When I was in South Arkansas this Summer I bought this old chest of drawers for $45 at a flea market. It was dark wood, but pretty worn and torn. I wanted to paint it RED. Last week I sanded it, painted it, and then antiqued it. I LOVE doing that kind of stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have it in my entry way. It is going to be great for storage. I am keeping Emily's school work in it. ( I DO have knobs for the top drawer, they are just not on there yet!)

Sarah Kate had an allergic reaction to the church's baby wipes at Mother's Day Out. Bless her sweet heart! BUT...........this really explains a lot! SK has had REALLY bad diaper rash for about a year now. It is always worse on Sunday, Tuesday and Wed. Those are the days we are at church. We have thought that it might be the church wipes. Now we know. They cleaned her messy face with a wipe and this is what happened. She has VERY VERY sensitive skin. I am going to start taking our own wipes to church for her.
She had a great day at school!
What kind of wipes do they use? Parent's Choice? We use Pampers sensitive skin because H has sensitive skin too. So sad.
Love the chest!
And oh my word - poor Sarah Kate! I hate that for her!
Thanks for sending me a note about the small woman...I knew it would be sad....
Poor SK! I'm glad you know what caused it so you can avoid it now. :( My kids have really sensitive skin too. Rhett has had several bad reactions to things, and Alexee and Crosby have constant dry skin.
LOVE the chest and it looks so good with the girls' portrait!
SO sad about SK's face. My youngest as the same problem. WE also thought it was yeast infections and found that she's allergic to Nystatin...or at least she seems to have a chemical burn if we use it. Also, BOTH of my girls get chemical burns from the target brand of diapers. So now we use sensitive everything.
Love the chest of drawers -- great job, Laurie!
And I LOVE your red chest!!! You may have given me that little boost I needed to finish a desk I've had in the garage for months now! THanks!!!!
And I love your red dresser!
I LOVE the red chest. My favorite color. You did great Laurie! :)
Hope SK is better soon. Poor thing.
I love that dresser and that shade of RED! Can you tell us how you antiqued it?
And, poor SK! Oh that makes me sad for her. Hope she is feeling much better now!
Love the dresser! I like to throw a red or bright yellow piece into most rooms. I don't know why but I like it.
Poor SK. Oh my goodness, that breaks my heart. So thankful you guys figured it out, but that's NO fun. :(
And I LOVE the red chest of drawers.