Today has been a wonderful day! I went to the hospital EARLY this morning to be there for Hollis' birth. Harper was so cute and friendly to everyone this morning. She calls me "Waurie" and I love it!

She did not know what to think about her Momma going into the operating room.

Lots of prayers have been prayed for Hollis to be healthy. Thank you Jesus, she is perfect! I got to do some baby holding tonight and I could have held her all night long and not gotten tired of her. Her hair is simply wonderful. It is a lot thicker than mine is.
I love this picture because it looks like she is telling us,"I'm okay" with her precious hand.

Kelly looked great. This was made soon after she got out of the recovery room.
I am so excited for Kelly and Scott to experience life with two girls!!!!
Yesterday I got the girls some swim suits. They were soooooo excited. Sarah Kate's looks like a pink tutu. She calls it her " swim scoot."
Emily 's is a bikini (She has wanted one for the past year.) She calls her's a "kini."
I'm sure miss Harper will always have a soft spot for her 'waurie' ;0)
Hollis is just precious and I am so thankful she is healthy and perfect.
I bought Amelia a swimsuit yesterday. Have to get them now while all of the cute ones are still available. :)
Your girls are so funny!
Odie Bogg
I made your roast tonight! I had no idea what to expect with those ingredients, but it was AMAZING! Definitely will be making that more often!!