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Showing posts from February, 2014

Truth for the Day

I am very thankful to be a part of a discipleship/mentoring group with some very Godly ladies in my church.  We are reading a book right now called Gospel by JD Greear.  I highly recommend it!  I read something last week that I want to share with you: "In Christ, there is nothing I can do that would make You love me more, and there is nothing I have done that makes You love me less." I hope that will encourage someone today. Last semester we read the book Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero.  I read something in that book that is SOOOO good and SOOOOO true: -Life is hard. -You are not that important. -Your life is not about you. -You are not in control. -You are going to die. I want these 5 facts framed and hanging in my house! In lighter news:  I made a little run to Hobby Lobby yesterday and could not leave the store without this sweet bunny and his carrots.

That Ole Strep Throat

 My baby bear got sick Sunday night.  She was happy as a lark all day Sunday, but when we picked her up from church Sunday night, she cried all the way home saying she was cold and sleepy.  I KNEW she had fever.  Emily went to school on Monday happy and healthy, but then I got the Monday Mystery Illness phone call asking me to come get her because she had a headache and fever.  SOOOOO she saw the Dr too and he told her she was "just fine."  She suddenly got "all better" and cried because I would not ler her play outside.  SK tested positive for strep throat.  This is the 4th or 5th time this school year.  I am thinking we need to see her ENT about her tonsils.  Last night I got her a new toothbrush with Tinkerbell.  She is so's the little things!  I put Emily to work doing chores and homework, math and reading.  When SK's meds kicked in she was a new little girl and she helped Emily clean.  I...

Bunnies and Cats

 I found these cute little bunny rabbits at Walmart this week.  Last night after everyone went to bed, I began decorating the the dining table for Easter.  Do you think it will be ready in time?  The thing is, we probably won't even eat at that table on Easter, but I have always LOVED Easter decor!  Steve sits at the table every morning morning to read his Bible and get ready for Sunday School.  When he came out this morning he said, "now when is Easter?"  He probably thought I was wacko, but didn't make any comment. A blog reader asked me if I still have Kristen.  OH YES,  I DO.......  it would be big news if she passed.  I know she does not play well with others, but I LOVE her so much!  These pictures are Frisco.  I guess he is a good cat to have but he is very STRANGE. Most all cats I have ever seen love to be in the sun.  Not Frisco, he prefers to lay about a foot away from where the sun is beaming in...

Go Red! Happy Valentine's Day!

 Besides playing with stuffed animals, the girls LOVE to play dress up.  It causes huge messes, but they love it!  This week, my friend, Jenn invited me to the Go Red luncheon here in NWA! The event raised money for the American Heart Association. I had a wonderful time and great food!  Here is Amanda, Bethany and Jessica.  Me, Lenette and Ginger.  I had to put this one of Jessica and her selfie!  Jenn and Dina  Our special guest speaker was the one and only Rachel Ray!  This was such a fun day!  SK at her school Valentine's party.  She made a card for Frisco.  Emily's teacher gave prizes to the kids who could stack the most conversation hearts in 10 seconds.  It was a lot of fun!  The winner stacked 9 hearts.  Emily stacked 7! When Kelly and I had our super fun day a couple of weeks ago, I bought these vintage valentines.  I adore them.  I DO NOT l...

Frozen and Fragrance

 We have been cooped up with lots of snow and icey roads the past few days.  The girls were able to have school the past couple of days.  HOORAY!!!  Yesterday we went to the Frozen sing along with church friends.  I feel like I am frozen because it is so cold here.  Thank goodness for a warm robe, coffee, hot tea and Alpine apple cider.  But, it was fun to get out and go to the movie with sweet friends!  I LOVED hearing about the perfume scents you love!  I forgot to mention that I love Clinique Happy.  I also love PINK from Bath and Body Works. I ran to Sephora after I did the blog post and smelled many of the perfumes you mentioned.  I LOVE Philosphy's Love Sweet Love.  In fact, I am wearing a sample of it today.  Steve told me that I smelled good.  I told him that he was talking my love language.  He must really love that scent because he doesn't tell me I smell good very often.  I have found a l...

Letting Her Light Shine

 Last week Emily had her second grade music program at school.  They did a variety of music around the world and through the years.  The music teacher asked Emily if she would sing Standing in the Need of Prayer that she did in the school talent show last year.  I am so glad she got this opportunity to sing and to share her faith in a public school setting.  I am so thankful for Christian teachers in our local schools.  Sunday was a very special day!  Emily got baptized in the morning service.  She was saved when she was five.  We have been talking with her the past couple of years to make sure she understood what she was doing.  This Fall she told us that she was ready to make her descision public by getting baptized.  Our wonderful youth minister, Hutch, baptized her.