I had the great honor of going with Kelly this weekend as she spoke at a church. She did a fantastic job!!!!!! I loved getting to go and hear! We had a really good time! Emily's class had a Mother's Day tea today. I LOVED every second of it!!!! Everything about the tea was just darling! They did portraits of their moms and we had to take a turn guessing which one was us. I guessed right! I am the one with the orange background. Because my guess was correct, my name was put in a basket for a drawing. I was the winner!!!! I got a pot of Gerbera flowers!!!! Emily was sooooooo soooooooo excited I won! They did a video presentation that was so cute. The children said things about their mothers. Emily said my favorite thing to do was clean the house. HA! IT IS NOT!!!!!!!! She just always sees me cleaning, but the house seems to never look...