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The Text

I have told you before that I am not much into texting. I average getting about two text a week. On a good day, I text people back. My phone is VERY basic and does not do anything fancy at all. Yesterday afternoon I had my phone sitting on the end table in the living room. Kristen was sleeping on the arm of the couch next to the phone. I was in the bedroom when I heard a "BEEP BEEP." I was so excited, I had gotten a text. Kristen nearly had a heart attack because she was so scared by the sound of my phone.
I leaped into the living room to see who the text was from. It was from Steve. His number appeared on the top of the screen. This is what it read:

"Spending the night with the Stamps, I will talk to you tomorrow"

I was thinking...WHAT IN THE WORLD????????????? Steve has NEVER even sent me a text and he is very very serious when he is at work. He is all business there and does not call me from work all that often. I was stumped at why he would be sending me a text from work saying he was spending the night with Kelly and Scott. I thought it was a joke, but then Steve would never do anything like that while he is working.
Then I lost my appetite and my stomach began rumbling. I started thinking about what could have happened. Had the pink furry robe done him in? Had I said something terrible to hurt him? The night before our marriage was good, healthy, happy. I texted back and said, "WHAT?" He did not reply.
I called him................. NO ANSWER.
I was thinking this is the craziest thing in the world. I thought about calling Kelly.
About that time Steve called me. I answered with "what was that text about ??????"
He said, "Text?"..."What text?"

It hit us at about the same time.......................... Steve had sent me that text back in November when we were in South Arkansas. He was at the Stamps deer camp about 45 minutes away from my parents house. He had stayed out late cleaning a deer and decided it would be best if he just stayed at the Stamps house rather than make the 45 minute drive back to my parents house. I never read/got that text because we had talked on my parents phone right after he sent the text. Why was it just now coming through my phone?????? Who knows ..........that is what you get with a phone that cost $35 and a girl that does not know how to use it.

Mystery solved.

By the time he got home, I think he had nearly talked himself into being mad at me for thinking he would leave me. I didn't think that he would, but given the information I had, what was a girl to think?????????

I don't think I have ever been so glad to see Steve when he came in from work last night. I told him several times that I was so glad he was home with me and not sleeping on the Stamps couch!

Steve and I do joke about the pink robe. I know that is not the man's dream look for his wife. I do take it off right before Steve gets home from work. I heard great advice many many years ago from a very wise woman at Bible Study Fellowship. She said that women should always try to look their best when their husbands come home from work. She said, take about five minutes every evening before he walks in the door to powder your face, reapply lipstick and straighten the house a little. I have always tried to practice that.


Charity said…
Oh Laurie.. I love you!! you remind me SO MUCH of my best friend Kim!! you make me smile! :)
Lauren said…
HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just love your Laurie and your sense of humor!!!
Tracy said…
Laurie, I have to admit I was so shocked when I got your text yesterday. It made me smile!
Kelly said…
Scott and I laughed about that last night!!!
So funny!!!!
It's hard to look nice for your husband when he comes home when he works from home. Bless Scott's heart. ha!
Lauren said…
It's so endearing that your mind went straight to the pink robe. :)
Laura Burciaga said…
You are so funny!!! Thanks for sharing that little story! I, too, have a pink robe. But thankfully my husband doesn't mind it too much!
Ryan V. said…
That's such a funny story!! You and Kelly both crack me up! And I have also heard that advice before about putting yourself together before hubs gets home. I try to practice it as well :)
Kaysie said…
Oh Laurie! You had me laughing so hard when you said "had the furry pink robe done him in?" Haha! Glad it all turned out to be and texting misunderstanding. :)
emily said…
haha! my boyfriend's phone sometimes does the same thing. i will ask him why he didn't respond to a text from earlier in the day and he will say he never got it. a few days later, he will respond and say 'i just got your text.'

i bet there are alot of text messages hanging out in outerspace. :)
NeverEnoughTime said…
hehe, I have a pink robe as well :O)
I heard the same thing from BSF!!!! I try to do my best...some days it seems like so much work!
I can't imagine getting no texts...I get tons all day long..but I also have a Blackberry and all my email comes to it! it is a strange sound around here when my phone is quiet.
Claire said…
Oh my, how strange! So glad there was a happy (and funny!) ending!

