A few weeks ago, I bought the book Bringing Up Girls by James Dobson. It is wonderful and just what I feel I need to read right now. The book makes me more aware of what I am doing with my girls and also what the world is trying to do to them! The first part of the book talks a lot about manners. It seems a lot of our worlds problems are due to bad manners, or lack of manners. We live in a VERY self-centered, ME centered world. We seem to be drifting away from the Golden Rule: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." I am thankful that my parents and grandparents taught me to have good manners. Good manners have always been important in my family. Am I always a bright , shining example of good manners???? No, I am not! But, I know when I am not having good manners and it is due to laziness and self-centeredness. I strive for good manners in myself and my girls. Sheryl Eberly, who wrote 365 Manners Kids Should Know...