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Food Panic

I really should not write a post about this. But, I am going to.

Along with my bird phobia, I guess you could say I have a phobia about certain foods.

There are a lot of foods that I LOVE! In fact, the foods that I love, I seem to go overboard on them.
Examples of this would be Chili's chips and salsa, watermelon, shrimp boiled in crab boil, Jr. Mints, PF Chang's. I could eat my weight in these.
I also love any meat, except liver. I will eat ANY cooked veggie and I adore fruit!

But there are other foods that I just CANNOT eat. I have tried and I have gagged. I can't even eat them to be nice.

I go into an all out panic when I am invited to a friends house for lunch. Most women I know eat light and girly food for lunch. I will often get out of an invitation for lunch if I think it may be a food I don't like. It is a terrible problem to have. I respect those people who will eat anything. I wish I were like that!

If you are wondering what I CANNOT eat, it would be: MAYONNAISE

I just can't do it!

I also can't eat ranch dressing or any kind of mayo based dressing. I just don't like any sort of white, cold, cream sauce. I can't hang with sour cream either. I won't get near mustard either.

Kelly wrote about our ladies lunch at church today. She always laughs at me when we are in ladies luncheon and I just sit there miserable and try to pull off a grape that is not touching mayo or dressing. It is a very chawing situation.

Oh well, I know it is my problem.

I am curious......what will you NOT eat?


Green Girl said…
Mayo seriously makes me gag. I can't smell it. I truly gag if I see it dripping out of someone's mouth...even now talking about it makes me sick.
It's hard with work lunches, showers, bbq's, ect, because premade wraps you buy from restaurant I have to seroiusly be "that girl" and sift through which ones don't have mayo on it.
Ok, I need to stop talking about it.

I have a strong allergy to mom used to think I just didn't like them, but it makes my throat itch and the palms of my hands itch.
Those are my two big ones.
Beth Colbert said…
This is why I love you so much.
That food is just nasty
Green Girl said…
BTW-I saw Kelly's plate before I read this and I gagged before I even read what she wrote...UGH!
Mallory said…
This is funny! I will not touch mustard (but love honey mustard), pickles, or olives. EWWW! My husband loves brussel sprouts and sauerkraut, maybe not together...but both of those make me sick too!
Josh and Maggie said…
I'm a fairly new follower and I had to comment on this. I've always been a fairly picky eater. I can't stand bananas...they seriously makes me gag. Also, I hate hamburgers. I like hamburger meat in other forms, just not as a hamburger. I've always been told how "un-American" I am because of this. And I always worry when I get invited to cookouts in the summer because I'm afraid they will only offer hamburgers. Often, I'll even bring my own hot dogs, just in case. :)
Unknown said…
I don't do mushrooms just as you don't do Mayo! I simply do not like the way they feel in my mouth! YUK-O!! They may be scrumptous but the texture gets me every time. I can't even do cream of mushroom soup & will pick each little mushroom (from the soup) out of the food before taking a bite or skip it all together if something else is offered.

I have a real hard time with water chestnuts too. Something about the crunchy sound it makes coming from the inside of my ears just drives me bonkers!

Can NOT, have tried, there's no way I am able to eat celery! I can, however function with cream of celery soup!

Other than that, I love chicken salad (minus celery & water chestnuts) and potato salad! I prefer Miracle Whip over Mayo even though I can do either.
Ryan V. said…
Well hotdogs make me gag! haha I'm sure everyone has something they hate. My mom is the same way about mayonnaise, ranch, and anything like that! It literally makes her gag! haha

I was wondering if you have a min to check out my last post. I put up pictures of our two living areas that I seriously need help with decorating (paint, color schemes, curtains, moving furniture, etc.) Your suggestions are welcome! :)
Kimberley said…
hard boiled eggs. cannot stand them! and i know so many people love their deviled eggs. GAG!
Karen said…
Mushrooms are my kryptonite.....can't stand them in any shape or form. My husband LOVES them and when we were dating, I made him a steak covered in sauteed mushrooms. He walked in the kitchen and I was standing over the stovetop dry-heaving because I couldn't stand the smell....he knew it was true love. And, I've never made anything with mushrooms since that night. I've told him to eat all he wants at other people's houses and when we go out to dinner because they'll never be in our home. My mother in law thinks I'm kidding and puts mushrooms in every single dinner she makes for us....YUCK! So, I feel for you....and wish you many ladies' luncheons full of mayo-free salads!! Good luck :)
Melissa said… crack me up!'s not that i won't eat mayo; i will if i am the one that made something with it (or i know the person that did)...but oh noooo to eating it someplace else.

