I am very happy to report that my shoulder and my pride have recovered from the dress disaster. I loved reading all the comments. Seems I am not the only one that has had the same experience.
We are having VBS this week. This is Emily's first year to actually go to VBS. Our church starts kids at 4. I think she is really enjoying it. I can't get much out of her. I have to drag the information about what went on out of her. My mother always asked me what I learned in school when she picked me up every afternoon. I would always say,"nothing." I know how my mother felt now.
I have the wonderful opportunity to work in the nursery. I am in the "under one" class. I LOVE every minute of it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE babies! I have loved babies ever since I was a baby.
Just thought you might enjoy seeing the little babies in my class.