"Who have you made mad?" That is the question the urgent care Dr. asked me after about 30 seconds of examining me. While we were at the beach, I developed a sore throat on Tuesday evening. I blew it off as a Summer cold and was determined to enjoy my vacation despite the discomfort. Thursday, I felt so bad that I could not get out of bed until almost noon. My ears had stopped up and my left ear hurt from so much pressure. It was oozing too. I was also SO HOT! I never get hot, but I could not seem to cool down. I knew there must be something bad wrong with me! Determined to enjoy the beach, I walked down to the shore for about a thirty minute rest on the chair. My sore throat seemed to go away while I was down by the water. It was some strange phenomenon. Friday we had our twelve hour drive home. I sat there in the passenger seat in misery. Saturday morning I saw a Dr. He diagnosed me with strep throat ...