i don't do food with "red things" in them (typically this would be pimento, but red things bug me).

i don't do whipped cream...NASTY!

lima beans and peas...that texture makes my skin crawl.

i am a picky eater...but man i do love to eat...LOL
Noah's Mommy said…
Mine is the same just a little less intense. I hate all things white and creamy. Mayo, sour cream, ranch dressing, cottage cheese, etc I will eat in when necessary in moderation. ha
{katrina} said…
I will not eat any red meat, eggs in any form, ambrosia type salad, raw tomato, celery and so much more. I am also a VERY picky eater! :)
Muffy said…
Deviled eggs & hard boiled eggs. My hubby once put some hard boiled eggs in an open container in our fridge & I about passed out when I opened it. I seriously thought something had died in our fridge!

Sauteed onions - YUCK. They are so slimy. And I had a terrible aversion to them when I was pregnant. Except I will gladly eat onions in any dish as long as they are chopped to almost nothing. Grated is preferable. :)

I bet that does make you nervous to go to luncheon type events!
Amy said…
I heart all these people with food issues. I TOTALLY cannot stand unmelted cheese. I can eat queso, and thin cheese (does that make sense?) on chicken parm and pizza, and a little bit on top of hashbrown casserole, but that's it. On a sandwich? NO! In a salad?? NO! On a hamburger? NOO! By itself? GAG. SO. GROSS.

Betsy said…
I don't do well at women's luncheon's either. Mostly because I don't eat any fruit besides apples and oranges. And I can't stand raw vegetables. This is the majority of all female menus. I also can't stand salads or casseroles unless I can identify all the ingredients and doesn't have too many "crunchy" things in it. I am always jealous of people who will eat anything.

And I have tried to make myself eat these things because my husband says "Just try it!" It never ends well.

I eat way more MAN food like meat and potatoes then WOMAN food. Why is it when men get together at church they get to have barbecques and fish fries and when women get to gether they eat quiche and salads? GRRRRR!
Lee Ann said…
My sister has a huge mayo phobia too! She is in college and needs a job but pretty much all restaurants are off limits because of the use of mayo. We know we can make her scream by getting it near her. During a summer cookout once I waved a mayo covered knife at her and it resulted in a hot dog landing on my grandpa's bald head when she hurled it at me. I'm just as bad when it comes to olives and water chestnuts so I can understand!
Christi said…
Do not like the white, cream sauces either. Actually I'm not a huge sauce person at all.

No onions (white or red)...yuck. Olives, yuck.

Do not generally use mayo either.
bella said…
I am the same way as you about mayo. I have always hated it. Once when my husband had a hamburger for lunch with mayo on it, I could smell it on his breath and I would not kiss him until he brushed his teeth. I am a fanatic about this. If sauce is on any item that I order in a restaurant, I always ask if there is mayo in it. My sister is exactly the same way. Our parents didn't mind mayo so who knows why we're like this. Just wanted to let you know you're not the only mayo hater.
waikikimum said…
Laurie, you could have written my story. I just can't eat cheese of any kind. I will gag and want to throw up. I have managed to avoid it for all my life, but I panic going to someone's home in case they serve it. I generally will get to know someone well first before accepting a meal offer :/ By this time we have already discussed my aversion to cheese. I wish I could eat anything!!
Tiffanie said…
I m the pickiest eater in the world. As far as meat goes I only eat white meat chicken, turkey, and some fish. I can't stand most veggies but love spinach. I have a serious phobia of beans and mustard!
I'm with you on the sour cream part... ewwww!
And I used to work at PF Changs! A cheap thing that I used to do was order a side of noodles with extra sauce... then you can put whatever you want on them. It was around 1 or $2 versus $7 or $8 for a thing of noodles. If you ever need any other tips and tricks let me know. Love some PF Changs lol
HAHA! You're identical to my husband! He won't go near mayo! :)

