Emily swinging like a monkey at KLRC radio station. SK telling everyone "shhhhshhhhh" but, she was the LOUDEST one!

Emily after I had given her "THE LOOK."

Yesterday our playgroup made a little field trip to Siloam Springs for a tour of one of our local Christian radio stations. The station is KLRC-101.1. I have enjoyed this radio station ever since I moved to NWA about 16 years ago. I LOVED seeing what the place looks like and what the people behind the voices look like. I know that I enjoyed the trip a LOT more than my girls did!!!! Emily and some of her friends got to say the Pledge of Allegiance to be aired in a couple of weeks. The station records different children for the pledge that is aired every morning on their morning show.

My children made me a nervous wreck. I could just see them breaking a microphone or pushing a button that made them go live on air.

Here they are recording the pledge.

I KNOW the man that gave us a tour was sooo happy to see us leave. He was sooooo very nice and kind but I noticed he suggested we "all move outside" for a group picture.
We also went to a local park at let the kids play. I am just an old and nervous mother. Most parks make me miserable with my children because I am so nervous they are going to get hurt. They are always attracted to the highest, most dangerous equipment. I am also afraid they might run off or something. If the playground equipment is taller than about a foot and the place is not fenced in, I am miserable, but I take them because I know they LOVE it!
We took the long way home and I stopped at four antique/ junk stores. I didn't find anything I liked more than the ones I had found on Wednesday. I came back to town and bought my favorite piece to go in Sarah Kate's room. I feel I made the perfect choice. I am going to paint it a turquoise blue.