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While I was Away

I guess you could say this post is like looking at a stranger's photo album.

I was away from my girls for 11 days when Daddy had his heart attack and surgery. I am very very thankful for the friends that took care of my girls while I was away. I can never repay Kelly E., Kelly S., Amber, Amanda and Tracy for taking such good care of my girls and giving them such a great time.
Steve and I are so blessed to have wonderful parents!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Steve's Mom and Dad came and took care of the girls most of the time I was away. They did a fantastic job and gave the girls a very normal routine. I don't know what we would have done if they had not come?
While looking through our pictures a couple of weeks ago, I found some pictures that my mother in law had taken during the time they were here. I got a kick out of seeing them!
Sarah Kate had a dentist appointment that they took her to. The doctor found her cavity on this visit.
They took the girls to dance.
Sarah Kate got some new sun glasses.
They took the girls to a school carnival.
Steve, his parents and the girls came to see us in Little Rock at the heart hospital one weekend. The girls were so happy to see Meme and Granddaddy! They got special permission to go up to my Dad's room and see him for just about 10 minutes. That visit did us all good! Every once in a while Sarah Kate will say, "Granddaddy in the hospital?" She also says, "Grandaddy has a scratch on his leg and his chest." ha! It is MORE than a scratch. They had to open up his chest and also took a vein from his right leg.
Amanda had kept SK on this day and gave her a pony tail. She had never had one and she was sooooo proud of it! She would not let anyone take it out for two days.
In the Lobby at Arkansas Heart Hospital. The hospital was freezing at all times. I made a run to walmart one morning and got us these warm, white jackets. We wore them non-stop! I still wear mine all the time.
A blog friend, Somer, was a HUGE blessing to us while in Little Rock! She did all sorts of nice things for us. She even brought me some Chili's chips and salsa!!!!! She got us passes to the Wonderplace and the zoo. We loved both of them!!!! Here is Emily, my future vet.

She was so happy!

Riding the carousel at the zoo. This is a fun one.
Pop had a close encounter with a tarantula.
Steve has been growing peppers. The girls were looking at some worms on the plants.
Little artists!

My Dad saw his cardiologist this week and an orthopedist. He is out of his walking boot. His ankle is healing really well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He thinks he got a good report from the cardiologist. He is waiting to hear from his echocardiogram and blood work. We are so thankful to the Great Physician!!!!!!!

I got my lip stitches our yesterday and it hurt a little bit. But I can't even tell anything has happened to my lip. I could hear everyone this week. That is always good. The theme for this week was tall people. I saw three women in the clinic that were at least 6 feet and a couple of men at least 6'4."
Last week I was the loudest person there, this week I was the shortest.


Nancy said…
So glad your Dad is doing good! I can't even see my Dad's scar on his leg or his chest anymore! He had his first heart attack @ 45, now he is 70! That's when I asked Jesus into my heart ~ when he was going through all of this (I was about 9 years old!!)- God has been in charge of every detail in his journey & I am so grateful!!

Isn't it great to have wonderful friends that are so giving & love you at all times!?
I adore your blog!
Tara G. said…
I can hear the artist in you as you make all these observations of things perhaps I would not pay much attention to- love it!
Tara G. said…
P.S. Thrilled your dad is doing better!!!
Melissa said…
such great pictures...i can't believe SK never had a pony before...LOL

wonderful news for your dad...and he will continue getting better and better!

yeah for your lip!!!
Kim said…
Laurie you are hilarious!
I'm so thankful your dad got a good report on his ankle! Praise the Lord!!
Miss you!
oh yeah!!! i'm so glad your dad is better! i meant to text you this week and ask about him, but my iphone was stolen and i lost all my recently acquired numbers! may the great reports only continue. all my best to you and yours...

and can i just add ditto on the wretched blackbird!! have mercy!!!!!
Lauren said…
GREAT news about your Dad!!!!! :)

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