I WON"T eat most cooked veggies. But, I will eat most all of them raw. Weird, I know. :)
Kelly said…
You are such a hoot! I'm the same way with mayo...and cheese...and eggs...and the list goes on and on. My mom was forced to eat things she didn't like growing up so she never made me eat anything I didn't like. I blame her for my picky-ness, ha! I am SO grateful that my kids aren't picky eaters. I have to send them to grandma's house to make sure they eat well-rounded since there is so much that I won't cook because it makes me want to gag!
Ashley E. said…
I am the SAME way!!! I eat "man" food and I hate girl food!!! I will not allow chicken salad to be brought into my house, I think it is the grossest thing ever! I think it's the mayonaisse! Glad you feel the same! :)
Brandi said…
Ketchup... I cannot stand to look and it, smell it, and I def. am not putting it in my mouth.

I'm a horrible mother but will confess that my daughter loves it... thanks to the evil doings of my husband however she KNOWS when she is with me she doesn't eat it because I'm not putting it on her plate, smelling it, and then wiping it off...

UGG... I have to quit talking about it.
dj said…
Oh, Laurie, we could so be real life friends. My life-long loathing for mayo has made me shy away from many a luncheon/Bunco/shower table. When I don't know the menu I make sure to eat before I go! I politely eat the grapes and push around the chicken salad (being careful not to get any on my hands!) to make a it appear that I tried! :-)
Ruth Ann said…
You are the funniest person ever! lol

I'm the type of person who can eat anything. My saying is: "if it's not moving, I'll eat it!" lol And it's true I'll eat anything! lol That's probably why I'm a bit overweight! lol Anyway, one food I don't care for is baked beans. I think it's because it's sweet and I'm not into sweets. I don't like cake much either but because of the sweets thing. But I would eat any of it if I had to.

By the way...what is "shrimp boiled in crab boil?"

Hope you have a wonderful Easter!
-Ruth Ann
Stacey said…
Very cute post! I won't eat mushrooms. I will inquire if I am eating at someones house and I think mushrooms may be in it...even if they are cut up very small. Nope, can't do it!
Melissa Miller said…
Wow, you sound like me with red peppers. Seriously they make-me-gag. I will pluck them out of any food like a pasta salad. I know what you mean. I must say I do adore mayo and mustard though. You're the first person I've heard not liking them.
Sara said…
I am the same way with "girly food." I saw the plate on Kelly's blog and knew I would have skipped out on that!
I can't stand any white creamy food - gag!!! I also do not like cheese unless it is cheese dip - again gag. Seriously grosses me out. I order pizza without cheese. :) "Cheese puffs" are just down right nasty to me.
Sandwiches on regular sandwich bread also makes me gag - I gag even thinking about it. I can eat PB&J on sandwich bread but only half before I start to gag.
I have had to get over this at times b/c I am an occupational therapist and do feeding therapy with kids! Fortunately I get to pick the food most of the time! I have had to swallow cheese with a smile a few times! My coworkers try to give me feeding therapy at lunch! ha!
So glad I am not the only adult with this problem - it can be soooo frustrating when out to eat with friends/family.
Holly said…
I don't mind mayonnaise, but I guess I can see why a lot of people find it really gross!

I don't think you're crazy for disliking particular foods - I think everyone does! For Ack!
Katie Parris said…
No mayo here either. I am so grossed out by it that it hides in the back of the fridge and if my husband wants it he has to buy it. I wont even put it in my shopping cart.I have always hated it!GAG!

