We have been boring lately and I am okay with that! Not too much going on with us lately.
My Dad is doing pretty well. A Z-pack from the doctor has seemed to help his cough. He would be doing a lot better if it were not for his broken ankle. His mother, my Grandmama, broke both of her ankles in her later years. She did not break them at the same time but a few years apart. My Dad inherited her SKINNY ankles that seem to snap like twigs. Unfortunately, I did not get that trait. My ankles look mighty sturdy.
I had a physical on Friday and got a great report. I had been wanting to do this for several years now. My Mom has heart and cholesterol troubles. I was curious to see how I was doing. I need to exercise more. Well, exercise. Not more, because I don't do any now.
boring can be good!!
I'm like you, I need to just exercise. I daydream about it a lot :)
Sarah Kate & Kenlee would get along famously!
sometimes it is nice to be boring, enjoy it before business comes back.
Glad to hear your Dad is doing well. Prayers and thoughts that he continues to get better.
Glad your dad is doing well. I had to LOL at your sturdy ankles comment.