Nancy said…
You crack me up!!!
Jill said…
Laurie, I just love you. I'm laughing so hard right now. There is no way Steve could ever leave a jewel like you. Pink robe or not!!

I have heard that bit of advice too...I'm not very good at it. I'm usually in a tshirt covered with snot (not my own of course) and yoga pants. Poor Alex.
KatieB. said…
Hilarious! Absolutely hilarious.

I once heard that the first five minutes after work can set the tone for the whole evening. I try to remember that when I get home from work and walk in the door.
Run26.2Mom said…
That is too funny!!!! The pink robe looks very comfy! When cool weather approaches my husband calls it the beginning of 120 days of black yoga pants. ha! At least the robe is pretty!
leslie_argirl said…
oh how funny, Laurie! too funny that you immediately thought about the pink robe! love reading your blog -- so funny and insightful! (we don't know each other - i found your blog through kelly's - but i love your writing and sense of humor!)
Lori said…
I heard that same thing about the 5 minute prep before the hubs walks in the door, it was at a womens retreat at church in PA.many, many years ago. How funny.
Christa said…
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Christa said…
Your SOO funny! You have the best sense of humor!!
The Ormons said…
That is too funny that you thought that. You know Steve wouldn't leave you.... as far as getting dolled up for your husband.. I think about that too. I always have that old gray sweatshirt on so lately I have chosen a red ole miss long sleeve tshirt. To add color, but Justin isn't fond of the ole miss part.. ha
Plan Our Health said…
That is REALLY funny! You always look so nice in your pictures too! :)
Melanie Mueller said…
Oh my gosh....that is too funny! You poor thing. My mind would have gone nuts too. Crazy phones!
Haha...thats funny stuff!! This cracked me up!
Bless your heart, I can imagine how I would have felt.
I remember in the early days of my marriage, I slept with makeup on..I was scared my husband would run away if he saw me without it LOL..
Maryellen said…
LOL what a great story. Oh how our immaginations can run wild. I would have been right there with ya! No wonder God tells us to take every thought captive. hah

I too heard a great devotional about a lady who noticed the look on her husbands face when his daughter would run to greet him when he comes in from work. The joy and delight. So she started running to greet him as if her day had just begun when he arrived home from work. She too wanted to give him that same look on his face !
Kim said…
This is funny! I sure wish you were a texter!! Many times a week I think, "oh, I need to tell Laurie that"...but you don't text and I forget by the time we talk again! Maybe all your friends should pitch in a buy you a good phone! :)
Tara G. said…
That is really funny! I have some pink pj's my husband hates...I've been slowly trying to replace all that is in that drawer!
Faith said…
Hahaha! Your stories make me laugh so hard. You are a trip!
Anonymous said…
Hilarious!! Laurie, I just love your sense of humor. :)
Amy said…
A friend once told me to make a list of 5 different things like 1)laundry done, 2)dinner almost ready 3)house picked up (where you can walk!) 4)kids bathed 5)wife looking good. Your husband is supposed to rate most important to him and you try to always have 1) on his list done. Looking good is #4 for mine, so that never happens!:)
Michelle said…
Oh my gosh, Laurie, I'm with ya! I recently texted my daughter "I'm here" (picking her up from an evening practice), but when she never responded, I soon realized it wasn't HER I texted ... it was her brother's FRIEND! Duh. ;)

My husband is the same way my with "frumpy" attire! I often wonder if we'd love our "frump-a-lumps" as much if they DID like them, though, you know? ;)
Holly said…
Oh dear! I can see why that freaked you out! :O
Kathryn said…
That is soooo funny!!!! I could see how that would make you wonder. LOL!!! Glad it was all okay.

LOVE the pink robes.
Pickel said…
Oh boy oh boy oh boy!!

Hugs, Camille

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