I also hate any type of salad dressing..I mean there is not one I will eat. I use a lemon wedge or olive oil for dressing.
Jennifer said…
I know exactly what you mean, but you will never believe this....I got over it somehow. I use to not eat anything white just like you. No ranch, no sour cream, and for sure no mayo!!! Mayo or the likes use to MAKE ME SO SICK, but somehow I don't know how I one day started to eat it. I know, I know that I'm probably making you sick. I think it started with me eating tuna salad one day. I still have occasional relapses, but generally if it's in something like tuna or chicken salad I eat it and enjoy it. I also know really love ranch and sour cream. It all changed in my 30s. Crazy, huh?!
Tara G. said…
Peas. Fish (I tried really hard when we lived in Alaska, but it was a no.). Pickles. I don't like mayo either, but I've learned to eat it in the chicken salad I make (chunky pieces with apples and craisins- if the meat is shredded and too much mayo, I gag, too).
Hmm...I'm a picky eater too! I hate mayonnaise but LOVE mustard and pickles! ha! I'm not really into salad (hate lettuce) but I'll eat tomatoes if they're stewed down or in a casserole or spaghetti etc. Lots of other stuff...too much to list here, ha-ha
Becky said…
Don't like a lot of mayo either but on BLT's - well..... Oddly enough, I was born without the chocolate gene. I really do not care for chocolate!
booksley said…
Hi, Laurie. I often read your blog..and so enjoy reading it. I also have an aversion to mayonnaise. I often leave luncheons hungry. One time, I stuffed a whole chicken salad croissant in my purse in pieces to make it look like I had eaten it....
Nancy said…
I am allergic to shellfish, so I don't eat that...but I don't love eggs from restaurants...they must be scrammbled right here in the Hudspeth home. Or vienna sausages...that clear stuff on top makes me want to upchuck right now.
Johanne said…
No worries I am right there with you in some of your food issues. Mayo is not to small amounts and only on certain foods....very small amounts, almost nothing. I dont do cream cheese, sour cream,cottage cheese, smelly cheeses, dips or any white sauses for pasta or ANY salad dressing. I can make these foods, dips and cheese cake etc but as soon as it touches my finger I freak and have to wash it right away. Can't stand the smell, look or the taste. You are not alone my friend. We can go out for lunch together and be very happy.
Anonymous said…
Mayo! It is disgusting! So I feel for you. Also the smell of Tuna Fish.
Michelle said…
I am so with you on that one! Luckily my husband thinks mayo is as nasty as I do. We do not have it in our house. It is seriously a gross substance!
Kim said…
I love this about you! So funny!

I am a picky eater! Here are a few things I'd rather starve than eat...peas, lima beans, pork chops, kiwi, olives, shrimp (most all seafood. There are more things but that is enough.

Now, there are somethings I don't really care and think they are a waste of calories cause I don't really enjoy them:
cold sandwiches, steak, baked potatoes, salad that includes fruit (who puts strawberries, oranges, pecans in their salad?).

I don't like when things are all mixed together...cassaroles, veggie soup, and so on.

As for desserts I really don't care to waste any calories on anything NOT chocolate. That's how much I LOVE chocolate. Also, I don't like nuts that have been baked into stuff. I like salt/crunchy nuts but after they are baked they are rubbery and I don't like them.

Ok, that is enough. I could go on I said I am a picky eater!
A New Chapter said…
my hubby cant stand mayo either and i'm a mayo LOVER!!! how do you eat a chickfila sandwich without a little mayo on it??? i kid.

i like almost anything but im married to a man who unfortunately doesnt like much other than meat and starches so guess what im stuck eating at dinner? when we go out, i order all veggies because i CRAVE them! :) i wonder what makes people like and dislike so many different things ???
Anonymous said…
I am the SAME way! So glad I'm not alone, ha! :)
Andrea said…
No mayo and mustard? What do you eat on your sandwich?

I hate what I call "processed fruits" I love fruit. But if it's been processed in any way that makes it lose it's natural texture I gag. Processes like freezing, cooking, mashing creating syrup for it to sit and get soggy in. Bleck. Apple pie is the only fruit pie I'll eat for some reason, although i don't like my mom's apple crisp or applesauce. I like strawberry short cake but only with cut berries, not mashed.

I also hate any and all tropical fruits. Pineapple, mango, guava. Don't like the taste or texture even fresh.

