I am very thankful to be a part of a discipleship/mentoring group with some very Godly ladies in my church. We are reading a book right now called Gospel by JD Greear. I highly recommend it! I read something last week that I want to share with you: "In Christ, there is nothing I can do that would make You love me more, and there is nothing I have done that makes You love me less." I hope that will encourage someone today. Last semester we read the book Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero. I read something in that book that is SOOOO good and SOOOOO true: -Life is hard. -You are not that important. -Your life is not about you. -You are not in control. -You are going to die. I want these 5 facts framed and hanging in my house! In lighter news: I made a little run to Hobby Lobby yesterday and could not leave the store without this sweet bunny and his carrots.