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Showing posts from June, 2011

Wrapped Like a Baby

Sarah Kate has a new bedtime thing. She wants me to wrap her like a baby. That is what she says,"Wrap me like a baby!!!!" The first night I did an old fashioned swaddle wrap. That was not what she wanted. She said "around my head, cover all my head, like a baby." "I just want my face to show." Tonight it hit me what she is trying to mimic. Our friend Amanda has a new baby. SK LOVES this baby and all babies. She has been seeing Amanda carrying newborn Lela in a sling. The only thing that shows is her precious face. I think Sarah Kate wants to be a baby and this is her way of feeling like one. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I DO go in her room when she is sound asleep and take that blue blanket off. Can you imagine how HOT that would be?????


If you feel your house is a mess, don't worry. Look at Emily's room and you will feel better about your house. She has really wanted to do a LOT of playing in her room since school has been out. That is great, but this is what her room looks like at the end of every day! When she is not playing she likes to make books. She draws the pictures and then she tells me what to write and I write the story down. It is near impossible to get Sarah Kate to smile a "real" smile.

Country Fried

Steve cooked an awesome dinner tonight! Fried catfish, french fries, squash and boiled shrimp! I kept saying, "umm, ummm, ummmm!" It was GooooOOOOOOoooood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just had to drink a little sweet tea with my dinner. I will probably be up all night now. (This was just my first plate.) My sweet Emily.

A First for Emily and Playgroup

I hosted playgroup today! We had a great little group! I did not get a picture of everyone and some of the pictures I did take were of people blinking, chewing or turning their heads. Here are a few good ones. When we went to my parents last weekend, we left Emily there at my parents for a few days. This was a first for Emily. She has never stayed by herself at their house before. She loves being with them and she loves being at their house. My mother said she only said she missed us once. She loves to feed their fish in the goldfish pond. They also have horses across the street that she loves to watch and feed. My parents church was having Vacation Bible School this week and so she got to go to that. She had the best time and loved her teacher and the kids in her group! The visit was so good for her and she had a wonderful time. The highlight for her was seeing a Copperhead snake on their patio. I was ready for her to come home after hearing about this!!! My parents ha...

Summer in the Country

We went to a family reunion in South Arkansas this weekend. We had lots of fun, but we were soooooo hot. But, I would rather be hot than cold! Waiting around for the fish to fry. The girls got to ride a horse. I had said a couple of weeks ago that I would NEVER let my girls ride a horse at their young age. I ate my words Saturday night. Emily was as nervous riding as I was letting her ride. I kept thinking, "What if this horse spooks and runs away with her?" Sarah Kate was not scared at all!!!!! She was soooo proud to be riding a horse. Riding the Mule. We let Harper take Sarah Kate for a ride. NO! I am just kidding. They were pretending. Glad I got to be with my Dad for Father's day! These are two very wise and kind Dads. The most fun at the farm: The merry-go-round. I loved it as much as the children.

Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

I took the girls to visit one of my friends who just had her first baby at 44. Lisa did not get married until she was 42. Her husband was also 42 and had never been married. They grew up about 12 miles from each other and had never met. They are a great couple. They really wanted a baby but her doctor and a fertility doctor had told them that children were NOT possible. BUT bigger than medical problems. Darling Abby-Kate was born on April 1st. (my birthday) She is a happy, healthy and perfect baby girl! Good things happen to those who wait!

This and That

Have you ever heard of this miracle stuff? Pretty Feet and Hands. It is the best stuff ever and OF COURSE, NO stores carry it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes that is right, another beloved product, GONE! A dermatologist told me about it many years ago and I have been buying it ever since. It is an exfoliant that removes rough, dry skin. I am so excited because a pharmacy ordered me some and it will be in today! I will be there as soon as the truck delivers it! Ha! Three years ago today we brought Sarah Kate home from the hospital. She was born in the middle of the night on an early Saturday morning. It was 3:53 to be exact. For some reason I like to have babies in the middle of the night. I remember as SK was coming out, I could see the doctor using her pointer finger to remove the umbilical cord from around Sarah Kate's neck. I remember seeing her hand going up twice to remove it. The doctor never mentioned a word about it. We then noticed that Sarah Kate did not cry. It...

Happy Birthday Sarah Kate: Part 2

Sarah Kate is crazy about her friend, Neely. Neely's mama, Amanda had Lela on Friday and then brought her by the party on Sunday. Amanda is Superwoman. Lena is beautiful. Sarah Kate has been wanting to hold her ever since she saw her picture on Friday night. Brave Amanda let her! SK was thrilled. Yesterday we had lunch at Chick-fil-a. That was Sarah Kate's Birthday request. We also went to see Charlotte's Web. She was pretty good during the movie. Last night we went and got snow cones and we gave her this Cinderella dress. Harper and John Michael on a ride. Cute Parker! Kelly, Hollis and me Amanda with Lela. Sarah Kate has this new thing she is saying, " I like Mama and Daddy now." We guess that she used to not like us.

Happy Birthday Sarah Kate: Part 1

Three years ago today! Today is Sarah Kate's 3rd birthday!!!!! I does not seem right that she is that old! I don't have a baby anymore. She is such a funny little girl. She is so friendly and has a good time where ever she is. The theme of her party was Cinderella. She calls her Cinarelala. Meme, Kay-K and the birthday girl on Sunday before her party started. Emily with Ella Kate Harper, Ella Kate, Neely and Sarah Kate John Michael, Parker, Wells (her boy),Matthew, Emily, Harper and Ella kate Wells, Matthew, Emily and harper The party went well and SK loved every second of it. She loves for her friends to come to her house. Happy Birthday Sarah Kate! You are sooo LOVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!