And I don't like pork. I can eat pork, but I prefer no bacon, or ham, but I do like to eat sausage. I'm weird.
Kristie said…
I can't do meat that looks like an animal. Makes me cry. Bones are the worst! And no I'm not an animal rights activist :).
This is prue greatness! I have the same thing! I CAN NOT stand any white condiments. Sour cream, Mayo, crem chesse, Yuk. They make fun of me all the time because I will not even touch anything that has this stuff in or near it!!!

Pure greatness I tell you!
Kathryn said…
I am so with you on the “lady foods” issue. I always said, if I had a wedding or baby shower, they would need to serve enchiladas because I am so not a lady food person.

Mayo is revolting to me, as are mushrooms, boiled carrots, sweet potatoes, most seafood (other than mild white fish that is too mild to have much flavor, and then blackened), coconut, stinky cheese like feta/bleu, cheesecake, and curry seasoning. And I know what it’s like to try to choke down something to be polite. I hate when it makes me gag. I try so hard.
Lauren said…
This is too funny! Love learning new things about you!!! I am so so picky when it comes to cheese!!!
Rebekah said…
You crack me up!!! I think of you a lot when I am at a shower and there is chicken salad to eat! I am with Kelly, I would just be glad to get the chicken salad you don't eat;)
Everday Edwards said…
I'm with you on the mayo. Add ketchup to that as well. I don't even like to touch a ketchup bottle and I really almost gag to watch others eat it. Uhhh. Nothing worse. Period.

Melissa said…
This was so funny!! Unfortunately I cannot eat broccoli...which is probably one of the best foods for us to eat!! However, I am a big fan of Chili's as well. :-)

I love you blog so please keep writing!

Jennifer said…
I am the same way... I HATE MAYO! so yeah, girly lunches really stink for me. I usually just end up eating fresh fruit because all the other has mayo or salad dressing on it. YUK!!! who started the association of mayo with feminine food?? disgusting!
Sara said…
I am SO with you on the mayonnaise issue. I'm always "that girl" at parties, lunches, cookouts who barely touches a thing. Not that I don't eat, because I sure like to do that, but anything with a mayonnaise base makes me physically ill just thinking about it. My husband thinks I'm a drama queen, but it is seriously that disgusting to me. Another thing is raw onions. Cannot stand them. BLAH.
Oh girl, I am right there with you on the mayo issue. Once I accidentally ingested it at lunch, and I had to go home and lie down.

That being said, I do love yellow mustard, but I tend to become very detective-like with any type of mustard blend because I am always suspicious that it is infused with mayo! And I feel the same way about salad dressing. I would rather decline salad dressing altogether than chance a mayo blend.


Laurie, I soooo sympathize!
Jennifer said…
Awwww, honey, I will eat ANYTHING!! I was told to clean my plate growing up, and my mom served us every single meat and veggie on the planet!
Melissa said…
I am in the same boat as you....I hate MAYO will not touch it! I know your feeling about the women's lunch food. I would probably only it the fruit on the plate that Kelly showed. I have a FOOD problem too, but the funny thing is I hate yogurt but lately I have had the Blueberry Patch Yoplait Light yogurt and I LOVE IT! I put it in the freeze for a bit and it is so yummy! Just wanted to share!
Alice Fraggle said…
Hello! :) I just popped by randomly from Kelly's blog and I thought I'd offer up a suggestion. :) I'm not trying to be mean in anyway!!! Have you ever told anyone that plans these events that you hate those things? I only ask because if I know someone doesn't like something I always try to make sure there is something that they can eat. :) Nothing is worse than a hungry guest. I'm sure it would be embarrassing to stand up at an event and say that you hate those things, but I'd bet the ladies you hang out with would make sure there is something you'd like. :D Just a suggestion!

