Thank You Thank You Thank You to all of you who took the time to read my blog and tell me about jeans that might work for me! You have given me great direction! I am glad to know I don't have to go around like this forever.
We have beautiful snow at our house today! I put the girls in mismatched WARM clothes and we went out. I wore my pink robe with a ski jacket over it. YES I DID! I could have stayed for hours because I was so warm. I am sure that no one saw me because we stayed in the backyard.
I should also point out that I have to pull them up to my chest because they are so long. Which totally adds to my "cool" factor. :-P
I'm concerned. I don't own a robe, but I may have to get one after reading about yours. Oh, the blog pressure!!!
Have you tried the new Blitzen Crocs? They are awesome!! Mine are brown with pink fur. SO WARM!!!
I'm in my moo moo as I type this & it's a really bad blue but oh so warm. :)