corner soon and y'all can get more sleep! hang in there...
Heather said…
Your Tuesdays are like my Wednesdays....which unfortunately is the one day a week I work. For some reason, my kids never sleep well on Tuesday nights. UGH! Sleep deprivation is not a good feeling.
Michelle said…
Oh, I remember those days well! ;) The good news is we survived sleep deprivation, after all. The bad news? We were sleep deprived for a good ten years, as our children didn't sleep through the night until around age 5. :(

Wish I had words of wisdom to share. I'll just pray for your zzz's instead! ;)
Tara G. said…
Maybe you need a new time zone?! Just kidding- we just changed 10 hours and miserable about sums that up! I hope you get some rest and will pray the Lord gives you discernment and wisdom (and longsuffering!) as you work through it! Love your new blog look!
OH honey--bless your ever livin' heart! My heart goes out to y'all! I cannot imagine such. And don't want to, cause listen here! I'm NOT nice when I don't get sleep...hee-hee-hee....
Here's my only unsolicited thought/suggestion.....are the girls on a routine? I found when my boys were little that a strict routine worked like a charm--it sounds like you've got a good routine going, so I'm not sure what else it could be....are they overstimulated before they go to bed? (or do they watch TV right before bed?) I've heard that stimulates the brain rather than relaxes the brain. Who knows...for now, I'll just pray for you all......
Jamie said…
When you get an answer can you please hop on over to my blog and let me know! Ha Ha! My 4 yr old son wakes up EVERY night at 3 am. I have no idea how to make it stop and he doesn't go back to sleep right away either. Let me know!
Erin said…
What a cute picture.
No sleep is a REAL drag! A few months ago Ella started waking a few hours after being put down. You may have already tried this, but I bought Ella a TYKE light from Wal-Mart. It's a personal night light they can sleep with. It is plastic and cool to the touch. You can set it on a timer or leave it on all night. I told her it is her angel and watches over her, helping her sleep. She even knows how to turn it on or off, now. It has helped A LOT! Good Luck - I hope it gets better soon!
Katie said…
I came over from Kelly's blog too! We are not sleeping at our house either! Pray tonight is a better night for us both!
Run26.2Mom said…
When you figure out the recipe to success please share! We finally made it through sleepless nights and were in the clear with the oldest just in time for a baby to arrive. I laughed at blogger Michelle's comment that she lived through it for 10 years!We are closing in on her record.
One of my friends used to tell me that when she would wake up at night she would think of all the other moms out there probably doing the same thing. At least she said it made her not feel alone. :) Here's to peaceful sleep!
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
we have/had some sleeping issues as well and with our girls it helped to change the night-time routine. we actually had one before, but i read that with sleeping issues it helps sometimes to change them. we read a story with a little light on in the girls room, sing a little song then pray and tuck them in simple but it works wonders, really!
when it's only on monday nights i would guess that it's the lack of nap. maybe you could do a car pool, so that she can have a good sleep every other monday?
with the nightmares: as far as i know, they are totallly normal at that age and they will pass. ith's their way wo solve their daily problems and to comprehend good and evil.
i hope you're doing better today:)

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