As for me - I can't eat bratwurst. I have in the past, but the last time my husband made them I realized I hate them! I also can't eat any meat once I hit a chewy bit. If I'm eating a chicken patty or nugget and I hit a chewy bit I gag. It's weird. LOL
Julie said…
I've read your blog for awhile but haven't posted, but this is too near and dear to my heart!! I don't eat mayo, mustard OR ketchup and I too DREAD being invited to to someone's home for lunch! I just KNOW they are going to make chicken salad or tuna salad, have potato salad... you get my drift! YUCK, and I can not even think about eating it just to be nice. Luckily most of my friends know this but it is still hard. Also, as someone else posted the premade sandwiches at most places have mayo or mustard on them - seriously can't they just have packets on the side for those that want them?!? Doesn't it make the bread soggy when it is on there so long? Ewwww So I basically stopped by to say I feel your pain and panic and you are not alone.

Corinne said…
Potatoes. If I'm out somewhere, I will occasionally eat a chip or two with lots and lots of dip, but I won't go near any other potato products- mashed, baked, scalloped, not even potato skin appetizers at restaurants. So far I'm the only person I've ever met with potato phobia!
ashley1996 said…
I told myself I wouldn't comment because I don't know you, but I have to. I feel so close to this subject. I thought I was the only people in the world like this. All my life I have been picked on and made fun of for my pickyness. It is nice to be able to read about others with this fear and phobia. I will eat the stuff, but I drink a lot of water to wash it down. It's the only way I know not to leave a plate of food.
Miss E said…
ME TOO.... its beyond nasty
Kellie said…
I saw that on Kelly's blog too....the only thing I would have eaten was the fruit too!!! Mayonnaise is GROSS!!
Oh and the bird thing..I had a teacher in middle school with that same phobia. One day the windows were open and a bird flew in...she covered her head, ran from the room screaming and slammed the door behind her!
Kelly M said…
Laurie, I love this blog post! I also hate mayonnaise and birds! Thankfully, mayo is pretty easy to avoid, but I once had a job where I had to take big globs of mayo and put them in little pots for tables at a restaurant-every single morning! GROSS! If you ever come to Seattle, you'll be safe eating at my house!
Dina said…
Oh my goodness! I am the same way about food! I won't eat any condiments at all. They totally gross me out. Mustard and mayo are the worst!
Plan Our Health said…
I like pretty much anything except Hot Pockets. When they are being microwaved and start to smell, I will literally gag. I don't know what it is about them, but that's really the only food that totally makes me gag.
cwhaley78 said…
i will not eat lunch meat makes me gag and i hate mayo too but love ranch dressing! lol your girls are too cute!
The Allens said…
That is so funny! I can't eat foods that I don't like, either. My husband can. He'll eat an entire meal and tell me he didn't like it!
Jenn said…
Mayo makes our entire family gag! We will eat Tuna salad and when I have to use it in that I use a VERY small amount! A few times I've almost had to have my 11 year old spoon it out of the jar.
I can't believe how many people hate mayo! I LOVE it, I can eat it by the spoof full! I love mayo and peanut butter sandwiches with a slice of cheddar cheese. I love all cheese too. I can't stand milk though, i could never drink a glass of milk, it makes me gag! I hate most fruits too. I can not stand onions! If they are in a dish, I will not eat the dish, which stinks because the hash brown casserole at Cracker Barell would be good if it didnt have onions. I hate barbecue sauce and steak sauce like A-1. I will not eat any kind of fish, including tuna. The only seafood I will eat is shrimp scampi. I hate raw shrimp. I'll never eat crab, lobster, mussels, or anything of that sort.
merlin said…
most anything prepared by somebody else and it isn't because I am awesome in the kitchen or a food snob, it is because I am terrified to get ill from eating food that wasn't prepared properly/safely
Potlucks/Buffets are definitely out of the question
Kimberly said…
I am SO with you on the MAYO, dislike, dislike! I also do not eat sour cream (unless it is baked into a pound cake, but I HATE the part of putting it in the batter!), mustard, or raw vegetables. I am the girl who orders my burgers plain and dry, meat, cheese and bread only, and everyone usually asks why I don't just order the "kid burger". Being a picky eater is not a bad thing, it just means we are more selective :)
Kayla said…
NO MAYO for me either! GAG!

No pancakes, waffles, french toast. I can not eat Maple Syrup. yuck

I hate steak and cheesecake too. The textures don't get me I just do not like them.
Love from Texas said…
Oh funny! I'm like that with OLIVES! I put one in my mouth one time thinking it was a grape on my salad and almost hurled right there in the restaraunt on a "date" with my husband. He was thrilled ;) I have the same gagging problem with PB&J. I can't even stand the smell.

I actually used to be the exact same way with mayo up until about 4 years ago. (I've heard your tastes change every 10 years.) But now I like it!
Sara said…
I know I am late commenting, but I did want to mention my dislikes.

Really, I dislike quite a few things and this becomes very obvious every time I go to pick a recipe out of a cookbook. In fact, I don't have many because I only seem to like about four or five in each one. Most of the time there are so many ingredients I don't like I just move on to the next page, and you can probably imagine how frustrating it is for me to find one that will work.

I feel sooo crazy compared to my friends, but I am glad to know I am not the only one:)
Carrie said…
We're kindred spirits in the white, creamy condiment department. I despise ranch, mayo, tartar sauce, sour cream, cottage cheese, and any other nasty creamy white sauce. I'll go to a Mexican food restaurant and very politely ask for my quesadilla/nachos, etc with NO guacamole or sour cream, and then they'll plop it right smack dab in the middle of my food - gag me with a spoon! I am such a cheese lover, but I CANNOT handle velveeta or saucy American cheese, or any slimy orange cheese sauce.
Alyssa said…
You wouldn't last long around me- I LOVE mayo and mustard! I used to be super picky, but there are only a few that I simply can NOT eat- Polish sausage and anything that comes from water. The thought of fish and seafood terrifies me.
Her Preppiness said…
I cannot eat mayo either. Never have and never will. I sympathize.
K said…
Mayo makes me gag also! I always feel so awkward at any ladies lunch where mayo-centric foods are served. I feel sick just thinking about it.
Anna Cole said…
The only things I won't eat are raw onions, raisins and crazy stuff like liver, cow tongue, intestines of any kind, etc...
Lindsey said…
Oh my goodness, this is funny! I don't like mayo either! I also don't eat seafood, pork (but I will eat bacon), steaks, mushrooms, any eggs other than scrambled and the list goes on... I'm thankful for a husband who will eat anything I make. :)

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Something Good to Eat

Ever since Steve and I started dating, when we would go to Mississippi, his aunt would make the BEST ROAST IN THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!! Steve's Dad's side of the family gets together at his Granny's house for lunch every Sunday after church. The food is always sooo good!!!!!!!!!!!! I have always taken a liking to his Aunt Judy's roast. It really is the best roast I have ever had. When we were there on Labor Day weekend, my sister in law asked Aunt Judy for the recipe. Aunt Judy began naming all the ingredients. She said Ranch Dressing mix, and I bugged my eyes out and nearly chocked. I HATE RANCH DRESSING. I don't even like to be in the room with it. I had to focus on the word MIX....not the mayo and butter milk and sour cream that you add to it. Just typing those words makes me shudder. The recipe sounded awful as she rattled off the ingredients, but I promise, you have got to make this if you like a good roast. Trust me on this. Here it is: Get a tender chuck


Maybe I am wrong, but I don't remember life being so complicated when I was in middle school. Everything is so competitive now.  Maybe it was back then and I just didn't realize it. Sarah Kate started playing city league softball a couple of weeks ago.   We've been encouraged to get her private batting lessons. When I was in third grade I started playing softball and I just did it for fun!  No stress at all, as far as I can remember!  I just played.  I wasn't very good, but I liked it! Ha! Emily started band this year!  Before school started, I got a letter from the school district strongly encouraging "your band student to take instrument lessons."  WHAT?  I bought into it and got Emily private clarinet lessons (which she really enjoys)! But, what happened to learning as you go?  I never thought about taking private trumpet lessons when I started band. It seems like most parents are striving for their child to be THE BEST.  I guess that's a go

Life in Pictures!

Emily is enjoying her first year in band.  I am very impressed with her playing skill! Sarah Kate was recently awarded the empathy award at her school.  She is very deserving of this! Here we are before the Cotillion Holly Ball.